compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
How will we know we are addressing the actual complexity of issues?
Two signposts will indicate ‘we the people’ realize we all have hands-on work to do, including changes in our own behaviors.
Signpost 1: We realize official policy alone is insufficient to fix problems.
Signpost 2: We realize voting is only one tiny part of the work that ‘ordinary citizens’
of all kinds must do to fix problems.
How will we know when we are generating wisdom or collective intelligence?
Two signposts will indicate wisdom in our speech and thinking.
Signpost 3: We notice that our public issues-talk is less and less characterized by
mere opinions, assertions, biases, single-cause diagnoses, fact-wars, and blaming.
Signpost 4: We notice that we are doing better at evaluating whether reasoning —
our own or others’—is well explained and how much of an issue’s complex causation
it recognizes.
How will we know when we are generating, or listening to, wisdom?
Two signposts will give us important clues.
Signpost 5: We notice that simplistic logics and slick slogans no longer seduce us.
Signpost 6: We notice we have become patient with, and genuinely interested in analyses that are more complex and contextually nuanced, and try to understand them.
How will we know when our efforts are truly participatory and diverse beyond just counting how many people are involved?
Two signposts will indicate (r)evolutionary shifts.
Signpost 7: Perspective-taking skills—e.g., flexibility to suspend preferences long
enough to hypothetically walk in diverse others’ shoes—are showing up in dialogues,
deliberations, and policy-making practices.
Signpost 8: Our cultures support the development of perspective-taking skills by
expecting us to use them.
Views: 88
© 2025 Created by Michael Grove.
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Michael said
Team GB's, once in 100 years, across the board performance, at the Beijing Olympic Games, has established the equitable marker for ALL to follow in this 21st Century … as was previously the case with Oliver Cromwell and The Commonwealth, Josiah Wedgewood and The Industrial Revolution & Winston Churchill and the 2nd World War in times past.
As is often the case IT IS the inspirational leadership of a single individual which acts as the catalyst to move the entirety of the situation to a ”higher plane”.
This ”higher plane” would be exemplified by an ALL INCLUSIVE MIND-SET, which would act as the necessary catalyst for the CREATION of a COLLECTIVE GLOBAL COMMUNITY.
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Albert said
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cHAngeL said
Yes we can…
We must…
Looks so much like you, Michael :)
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Michael said
This ”higher plane” would be exemplified by an ALL INCLUSIVE MIND-SET,
which would act as the necessary catalyst for the CREATION of a …