compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
ZEN is TAO and NOT ZEN without TAO
TAO & BUDDHA are independent & of ZEN
ZEN is dependent on TAO & BUDDHA as ONE
"When Jesus talked about the kingdom of heaven, he was talking
about a particular level of consciousness, an extremely high level
of consciousness that hardly anybody gets to."
Thy kingdom come - within and without us - thy will be done,
on earth as it is ordained in the heavens - NATURE
is CREATION expressing in harmony with itself
Give us this day our daily bread - TRUTH, BEAUTY & GOODNESS as ONE - food for sustainence, food for thought, food for discussion & food for action - forgive us our trespasses - do unto others as we would be done by - as we forgive them that trespass against us - & forgive them Lord they know not what they DO.
Lead us not into THE temptations - of self interested sophistication,
greed and arrogance - but deliver us from evil -
through selfless caring & compassionate - LOVE for ALL
Silence within - laughter without - and forever a smile on your face
- reflecting from without & transmitting from within, the everlasting light -
which emanates from the splitting of kindling wood and the lifting of a stone
- & which fills the cup of life - once emptied.
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory - be thou thee within me and
subsequent to my awakening from the contemplation, deliberation and reflection,
of my meditative state of dream-like sleep, guide me in my actions,
non-actions and grant me patience in their execution
AWAKE and smell the lavender
First posted by Michael Grove @zaadz on May 29, 2007 at 21:30
Views: 357
At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the notion that the evolutionary process
is ultimately driven by a spiritual impulse is continuing to gain traction, with a growing
number of progressive philosophers, scientists, and mystics exploring its implications.
To many, it is simply a compelling philosophy, uniting the revelations of science and spirituality
in a way that no other theory can. But others, like Aurobindo before them, are beginning to reach
beyond a theoretical discussion to wonder: What might human life and culture look like if we fully
took to heart the reality of this view?
Freed from the mythic dogmatisms of premodern religion, transcending the materialistic
biases of modern scientific thought, and liberated from the narcissistic self-absorptions
of postmodernity, what kind of new world could human beings aligned with the trajectory
of a spiritually evolving cosmos actually create?
When God Gains Entrance Into Your Heart
When I gain entrance into your heart, you gain entrance into heaven.
And your heaven can be on Earth. Everything can truly be ...
“on Earth, as it is in Heaven” when the time of separation is over
and the time of unification is at hand.
Communion with God by Neale Donald Walsch
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Michael said
The power of knowledge with humility is LOVE
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Michael said
” Leftist ideologues accuse everyone who disagrees with them of lacking love, caring, and compassion. Doesn’t this seem like a set-up? The freedom movement must embrace the ideals of love, caring, and compassion, and return these words to their
true meanings.
True love, caring, and compassion do not equate to guilt, and by definition, they do not mean pandering to the
demands of the various victims of the world. Spreading freedom through
the world is the most loving, caring, and compassionate thing we can
do for people.
True freedom allows people to create prosperity and gives them the opportunity to move up Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
towards self-actualization. True freedom provides everyone with the opportunity to accept social responsibility and to work towards making the world a better place.
The freedom movement needs to support economic globalization.
Globalization is the most caring and compassionate strategy we can
implement to help the developing world lift itself out of poverty.
This is the simple truth. But how many people understand this truth?
The Left has convinced the idealistic young that globalization is harming
the developing world and, by highlighting a few poorly executed
examples, that it is a plot by greedy corporations to rule the world.
The freedom movement has a responsibility to explain the wisdom of
globalization and to hold it up as a noble ideal.”
John Mackey - Winning the Battle for Freedom and Prosperity
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cHAngeL said
Yes, humility allows us to be one compassionate entity of love. Thanks, Michael.
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Michael said
GOD has created a void in every man and the only thing that can fill that void is GOD.
And when men don't find GOD they try looking to fill the void everywhere else.
Some will do it with drugs, alcohol, sex, personal achievement.
Man is trying to find satisfaction.
He's either going to find it in GOD or search for it in vain.
Dr. Ed Devries, preacher, USA
Every man is his own GOD.
Beyond that I don't know.
And nobody else does.
So they made up a name, just like they made up the story of the Easter bunny.
There ain't no rabbit in the world lay no egg.
Clarence “Gatemouth” Brown, musician (RIP)
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Michael said
Meditate on something, then see what a bell-end you are and meditate on nothing, and then completely fail in this, claw at the fabric of the universe,
find your breath, eat an ounce of shrooms, lose your mind and dissolve
your projections, observe what is left, and perhaps you'll have a
whisper in your ghost about what kind of organic meatbag I really am…
(And make a very serious face in the process, this is essential.)