compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
. . . of the evolution of collective consciousness
& Obi's recent Follow the Finger email brought to MIND an email from
Richard Lang informing me of the imminent launch of his NEW website and
thence to the very enlightening experience which my family and I enjoyed
when we first saw the Powers of 10 movie at the photographic museum
in Bradford, UK.
The interconnections - which have thus far been established between those
@zaadz who - have been prepared to freely associate with others • having
taken action in assuming responsibility • have committed themselves to
change the world and having done so - constitute • at any ONE moment • a
snapshot perspective of evolving collective consciousness.
If we @zaadz, however, are to have anything to do with SIGNIFICANTLY changing the world - we have to establish an entirely NEW mechanism of communication to achieve this goal.
My own long standing commitment to this process - is exactly what I am here for - and have been KNOWINGLY involved in for the last 40 years.
As I have said elsewhere @ zaadz - " It is the provision of the first level mechanism - consisting of 49 "tunnels of ZEN like experience" - tailored to the individual mind-set - as a result of a combination of Spiral Dynamic type psychometric analysis and near death experience - which would allow all 6 billion to potentially engage in conversation.
For those that made their way through one or more of the tunnels - access to a place would be attained such that - in exactly the same way that - any specific set of individuals meeting face to face could have an absolutely specific experience that those absent couldn't have - so also would those pioneers - who had sucessfully traversed a tunnel - in cooperation and collaboration with those that followed - experience the exponential evolution of the ACTION of conscious evolution.
The zaadz toolset - which is equally evolving in support of its own initiative to changing the world - although not yet inclusive of "smelli-vision" - will no doubt enjoy this capability in years to come - and as such bring a more subtle dimension to the statement - " wake up and smell the lavender - smell the lavender and awaken to your 1st person present tense here & now KOSMIC perspective of the cosmos you inhabit "
Art is the imposing of a pattern on experience ...Hail to Obi & his Follow the Finger submission & others @ zaadz
evolving the toolset • Hail to Richard Lang & his own version of
1st person present tense fingerpointing • Hail to Captain Kirk
who said famously - " What does GOD need of a starship ? "
Views: 299
NO THING happens in LIVING NATURE that is not in relation to
THE WHOLE as the BALANCED ECO-SYSTEM which Homo Sapiens
must now restore to ensure the survival of LIFE on EARTH.
The MINDFULNESS Mind Map provides a matrix of 49 "tunnels" - designed for and by the masses - allowing access to a place conducive to Coexistence, Cooperation and Collaboration - such that the collective all-inclusive first person singular present tense, third person objective - point of view - will then lead to the establishment of a new model & method of wealth creation, mutually beneficial to ALL.
THE human[KIND] of Spaceship Earth in Freespace 4D
can n•O•w embark on a new collective relationship with NATURE,
which establishes a timeless zone for communication and
commerce in4D™ by realising the dream of a common language
in4D™ and the whole IDEA is to reclaim y[our] species lost
relationship, as a constituent component of NATURE, through
a permanent manifestation of the original concept of ...
Imagine a popular social network that takes privacy super seriously. By default, your posts are visible only to people in your real-life community. Not only does the company not use tracking cookies, but it promises it never will. It even announces that future changes to the privacy policy will be put to a vote by users before implementation.
It’s hard to imagine now, but such a social network once existed. It was called Facebook. The company’s journey from privacy-focused startup to mass surveillance platform is at the heart of the long-awaited antitrust case filed today by a group of 46 states, along with the District of Columbia and Guam. The bipartisan coalition, led by New York State Attorney General Letitia James, alleges that Facebook achieved its dominance through a years-long strategy of anticompetitive tactics, including its acquisitions of budding rivals like Instagram and WhatsApp. As it built up that dominant position, the suit argues, it began offering users a worse and worse privacy experience.
The Federal Trade Commission also filed suit against Facebook today. The two cases, which were filed in the District of Columbia federal district court and will likely be combined into one, come after more than a year of coordinated investigation into the company. In a statement, Facebook general counsel Jennifer Newstead referred to the allegations in the legal complaints as “revisionist history,” noting that the FTC approved the Instagram and WhatsApp mergers at the time.
What happened to make Frances Haugen simultaneously a hero to both parties in Congress and Mark Zuckerberg’s most dangerous critic?
Last week I sat down virtually with her—she was at a Berkeley hotel, on her first trip to the Bay Area since she left Facebook—to discuss her personal journey, the Company Formerly Known as Facebook, and her future. The interview has been edited for brevity and clarity.
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The greater the diversity of the group, and the greater the welcoming of diverse points of view, the greater the chance of accurate,
cutting-edge thinking.
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Zaadz REMAINS @ the ”cutting edge” of the evolution of collective consciousness
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It contrubutes even complexity in the sense that vertical dimensions are manifesting in a wide open space.
Its so hosting a wide range of perspectives found nowhere else in this richness.
Now we speak about
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… and NOW zaadz_et_al at !