Gaia Community

compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion

See No EVIL, Hear No EVIL, Speak No EVIL

 EVIL is the power of knowledge without humility

... been there, done that and was given the ' T-shirt ' by my family - " who needs humility ? " - on the front & on the back - " when you know you're always right ! "

The power of knowledge with humility is LOVE

... and have NO DOUBT - " THE killer APP is LOVE " or as

- however - is there ANY indication of humility in the quadripolar camps - which Mark Leonard describes in his latest book ( referenced in my comment below ) - which have all been established from their own perspective of - the power of knowledge.

In the context of the 2030 Spike et al HOMO SAPIENS does

NOT have "TIME" to indulge these kind of quadripolar concepts.

As Deng Ming-Dao has said -

Ancient societies were tribal - The group did the thinking.

Current society is splintered - The individual must be complex.

Hear No Evil, See No Evil...

People from old traditions were often less complicated because they had the advantage of a complete culture that did the thinking for them.

Everyone had a role that fit with the whole. Individuals could concentrate on fulfilling their place, confident that other needs would be met by the collective.

The specialisation of modern times calls for individual roles that do not necessarily form a whole. We often lose sight even of what that whole is.

We have commentators, we have critics, but we do not have leaders. We celebrate egalitarianism and consensus, but it is phoney - a chaos of voices rather than a democracy - a populace of individuals pursuing their own ends rather than a collective.

The burden thus falls on the individual to fulfil a tremendous range of functions. We have to make more choices, be more informed, act in a wide variety of areas. We cannot simply concentrate on doing our part, because now our part is to compete with everyone else.

Spirituality is more difficult today. In the past, you could become a spiritual aspirant and the people would support you - a holy person was just as much a part of the collective as a farmer. Now, to be a holy aspirant you have to look for your own job and find new ways through a society that barely recognizes the spiritual.

TIME is indeed of the essence but - thankfully - Brian et all have provided THE social

networking place @ zaadz - and an ever evolving set of tools - to provide the mechanism

by which the first small grouping of a NEW kind of collective can be established to add

some godliness, spirituality or whatever back into the equation - synthesize and

formulate ideas - & thence transform those ideas into the wealth creating basis of

conscious capitalism for the mutual benefit of ALL

As Albert Einstein said - ONLY a life lived for others is a life worthwhile

Thanks to Michael Reeve for his image and to Wikipedia for facilitating Three wise monkeys

First posted by Michael Grove @zaadz on January 5, 2007 at 18:00




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Michael : catalyst-producer

2 days later
Michael said

NEVER doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world.

Indeed, it's the ONLY thing that ever has.

Margaret Mead

Michael : catalyst-producer

19 days later
Michael said

Mark Leonard was director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform until November 2006 and in early 2007 will set up and direct a new pan-European initiative of the Soros Foundations Network, to promote the EU as a model for an open society.

His recent book - Divided World : The Struggle for Primacy in 2020 - describes a world in 2020 which - will NOT see a new world order, but a competition between four ideas of how the world should be run - an American world striving for a balance of power that favours democracy - a ‘Eurosphere’ whose support for democracy is coupled with a belief in international institutions - an ‘axis of sovereignty’ led by China and Russia that sees multilateral institutions as protection from western interference - and a Middle Eastern faith zone’, defined neither by democracy nor the rule of law. This essay sketches the outlines of the ‘quadripolar world’ that is awaiting us.

Can the swing voter in this global game of chess - however - utilising its position as what will undoubtedly be the world's largest democracy in 2020 - yet again sow the seed of the final global solution.

about 1 year later
cHAngeL said

Sow the seeds…reap the benefits for humanity.

Michael : catalyst-producer

about 1 year later
Michael said

… and to repeat Einstein's words - ONLY a life lived for others is a life worthwhile

although you wouldn't believe IT, if you paid notice to Jeff Randall's take on the subject - Christmas, even in difficult times, is when children tell Father Christmas what they want – and then adults
pay for it. By contrast, budget deficits are when adults tell the
Government what they want – and then their children pay for it.

Leave Your Wise and Insightful Comment

Views: 142

Comment by Michael Grove on September 25, 2012 at 18:03

… and to repeat Einstein's words - ONLY a life lived for others is a life worthwhile

 although you wouldn't believe IT, if you paid notice to Jeff Randall's take on the subject - Christmaseven in difficult times, is when children tell Father Christmas what they want – and then adults pay for it.  By contrast, budget deficits are when adults tell the Government what they want – and then their children pay for it.


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