Gaia Community

compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion


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0 ZERO - TAO - NO THING - 10 - 100 1000 - 10,000 - 1,000,000 & Powers of 10


2 begot two - 02/02/02 - 2B truly CHARITABLE -

3 begot three which IS THE relationship twix ONE & two

4 quadrants & AQAL


6 Quark types - up - down - strange - charm - top - bottom

7 DAYs of the week - 70 years old today!

8 LIGHT minutes from our solar light force

9 TENTHS of the distance to our moon


Acorn Video - Alpha - AS WE MAY THINK - Aurobindo - toward authentic SELF - ALL - NON-ACTION -

ACTION - and THEREIN lies the conundrum - AFRAID? - AWAKE - Associative trails - ALL roads -

ALL conflicts - ALL Science - Albert Einstein - Angel Gateway - Another Brick - A place - ALL hail -

An Exclusive Invitation - At this most critical juncture - A POWERFUL STORY - Axeman Cometh - 

Apple - Art of the Possible - Alhambra - A call to ACTION - Autistics - ACTION ACTION ACTION -



Brave NEW Worlds Bravo - Beta - basis - BBC Computer Literacy Project - bureaux Bridge of LOVE

Ba'bel - BIO PSYCHO SOCIO - Bifurcation Point - balance & harmony - BE PART OF SOMETHING

BETTER - BEING in the WORLD - Really BIG PICTURE - Babel Fish  - bu yan zhi jaio tian xia xi ji zhi -

Bhawan Shree Rajneesh - A NEW beginning - buries hatchet - black dogs - Blanes - Best restaurant -

Barcelona - Brugge - Brain MAP - 


CRISIS - Charlie - COMPASSION - Chinese Puzzle Box - contemplate - coming to terms with - canon -

Calling ALL YOU angels - Collective INDEPENDENCE - therein lies the conundrum - father christmas -

chaos and confusion - capitalism - CHICKEN or the EGG ? - Caring Revolution - compassionate love -

chaotic moment - curious case of BEING British - making the right connections - to construct peace

Club of Budapest - cascading water - collective mind-setchange WORLDS Crazy ones - culture -

coming together - CROW RISING - COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE - Community on the bottom line -

Chain Bridge - conscious perception - cockle picking - crises - cultural revolution - Cosmic Spiral -

conundrum - Chateau d'Oex - corrupt structure of power - consciously aware - consciousness -


discovering - Delta - division - Domesday - dilemma - dance dynamism of chaos - DEATH -

disconnecting the mechanism - Dalai Lama - DNA - Down THE Rabbit Hole - DDT- beat of the drum 

- DESTINY - Don't be EVIL - Don't KILL the messenger - Dreamstorming - Dubai Arab Women's

Forum - Dr. Clare Graves - Dr. Carl Gustav Jung - Douglas E. Harding Dyslexics - Democracy NOW-

Deep Shifts - DNA OVERVIEW - Divine Matrix - Dangerous to HANDLE - Dolphin Slaughter - DICEnet

- The Arts DYSLEXIA TRUST - diverse creative activities - Duodecahedron - delusion of power -

defying gravity -


EVIL - Echo - expanding - Einstein ego - exclusive - evolution V revolution - ecology - EQUINOX -

EVERY DAY - EVERY SINGLE THING - Existence of GOD - Everybodys problems - Eifel Tower -

Empathic Civilisation - Emptiness & Form - Ethical Standards - Ecocide -


FORGIVE - Foxtrot - fear - future - freedom - female fecundity - feasting in the flame - families - 

FORCES of NATURE v HOMOSAPIENS - foreign policy agenda - first one hundred piece jigsaw - FLOW

flight of locks - farce - fibonacci sequence - Fountain-head of all creation! - falling leaves - feelings

Flying with the birds - Fraser Spiral - first piece - FLOS table lamp -


galactica - Golf - gates of eden - grateful for gratitude - Graves - guernica - gateway - genius -

GLOBAL FOREIGN POLICY - Glass Steagle - gunpowder, treason and plot - global machine -

IS God a Pacifist? - GOD is LOVE - greatest illusion - Gstaad - Jean GIONO - groups of people -

growing up -  


hand - Hotel - Hopi - Human Cycle - HUBBLE - habitat/HOMO SAPIENS - A Short History - Heaven -

heigh-ho heigh-ho - Having LISTENED to the children - THE HUB of the WEB - Howl's Moving Castle

- HUMAN Rights and the Principles of Responsibility - Ha Ha BONK - Horns of a dilemma -

Headless Way - Hierarchy of Heaven and Earth - Have you heard - hear no - human camera -

harmony's consumption - The Higher WE - Holism (from Greek holos) - holographic mind-shift -

Harmonius Interrelatedness - The Human Camera - hologram of consciousness - Hypercard -

HOLISTICALLY PLAN/WORK WORK/PLAN - a new humanity - Hungry for THE Truth -


Individual - India - interpretation - integral - italic writing - IS - INSIGHT arises Insight arising - 

IDEA that it is possible - image-in-IT - Information is the light - IF a jobs worth doing - IF ONLY -

I Self - IS IT NOT - IF capitalism IS to SURVIVE - IF the next Buddha - host of IDEAS - Integral Artists

definition of insanity - irreversible trends - INTEGRATION - Integral Leadership - interconnections -


Jung - Juliet - jackanapes - jigsaw - jig-a-jig - japanese calligraphy - jacinth just add water -

Jesus - Journey up the mountain - Jacques-Fresco - Junk DNA -


KILL - Kilo - Kodak - King & establishment - Kuan Yin - What the ***** do we KNOW - knowledge -


Kosmic Consciousness -


LOVE IS NOT- Lima - LILA - the Leonardo Link - candle LIGHT of loved one - leap - LIFE lesson - 

LEAD by example - let your GOODNESS shine through - lessons of silence - LET GOD BE GOD - 

Let the leader - Let the PEOPLE decide - Lila's Child - LILA Squad - Leonardo's Deluge - Love - LEAP

Lies and Bullshit and Global Leadership - LIGHT of LIFE - lucid - love of nature - long view - LATCC 

- La Forclaz - Lao Tzu - The Last Supper - Lost in THE System - Lesser Evil - cycles of LIFE -


matrix - MEMEX - Mike - Mohegans - the messenger - moon - mind - experience of the moment -

MAGLEVmobius construct - most dangerous man in INDIA - At this MOST CRITICAL juncture 

metaphysics of quality - monopoly institution- what is metaphysics? - medium of communication -

MONEY - making waves - make the right connections - Mama Earth Mis-fits - Merchants of LOVE -

an artsistic MEDITATION - "mine" this WEALTH - In the Mind's Eye - moral heroes - MAPS - My HEAD

most critical juncture -


NEW - November - Nobody is going to tell me what to do! - THE next Buddha NOTHING - NOVA -

new masters of the globe - Namaste ! - WE R the normal ones - NEW beginning - NAQOYQATSI -

NON-Celebrities - National Marriage Week - NEW Integral Leadership Review - the NEW NEWS -

new order of things - new art form - NEW Moral Compass - Never Ending Quest -


ONE - Oscar - OSHO - old/new order - ON this Day - Original face - The Omega Point - Obama - 

OPENING THE DOOR - the other information revolution - OUR History will be WHAT WE MAKE of IT -

Osmiroid 65 italic - ON DEMAND COLOUR - OH 2B - On the occasion - on this anniversary - oneness

an open letter to - op art - oak -


Perception - Papa - peace - power - prism - PROCESS of evolutionary enlightenment - PHAEDRUS -

THE PEOPLES of the USA - PERSEVERE - parallel worlds - prior to the dawn - penny on be someone -

permaculture - passing the torch - PEACE on EARTH - PEOPLE - Pirsig and LILA - portrait of -

POWAQQATSI - playing to the beat of a drum - powerful story - powerFULL! - the perfect union -

Professionalism - project of life - paean to the SUN - pattern perceiver - power of dyslexia -

primacy of consciousness -


qatsi - Quebec - the QUESTION as to WHO IS counting - Queen - Quo Vadis TRUTH ? - Quality -

QUINTESSENTIAL CHANGE - Qadoish, Qadoish, Qadoish, Adonai Tsebayoth - self-created quicksand

qualitative evolution -


RIGHTING - Romeo - ROME - remember - The RATS Castle - reflexions - responsibility - restrictions

RENDEZVOUS with DESTINY - reflecting globe - Rachel Carson - Robert M Pirsig - Rainbow Warriors

REBELS - Rise of Consciousness - Richard Feynman - Resource Based Economy - Reversing the -

Righteousness - RISE the RIGHTEOUS - 


Search - Sierra - soul-mates - SAME - supermind - I SELF - sense/place - space - spirit - Simple IS

as Simple DOES - symbolism - SILENT SPRING - staring into the abyss - signposts - SUCCESS has

MANY PARENTS - suffer the little children - SO BE IT - Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring -

Sanctity of marriage - THE SWITCH - second tier human existence - see no speak no - sacred spirit

speed of darkness - Sri Aurobindo - sole responsibility - sum of our knowledge - sense of self - 

seek to discover - shackles - since the beginning of time - some thoughts - sound of the soul -

St Francis of Assisi  - SPIRAL of LIFE - scientific misnomers - STOP THE STRASBOURG CIRCUS -

SIMPOL - Seeds of COMPASSION - SuperMind - Spirit of Einstein - subconscious manifestations -

Schafbachmule - sickness and insanity - Secession building - Its THE Stories, reallysense illusions

seedlings of reality - 


TAO - tea - Tango - trip - taxi - turiya - telecommunications - The man who planted TREES -

transcend & include - THE PEOPLES of the USA have DECIDED - trust - THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION -

Two Nations Divided by the same Language THE MOTHER - THE KOSMIC DANCE of the MIND - 


THANKS be to GOD - Time gentlemen please -  the engineer - The Milk is White - THINK WIDER -

The beginning of the end of the BEGINNING - The Mac Times - There is no such thing as - TRUTH -

TREES of INFORMATION - Towards Authentic Self - thousand piece jigsaw - The Turning Point -

Transition Towns - TO WAKE - FLOS Taccia Table lamp - TRAVELING the WAY - 


understanding - Uniform - UNITED - utopian status - surrender to uncertainty - UNDERGROUND -

the universe is made of stories - Unschooling - unifying framework -


V for Vendetta - Victor - psychology of VISUAL PERCEPTION - ALL VISIONARIES - Victor Vasarely -

Vision - VIENNA - Ver Sacrvm - Versuvius - Venus of Willendorf - Volkswagen "peoples' wagon" -

vision equipped drone - Vision for CHANGE - Visual Thinking - Very Special - Venus Project -

visual thinking - Vienna Secession Group - "visio/spatial" dominance -


Wolfram|Alpha - water Whiskey - welcome to - sharing wealth - What you are looking for IS - WE -

What came first - a WHOLE host - WHY we fight ? WHAT do you wish ? - Winston Churchill -

Wake up and find out who you are - Where is the NEW Guernica ? - What HAS 2B DONE - Waste -

Way of NATURE - WHY WE IF - World's oldest bank -


X-axis - X-ray - Xspirt - xylography - xography - xylan - XMAS - Xanadu - xerox - xenon


Yankee - R YOU beautiful ? - YOUniverse - YOU are imperfect - The YELLOW peril - YES WE CAN - 

Yalta - yesterday IS - Y-axis - YOSPIRAL -


ZEN master - Zulu - ZAADZ - ZODIAC ZEN - Z-axis - Ziff Davis CIO INSIGHT - ZERO -

ZEN and AofMM - Zaadsters_et_al@gaia UNITE - 


"Rats! I want to STOP link jumping because where I really am is only trying to understand that one point on the original page, and I've got to get back to the original page!!!" This mindset is ultimately stressful! So, today I said to myself, "Just follow links and learn something. That's all you have to do.

You don't have to go back or "go" anywhere. Just ENJOY yourself. It's not as if you will "get lost." So, I did. Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop.... who knows where all I went. Not caring, not thinking that much, just ripping around. And then I realized something. Everywhere I went was a place that you had already been! There's something tremendous in that, you know? I even found places that I had already been and posted comments on and then forgotten all about, and you had been there too, and there's what you said and what I said... and then the metaphor of the quilt came up, and I saw that if I follow your links, it's as if you have sewn the world for me...

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Views: 692

Comment by Michael Grove on October 23, 2012 at 22:26


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Comment by Michael Grove on September 4, 2013 at 8:12

Therein lies the art of "hidden entrances" to other interconnected "rabbit holes" ...

Comment by Michael Grove on December 16, 2015 at 8:14


Comment by Michael Grove on October 31, 2023 at 10:57
A Japanese explanation of the [FS4D] Art of the Possible...

.... YOU may ask why Japanese & what pray IS [FS4D] !!!???

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