compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
Qi life force
Quality - you don't get quality by following a procedure - IT IS a state of MIND
Quality FOOD from a Quality Solution for Quality Eating ...
Quantumly Inspired
It means, “Whither goest thou?”
It symbolizes the thinking and analysis of a free mind.
It is no religion, yet it is all religions.
It has no teacher, for you are your teacher.
It has no priests, for you are your priest.
It gives knowledge for acceptance or rejection by you.
It requires nothing but an open mind.
It offers to the closed mind, opportunity!
- Ian Gardner
In this 'file', words relating to time and space are used to facilitate communication of the material presented within the parameters of the language and thinking applicable to this plane of existence; words such as 'yesterday', 'tomorrow', 'past', 'present', 'plane', good and bad, right and wrong, and those referring to distance between points. This does not alter the fact that time and space do not exist in the total scheme of things.
qatsi - Quebec - the QUESTION as to WHO IS counting - Queen - Quo Vadis TRUTH ? - Quality -
QUINTESSENTIAL CHANGE - Qadoish, Qadoish, Qadoish, Adonai Tsebayoth - self-created quicksand
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To the city of angels
and you? :)