compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
Views: 144
[IT] was from my father that I learnt my own instructions for life •
supported in great part by his hand's on method of instruction in
the art of communing with nature • as a reflection of his own
innovative imagination and his experiences with the Zulu's in South
Africa, training them to build the John Laing designed, river-crossing
Bailey Bridges and no doubt his horrific experience in the North African
desert, whilst mine-sweeping with his childhood friend, which resulted
in his 6 months stay in hospital in Alexandria, prior to being landed at
Anzio in support of the final push of the Allied Forces to arrest control
from Mussolini and Hitler's power over ROME.
My own journey of life, having been encouraged by my mother and
her father to become confirmed into the Church of England, was one
of the discovery that GOD has NO RELIGION - consequent to my
searches for the truth of what we now have come to refer to as the
evolution of consciousness.
No closer to THE TRUTH of the theory of everything - have I found,
than in the works of Douglas Harding, and particularly following
countless hours of reading my limited edition of his...
Hierarchy of Heaven and Earth and his splendidly communicative
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For a different SORT of BIO - follow this thread
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The first of our SOUL-MATE birth certificates - both written in the very distinctive, self-same - cursive handwriting - precient no doubt of our italic handwriting ability
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He who binds to himself a joy
Does the winged life destroy
But he who kisses the joy as it flies
Lives in eternity's sunrise
Awake O sleeper of the land of shadows, wake! expand!…
Weep at thy soul's disease, and the Divine Vision is darkened…”
William Blake
From being a child, I have long held the viewpoint - that the ‘force' inside of me was the same force that existed in everyone else - regardless of race, language or religion - & that everybodies position was NOT their own - but that which they had been encouraged to partake in - through the ‘efforts' of parents, piers, teachers, leaders etc.
I could not then understand or initially come to terms with - why so much of the big picture - which I have always found so easy to comprehend - was seemingly inaccessible to ALL of those that I came in contact with.
Equally - & in stark contrast to this understanding - at 60 years of age I have yet to master the art of tying my shoe laces and have long since subscribed to the likes of Timberland footwear.
Up to 9 years of age I was - without question - @peace with the world & all that it then comprised for me - but an event then took place in my life when - during a thrashing from my piers, I would have strangled a fellow human being to death, had it not been for others prising my hands away from the throat of my potential ‘victim' - in the flash of the moment I realised I could no longer survive in the world I inhabited - unless I began to stand up for myself and adopt the ways that others - in this strange world - had established as their modus operandi.
I subsequently came to the understanding that my destiny in life was to provide the mechanisms by which ALL my fellow human beings could be @peace with the world & all that it comprised for them.
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I realised I could no longer survive in the world I inhabited - unless I began to stand up for myself and adopt the ways that others….
I understand, brother.