compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
For the ancient Greeks. "chaos" was the empty void that
existed before the creation of the world and civilisation.
In confronting the orders of chaos, of growth and stability, it would appear that we
are now coming face to face with something which is buried in the very foundations
of HOMO SAPIENS' existence, which would lead one to believe that learning to
handle complexity means learning to live more intuitively, because intuition is
the key to making significant changes in complex systems, helping them
evolve and evolving with them.
Views: 489
Running a social network is as challenging as it is rewarding ... especially in the context of Margaret Meade's statement that ...
“Never doubt that a small, group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
As Elisabet Sahtouris has said in - Ecosophy: Nature’s Guide to a Better World
In this truly cosmic model, the Greeks believed that if we knew how
the greater cosmos was organized, we would know how to organize
our human cosmos. The greater cosmos came out of chaos, which was
not seen as the disorder for which we use the word chaos, but as the
unpatterned no-thing-ness of the universal source, the infinite
potential (chaos, more as in today’s chaos theory) within which all
arises. Thus, the matter of how cosmos-as-order arose and functions
is of supreme importance for human life.
Although ‘The Great Wave’ is often seen as typically Japanese, in fact
it mixes influences from both east and west. Hokusai’s imagination
had been captured in his youth by his discovery of European-style
perspective. Now, aged about seventy, he adapted European
perspective in a very inventive way, playing games in the image
between the relative sizes of the large storm wave in the foreground
and tiny Mount Fuji in the distance.
Japanese prints such as 'The Great Wave' influenced Western artists
such as Whistler, van Gogh and Monet. During the 20th century and
beyond, the image has spread even more widely into popular culture
and has been frequently replicated and adapted. It is even painted as
a mural on a house in Camberwell, South London. This British
Museum Exhibit is a unique opportunity to delve into the story
behind this iconic work, learn how Hokusai made ‘The Great Wave’,
and discover how the print has become a truly global inspiration.
The Chaos Point: The World at the Crossroads - by Ervin Laszlo. Charlottesville, VA
This is an inspirational book, a call for action, and a basis for hope. We have entered a window of opportunity that the author brilliantly illustrates using the concepts of chaos theory. Dr. Ervin Laszlo is a unique scientist who founded systems philosophy and general evolution theory. But he is also the founder and president of the Club of Budapest, an informal association of highly creative people who use their insight to enhance awareness of global problems and human opportunities.
The book starts with a Chinese proverb that warns, “If we do not change direction, we are likely to end up exactly where we are headed.” The author then summarizes the problems the world is now facing and their causes. He emphasizes that we are at a critical juncture in history. We now face a “decision-window.” We are headed on a path towards global breakdown where societies will experience accelerating terrorism, crime, wars, intolerance and an inhospitable biosphere for human life. Thus, there will either be a global breakdown of civilization or a breakthrough to a better future for our children and us.
William C. Gough, Chairman, Emeritus
Foundation for Mind-Being Research
442 Knoll Drive, Los Altos, CA 94024
To send an email to Bill Gough click here
You can view it as a technology race or a joint venture in the common interest.
It hardly matters which. If the Chinese can crack thorium, the world will need less
oil, coal, and gas than feared. Wind turbines will vanish from our landscape. There
will less risk of a global energy crunch, less risk of resource wars, and less risk of
a climate tipping point.
I see, that You have thoughtfully saved the Zaadz stuff.
I admire that. Although, I missed the golden era, of Zaadz,
I did browse some of it, on Old Gaia, before it went down.
I also browsed Siona's autobiology, and was blown away,
with Her ability to intimately expose Herself, in Her writings.
Very moving. I fell in love with Her soul, right there.
I think that - that was what Zaadz was, intimately You,
with all of your flaws, and loves, and beliefs, and desires, "out there",
and people, "loving it", and you, because they were doing the same thing.
kind of an online "greenwich village", with lots of diversity, and acceptance.
You would know best. How was it, for You ? It obviously left its mark on You.
I am disappointed that Facebook Zaadz didnt seem to generate the same kind of joy.
It seems like an alumni gathering place, but thats all, sad, really.
Everyone has gone off,diaspora, doing their own thing, which kills the synergy of Zaadz.
Anyway, that is my "take on it", what is yours ? Thanks, for taking an interest, in Me.
I heartily agree with all of your comments about zaadz/siona/et al and particularly the synergy
that was zaadz, but as I have intimated below unless a social networking environment can take
advantage of every capability of the WEB 2.0 protocol - before we even start considering the use
of WEB 3.0 - to simulate real methods of open and disparate discussions, down the pub so to
speak, it is doomed to failure from a truly synergetic stand-point. Needless to say the seed that
was zaadz has been sown and blossomed in many ways, and although the window of opportunity
which WEB 2.0 presented is now almost closed, who knows what the future of the WEB and its
potential 10 billion users will bring !!!???
During the early part of my training as a civilian pilot/air traffic controller in the 1960's I was first
introduced to the mind-blowing experience of "flying" a de Havilland Trident Simulator. It was
mind-blowing for me, as a dyslexic 3D thinker, because my own vision as a child was of a future
time when we would be able to personally experience a simulation of the reality such that we
would not be able to tell the difference between the simulation and the reality. It had been
because of the support from my parents and their parents that I had succeeded in getting into
that simulator in the first place, but along the way I had been exposed to all of their diverse
spiritual & scientific beliefs despite the fact that they all subscribed to a similar set of values and
principles. As a result I was set on my own journey of discovery for the scientific reasoning for
mine and others personal experiences of spiritual connectivity. My eventual qualification as a joint
civilian/military air traffic controller took me to places I could not have even imagined - to the
point where I was being invited by the likes of IBM to present to them personal computer driven
multi-media simulations of future 3D global radar scenarios.
During the nascency of the world-wide web, discussions with Hewlett Packard, Kodak & Phillips
suggested the possibility of establishing a very powerful consumer driven social networking
environment, based on discussions about the implications and applications of the still to be
ratified WEB 2.0 protocol. As has often been the case, in my experience, existing companies have
been slow to react to the invariably small window of opportunity with which they are faced and
so it was with HP, Phillips and then Kodak. In the meantime the likes of Friendster and Myspace
appeared on the scene without incorporating the really powerful development capabilities which
the WEB 2.0 protocol provided for. So it was during 2005 that I became aware of a team of people
who were fully WEB 2.0 savvy, led by a man called Brian Johnson, working on a project called
ZAADZ. From the day of BETA launch I watched from afar and became mightily impressed by
every aspect of the ZAADZ initiative and so it was after some nearly six months I plunged in
In the meantime I continue to cherish what was and try to NOT forget that we are what we are
in some small and even significant way, because of our TIME@zaadz.
There’s a curious thing about Katsushika Hokusai’s Under the Wave off Kanagawa •
the renowned Japanese woodblock print that has come to be known, simply, as
The Great Wave. Although the composition is dominated by a monstrous ridge of
saltwater, which rises from the ocean like the Leviathan, the “star” of the picture is,
in fact, the distant, snow-capped peak of Mt Fuji, visible on the horizon.
This particular BBC Magazine Story relates to Dominic Swords, who wanting to shake-up his
life in 1997, went on a personal development course. One part of it required him to lead a
community project. "People were abseiling down buildings to raise money for charity. I'm not
the sort of person who does that one bit," he said. He wasn't an artist, but he always liked the
idea of painting a mural. "I remember going past them with my parents, looking up and just
thinking they were the coolest things ever." He owned a house with a wall big enough to
paint one on, so he decided that would be his project. "That was the easy bit," he says.
Deciding what to paint was harder. One night, he discussed options with a friend. He had
decided it had to be something natural • murals of people "always look rubbish", he says •
and had been thinking about a tree, swaying in the wind. But the friend said, "What about
a wave?" And then both had the same thought... "HOW about that Japanese ONE ?"
MY OWN personal BBC STORY, however, relates to my Journey of LiFE, during the time
of my involvement with Acorn and the BBC Computer Literacy Project.
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Terrill said
Beautiful Michael! So much is in the complexity of relations… I like how you have presented this world view. I wonder if my thoughts about celebrating neither here nor there would be a helpful concept in the telling of the future in the moment by moment unravelling of the present? Your work is so rich and complex that it provides a perfect example of the ideas that you are writing about!
martha said
Ah! It's like surfing–gliding like a feather atop the waters of the stream, but KNOWING that you're the feather, and deciding where to stop for lunch. Do you think there's synchronicity happening here?
Michael said
There can be NO BETTER FUTURE “VISION” of our collective awakening to THE REALITY of synchonicity, than Katsushika Hokusai's 36 Views of Mount Fuji.
Therein lies the wisdom of knowledge of understanding …
just imagine surf-gliding ALL that THAT comprises ! …
and then, in the context of the entirety of the BIG PICTURE …
reflect on the “verbal observations” of Jeremy Rifkin …
” At first glance, terms like “perspective”, “scenarios”, “models”, “creative possibilities” appear to signal a newfound awareness by humanity of its own limitations, of its inability ever to fully grasp or comprehend the truths of the universe. NOT SO. It is not humility that animates the new cosmological jargon but bravado. When we take a closer look, the new vocabulary suddenly takes on an entirely new appearance, at once menacing and intoxicating. Perspectives, scenarios, models, creative possibilities. These are the words of authorship, the words of a creator, an architect, a designer. Humanity is abandoning the idea that the universe operates by ironclad truths because it no longer feels the need to be constrained by such fetters. Nature IS BEING made anew, this time by human beings.”
… as a result of A CONSCIOUS RECOGNITION …
Samme said
Reflecting upon this, I have postulated that there can be “serenity in chaos”. Change is constant and sometimes change is although slow can be chaotic but “serene”. Chaos can be beautiful if you know how to “ride the wave”. Just look at the billions of stars out there. That is serenity in chaos. Serenity in a sense that we are so far apart from it that it looks so beautiful and serene but chaotic in its own surrounding environment. If what we are looking at out there is what was happening millions of years ago, we don't know that in those galaxies right now also are flourishing civilizations. We are both looking at each other in outer space and both do not have a clue as to the mysteries of life. Indeed we are all interconnected.
Michael said
ABSOLUTELY SO … which IS ALL part and parcel of the REALLY BIG PICTURE constant feed-back loop, itterative process, which ALWAYS results in A BIFURCATION POINT …
of course THE BIFURCATION POINT which HOMO SAPIENS IS NOW fast approaching will undoubtedly be a conscious awakening to, and an awareness of, syncronicity … beyond that THE SWITCH … switch on, tune in and drop out !!!
cHAngeL said
There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth.
We are all crew. ~ Marshall McLuhan, 1964
On 5 March 1966, BOAC Flight 911, a Boeing 707, broke up in flight and crashed near Mount Fuji Gotemba New fifth station, shortly after departure from Tokyo International Airport. All 113 passengers and 11 crew members were killed in the disaster, which was attributed to extreme clear air turbulence caused by lee waves downwind of the mountain.
Perhaps if our crew truly listens at this time, our big wave will act as ONE love.
Love for our children's future on the planet.
But we must BE like a flock,
ALL land on the water,
and ACT now.
cHAngeL said
Let the children put in their 2 sense worth.
Aren't they who the the change is for?
Who better to lead the crew.
“a mountain standing up shapely as an ear (ho) of a rice plant”
Listen to the children.
They are our air traffic controllers.
Michael said
In the context of the fact that the meteorological aviation experts of 1966 were only just coming to terms with the inter-action of jet transport and the high level eco-system … nevertheless as reductionist minded scientists … it was not until aeroplanes started to fall out of the sky that they began to listen to the pilots who had long since been reporting the phenomenon which we now call clear-air turbulence … and, as Janie has so rightly brought to our attention, the words of Marshall McLuhan were then ringing in the ears of those scientists, namely that - There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. WE ARE ALL CREW.
Even President Mugabe's speech in Rome today has a ring of truth within it.
To sense THE WORTH of our collective contributions to the survival of our species on earth we must indeed think of children as our gurus…and have no problem with that.
ALL we have to do is listen to them and learn from their example.
sanmugan said
Every word of yours come with a force ncluding that fractal picture, it reminds me the tsunami, we had recently.
Endless Song said
chaos is order…perfect order… the mind just thinks thoughts like ” this should not be this way”… and even that is perfect too.
the What that drives chaos also is the same What that starts a meditation.
Michael said
Truth never stays the same … IT IS ALWAYS CHANGING !
Terrill said
The video Indigenous Native American Prophecy you have shared on the other post is a great example of how truth is ever changing and our need to keep the balance. I would like to add a quoted that was gifted to me by a friend a couple of days ago…
Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realise we cannot eat money. ~Cree Indian Proverb
Michael said
ABSOLUTELY SO … a proverb which rings loud in the ears of my family and friends, over the years, who no doubt have become weary from hearing me espouse it so much.
Michael said
In the context of ”promoting sociability”, it is fitting that ”BOJO”, the new mayor of London, has agreed to a victory parade for the UK's returning Olympic HEROs.
Michael said
In the context of our GLOBAL FINANCIAL FUTURE …
the DYNAMISM of CHAOS within the SERENITY of ORDER …
IS INDEED playing itself out as a result of a …
unravelling of …
the present
Michael said
IT IS THE “silent majority” of the peoples of our species, listening to the words of ”babes and innocents”, which constitutes the ”unknown force” behind the dynamism of chaos within the serenity of order …
and as Nassim Nicholas Taleb has himself said …
” EVERYbody “knows” that you need more prevention than treatment but FEW reward ACTS of prevention and we glorify those who left their names in history books at the expense of those contributors about whom our books are silent.”