Gaia Community

compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion

KUAN YIN is the most important and best LOVED

deity of the Chinese world.

She is the living expression of COMPASSION -
whose gentle face and elegant figure -

form a centre of devotion in most Chinese
homes and workplaces.

Her universal mystery and power of the divine femine
transcends ALL doctrines, creeds and traditions.

Yet she - and her origins within Buddhism, Taoism
and the female shamans of China - are barely known in the West. The beautiful poetry of the - 
100 Prophecies of Kuan Yin - have become a constant inspiration since I penned my article in reference to the first 100 piece jigsaw ...

My favourite of these is -


Heaven below zero, the earth freezing,
water congealing -

SO what is the point of being famous
and well-known ? -

It's best to wait and see beyond all of this -

Until the REAL TIME comes, and your
eyes can see clearly.

and most IMPORTANT of ALL ...

To the people of EARTH, I offer my
power and assistance in helping YOU
implement ... THE LIGHT which will
which cannot be underestimated.
                                                          Kuan Yin

Hail ! - to KUAN YIN
ail ! - to SAMME 
Hail ! - to ALL @zaadz

Have a MOST glorious - HAPPY VALENTINE's -
in contemplation of the MOMENT

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Hanru : Seeker on the Way

about 20 hours later
Hanru said

That is a beautiful statue! Kuan Yin is a wonderful figure, I try to bear her in mind

constantly for myself and for others. :) Very appropriate for Valentine's Day.

Thank you for sharing this!

- Liu Hanru (刘汉儒)

Ryan : Earthling

2 days later
Ryan said

Wonderful Michael!

It does seem that Kuan Yin is often overlooked in the west, even in the buddhist circles,

as the buddhism practiced most by westerners is primarily Tibetan, secular, Zen or

Theravadin. Thank your for this post.

Is that statue yours?

Samme : Prince of Rainbows<3

5 days later
Samme said

Yes Michael this is a beautiful picture and a wonderful statue of Kuan Yin. I am in awe

and reverence. Namo Quan Shi Yin Bodhisattva. I humbly bow and thank you.

Michael : catalyst-producer

over 2 years later
Michael said

In the context of OSHO's statement that ..."ONLY once in the whole history of
human consciousness has a thing like ZEN come into being. IT IS very rare." 
... [IT] is fitting to thank you ALL for your kind remarks on this first day of the

Chinese New Year and to advise you that I have cherished this solid brass statue

and its intricate detail for many a year - as part of a collection which includes a

reproduction of the statue in THE NELSON-ATKINS MUSEUM OF ART, KANSAS CITY,

MISSOURI, all of which symbolises for me the passing of the torch - in the form of

the seed - from Guatama Buddha to Mahakashyap and onwards from India to China,

China to Korea, Korea to Japan, Japan to the USA - and hopefully now from the USA

to the WORLD.

LET the PEOPLE decide !

Leave Your Wise and Insightful Comment

Views: 330

Comment by Michael Grove on September 18, 2012 at 9:16

Just as the SUN starts to set on China's industrial miracle - so we must adjust our mindset to the fact that - as Jeremy Warner has written elsewhere - "Over the last week or two, much of the macro–economic news seems to have been positive, with equities underpinned by an apparent triple lock of policy action in America, Europe and China. What could possibly go wrong? " -

"To repeat Harold Macmillan's old saw – "events, dear boy, events". In the euphoria of recent central bank action, investors seem plain to have forgotten that restoring stability is a war on many fronts. Just as macroeconomic risk subsides, a number of geo–political threats have come roaring back to take their place. Chief among these is the possibility of Israeli military action against Iran."

"Likewise with China, where the promise of massive fiscal stimulus may be more illusion than real. Capital Economics has taken a look at the recent flurry of infrastructure announcements in China and come to the conclusion that they don't really amount to a fresh fiscal stimulus at all, merely a repackaging of already known about initiatives into a seemingly impressive headline number.

The Chinese leadership must have been taking lessons from one Gordon Brown."

"In any case, hopes of a policy induced recovery may all along have been misplaced. Into this mix stumbles our old friend the Middle East, which can always be relied on to turn any already unstable situation into a complete rout."

"All the good work that central banks have been doing in underpinning confidence is in danger of being swept away by events over which we have no control. What's more, with the monetary dial already turned up to 11, there is little more policy can do to fight the effect with fresh monetary stimulus. The inflationary consequences of rising energy costs make any such action trickier still.

"Who knows? Maybe it won't happen. But financial markets may be set for another turbulent autumn."

Can there ever be a better time than NOW
when the world needs Kuan Yin to shed - 

THE LIGHT which will in[DEED] set YOU FREE 


Comment by Michael Grove on May 11, 2013 at 8:09

Acting to Ease Others’ Suffering

I can also act in ways that I believe are compassionate to the people right in front of me, and you

might think, “Isn’t that compassion for others?” But really, it’s compassion for myself in another

form. It’s another self-compassion method.

Imagine the pain you feel when you see someone else suffering — the suffering you feel is real

suffering, just as the other person is suffering. Yet, most people don’t actually ease that suffering

in themselves.

So, how do you ease that suffering in yourself when you see someone else suffering?

You reach out, empathize, make a connection, and look for a way to reduce the other person’s

suffering, and your own. If the other person opens up, that’s great. If not, that’s OK, because 

you’ve reached out and let them know that you too suffer when you see them suffer.

That’s a powerful thing.

And so your ease your own suffering, and it’s a selfish sort of compassion.

But that’s the only kind there is.

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