Gaia Community

compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion

This is in Response to the Questions and Reflections for May 12, 2007:

I understand that in some cultures around the world - IT IS the tradition that the ONE whose birthday IT IS has to "treat" everyone else to presents - my own perspective on the matter adopts a far more western cultural position, which some of you might find amusing.

B-Town Allstars Cebit Hannover 2007

Some years ago I was put into a very embarrasing situation during the time of the CeBIT exhibition in Hannover, Germany. It was March & following a long hard day with the team we had retired to a Greek restaurant for sustainance.

Needless to say "MY team" wasn't the B-Town Allstars despite the fact that I have on occassion been known to perform like this on the dance-floor !

I digress ...

We had been waiting for ages for our food & drink & I was sitting on a long wooden bench at the table with my colleagues, in full sight of the other restaurant guests, when suddenly I had a massive cramp attack in my right leg.

I then had to stand bolt upright, to relieve the tension in my leg,
at which point ALL my colleagues started to sing - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU - which resulted very very quickly in the whole restaurant joining in. Unfortunately my birthday is in May - so I had to go along with the celebration and so it has been ever since that my friends, colleagues & family take it as read, that my birthday has to be celebrated over a period of days rather than the traditional ONE day affair - which was always the case when "all roads led to Rome"

EVERY DAY is Christmas
EVERY DAY is Birthday
EVERY DAY is Mother's day
EVERY DAY is Father's day
EVERY DAY is Sister's day
EVERY DAY is Other's day
THUS EVERY DAY is Your day

                           Ian Gardner
HAPPY belated birthday to you PEGGY JOYCE &
much LOVE from one merchant of love to another.

WHAT IS LOVE ?  some might say but
ONE such person might just have hit
the nail on the head, so to speak and



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Michael : catalyst-producer

17 minutes later

Michael said

The FULL story of what became a whole week of embarrasment - will have to wait until another day - IT WAS great fun none-the-less, as have been most of my birthdays since.

Nishtha : Imaginative Mellifluous Philosopher

about 1 month later

Nishtha said

Awesome story Michael!

Thank you for your belated birthday wishes for me and I send you the same… :-)
No matter when and how it's celebrated, it's always good when there's fun, family, friends and stories to share!

Leave Your Wise and Insightful Comment

Views: 462

Comment by Michael Grove on May 20, 2012 at 8:22

I AM here to serve

I AM here to inspire

I AM here to LOVE

Comment by Michael Grove on October 16, 2013 at 8:35

A great way to love yourself is to create a beautiful home that nurtures and inspires you.

Your home is one of the few places in the world that is truly just about you.

THE one place we should always feel loved, at peace, at one, and “at home” is at home!

So honor yourself by creating a space that feeds your spirit.


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