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LIFE can opportunistically 

employ ... CHAOS, but IT IS

NOT a characteristic part

of its normal function

Firstly - and maybe secondly - an apology is in order due to the late posting

of my 5th / 6th / 7th December zBlogs - but as is often the case - as all of us

@ zaadz seek to change the world - circumstances intervene in the chaos -

which constitutes our daily lives.

It was earlier in 1978 that we had booked a Dover-Calais ferry booking for all the family to go on holiday to Spain where we had been kindly lent premises, close to the beach, by a friend from Eurocontrol.

We had planned and booked to travel in our cavernous but ageing petrol powered Volkswagen 411 Variant - which had seen much better days since it had been purchased duty-free back in late 1971 for my posting to Eurocontrol in Brussels - when it became apparent at the last minute, despite an extensive overhaul, that the VW Variant might not get us to to Dover let alone Spain.

So we decided to purchase one of the first VW Golf Diesels to roll off the production line and go to Spain in it. It was Linnie's first car after she had passed her driving test and despite all of the looks of horror from bystanders at petrol stations when she was seen filling the tank with diesel, I believe that she loved the whole novelty of that -

"affair with her new chariot "

We had a gloriously chaotic time travelling through France with three very young children, trying to convince all and sundry that the vehicle we were driving was powered by "gazole/gas-oil " and getting the children comfortable to eat and stay in various french, spanish and swiss establishments along the way.

I will forever remember the huge box of very juicy peaches that we purchased en-route to Switzerland, on the return journey home, and the look of surprise & joy on the children's faces as they munched into them during yet another unscheduled stop.

CHAOS is indeed the correct word to use because we ALL, as particularly individual extensions of the WHOLE, are absolutely NOT in control of any one THING or combination of THINGS.

IN the context that the chaotic - albeit planned according to Wolfram's NKS

FORCE of NO THING - IS what does drive EVERYTHING.


It was these very THINGS & NO THING - which I had been contemplating, deliberating & reflecting upon -

in preparation of my Pearl Harbour Anniversary zBlog - which were interrupted by the organisation,

execution & aftermath of a celebratory Christmas meal together for my engineering colleagues in

Barnet north London, a Tornado in north west London & the burial of Alexander Litvinenko, following

his poisoning with Polonium 210.

The funeral brought together Christians, Muslims, Jews and non-believers amongst the Russian diaspora at

Highgate Cemetry - and took place within a stones throw of the old soviet trade mission - with its russian

intelligence operation no doubt operating out of the basement - and thus Alexander Litvinenko was laid to

rest - close to Karl Marx - on a hill overlooking St Mary's Hospital where my soul-mate and I were both

born some 60 years ago.

my "boiled beans" zblog and consider the juxtaposedApology thus made - please be so kind as to refer to

web-log beauty of being able to post an event - after the event - with the benefit of hindsight - which is of

course what historians have done throughout history. Equally consider that - "there are as many versions of

the same event in history as there are historians making comment on that same event" - and the corollary

thereof that -

"there are as many versions of HISTORY

as there are HISTORIANS".


ALL thoughts of which - on this 70th anniversary of the abdication of Edward VIII - bring to mind The Daily

Telegraph's TV & Radio - Channel 4 Pick of the Day comment that - "while Europe burned in the flames of the

second world war many of its elite maintained a martini lifestyle in the Bahamas but the party was interrupted

by one of the great, unsolved crimes of the 20th Century. Sir Harry Oakes, one of the British Empire's richest

men ( a sterling billionaire in today's equivalent ) was found murdered in his bed, his body burnt and covered

in feathers - a crime so lurid it knocked wartime news off the front page and exposed to the rest of the world

Alfred de Marigny's statement to the former "King of England-to-be" - the Duke of Windsor -

that he was a pimple on the arsehole of a backwater of the British Empire.

Would it not be appropriate on our "ego transcending trip"  to consider -

as individual extensions of the WHOLE - that we are just pimples as well ?

First posted @zaadz by Michael Grove on December 12, 2006 at 18:30


Views: 167

Comment by Michael Grove on January 15, 2017 at 15:30

As our planet is threatened by global warming and climate change, solutions of all kind emerge

to reduce human’s footprint on earth. The electric car is one of those solutions and allows for a

more environmental friendly mobility around cities and further outside in the near future.

                                                                                                                      Ian Motion

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