compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
To celebrate the fact that zaadz now has more than 20,000 members*** I would pose the question -
How many zaadsters have made the mindset switch
to assume responsibility for the enlightenment of the whole world ? ...
for it is ONLY this group of zaadsters who can truly change the world !
"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thought.
- With our thoughts, we make our world."
~The Buddha
According to the latest edition of The Good Schools Guide, some 98 schools
currently run their own farm – up from 60 in 2006. A further 109 schools are
seeking help to follow suit. Janette Wallis, the guide’s senior editor, said -
“We’re focusing more on school farms because we see the benefits to pupils of
working with animals and the outdoors, especially kids who may struggle with
mainstream academic approaches. Schools with farms are increasingly
interweaving them into the curriculum, using them to teach almost every
subject, from history to maths.”
Alastair Thomas, the head of The Elms School in Colwall, Worcester, said -
“It is about every child developing a sense of responsibility by having an opportunity to look after something other than themselves.”
Whitewave has said elsewhere -
" I just got back from an expedition in which I practiced what I'm preaching here to the best of my ability. Last week I gotinto an altercation with a local used clothing store about their return policy and other things. The store owner/manager was literally being shit on because customers would come into the dressing rooms and take a dump. Another customer complained to the local authorities and they had him shut down the dressing rooms because they were now a health hazard. Instead of coming up with a solution to this problem within the company, they simply closed the dressing rooms permanently.
Asan honest customer, that puts me in quite a bind. If I only have enough money to buy one pair of pants that I needed, I can't shop there because if I buy the pants that are supposedly my size, and take them home to try on and they don't fit, so I then come back to return them, I can't get a refund. I can only exchange. But since they don't have the pants I need, I can't buy anything else, because I need the pants - but now I don't have enough money to buy the pants.
It gotpretty ugly. I went all the way to the top Chief Executive Officer of the company in order to get my freakin' money back.
So when Iactually got to the store to return and collect from the manager, he went through his usual posturing, attack and defend thing, just to punish me further for going over his head. But instead of returning in kind, I did just enough deflecting to flick his stupid cooties off me and then I proposed a third alternative to either of us winning or losing. How about if we both put our heads together to come up with a better solution since making me pay for the shit as well as the expensive cleaning up after and complaining about the shit is unreasonable!
We had our little talk about that and ended upshaking hands. Now I'm going to write a letter to the company 'splaining my dilemma and outlining my proposed solution. Pretty
simple, really:
He said that was a good suggestion and he would bring it up at the next meeting. In order to bring a solution, someone had to step over the line of contention and embrace the cause of the opposition. Since, to me much has been given, much will be required. It was up to me. When conflict is raging, that which is righteous about the opponents cause will be obscured to us and we will have a harder time integrating. I did what it took to identify what was good and true and beautiful about my opponent's cause, and proposed a solution for them that would work better for both of us.
This is a rudimentary example of what has to be done now on a much more cosmic scale.
That which is darknened and contracted will always be in our face. The more we ascend, the more levels will be unworkable to us and will be added to that which is darkened and contracted.
The advantage seems heavily weighted on the side of darkness. Unless we are diligent about our "practice" and learn to move within the darkness without fear. "
Whitewave's very ACTION - speaks volumes in regard to Vimala Thakar's -
Awakening to Total Revolution: Enlightenment and the World Crisis -
particularly in the context of -those who can ... DO - those who can't ... TEACH -
those who can't teach ... TEACH TEACHERS - and those that can't do any of
the above ... usually become POLITICIANS
If you have just watched Ken Wiber on Integral Politics - you will have heard that his references to the levels of the spiral throughout culminate in his statement that - one thing we have to take from the conservatives, which we don't have enough of, is a little bit more responsibility - for our actions.
The spirals of development which happen as a result of the growing process - of much of what we see in nature - pineapple, SUNFLOWER, cauliflower, nautilas, tornado, maelstrom, milky way et al - manifest themselves in accordance with the rules of the " Golden Angle " & the Fibonacci sequence - as just two of all the rules of nature.
NONE of these manifestations of nature possess FREE WILL - and as a result follow only the innate responsibility of participative action in accordance with the purpose of nature - and there is ABSOLUTELY no concept of RIGHTS involved in this process.
HOMO SAPIENS, however, IS ...
no different to ALL these other manifestations of nature - other than the fact that this kind, this species has been endowed with FREE WILL.
At this time of crisis - in Vimala Thakar's and many others' words - THE switch - from negative to positive, rights to responsibilities, indiscipline to discipline - has to take place and be so eloquently actioned as Whitewave has described above.
How many others can tell me their own story of -
their FREE WILL switch ?
" Human rights and the principles of humanity – those values we share across faiths and cultures – together represent the highest common vision of humanity. They form a global ethic, already agreed by all states and their peoples throughout the world. Such a global ethic provides a common framework to inspire and shape concerted action."
Julia Häusermann M.B.E.
AS ART and SCIENCE begin the process
of becoming THE ONE and ONLY MIND-MELD
just spare a thought for the pleas of Ralph Steadman
*** First published by Michael October 6th 2006
Views: 675
Three things in human life are important.
The first is to be kind.
The second is to be kind,
and the third is to be kind.
-- Henry James
Unconditional Responsibility
It is so important to come to that point in our own spiritual evolution where we are finally ready and willing to be wholeheartedly accountable for ourselves - for who we are and how we are.
Heroically, we must be ready to accept unconditional responsibility for the seen and unseen consequences of everything that has ever happened to us.
~ Andrew Cohen
The best and the most beautiful things in the world
cannot be seen nor even touched, but just felt in the heart.
As conscious observers, we tell each other our realities as stories; as conscious actors, we create our realities. It takes time for the new scientific stories of a conscious living universe and Earth to percolate through society. But the time is ripe now for evolving our stories from that meaningless purposeless decaying old universe to a conscious, living universe and planet Earth.
We must become active co-creators of our own reality once we realize we have the power - and the responsibility—to change it intentionally, day by day, even minute by minute.
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Can you change your thought ?
I just wanted to thank you for sharing Whitewave's story here. I'd love to sell a collection of these sorts of tales – stories of conflict in which the whole issue was reframed or transcended into a new cooperative, rather than antagonisitic, arrangement. It's definitely given me something to think about, and definitely encouraged me to keep looking for issues in my own life where something like this could happen.
So thank you, Michael, and Whitewave, too.
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Lori's Blog is empty. were you putting an example of changing your thought into blankness? :).
the story was a little surreal, taking dumps in dressing rooms?
anyways. what do you think about the idea that too much action is being taken, and the “world situation” if anybody could ever grasp it as a single thing is the result of that. i think our human body is a very good regulator of our scale in this planet, our body, not the machines we have built collectively. so, the distances we can walk, how far wecan see, how often we need a drink, at what temperatures are we comfortable, all those should be the gauges by which we should define how the world is working around us.… more to come because i lost the muse (the mermaid)
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oh yes…
but i arrived here from your other post Angel Gateway through the MIND ill go back there and post.
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Michael, you have some wonderful thoughts and ideas and I think that you would make excellent contributions to the How to Save the World? pod…. Would you?…. : - )
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Well this FREE WILL switch IS certainly from negative to positive
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“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness concerning all acts of initiative and creation.
There is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas
and splendid plans; that the moment one definitely commits oneself,
then providence moves too.
All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen events, meetings and material assistance which no one could have dreamed would have come their way.
I have learned a deep respect for one of Goethe's couplets: “Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now!””
~ W.H. Murray| delete
Response-ability is the source of power and integrity, the power to influence your situation and the integrity to do so in alignment with your values.
~ Fred Kofman
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Thank you for the reminding me of the inspiration, that I have hidden from myself …
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Paradigm Shifting indeed !
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Sweet video Michael… :)
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… and words of wisdom as EVER - in the context of OUR collective responsibility
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… AND ability to respond to what Lynne Featherstone has so very recently articulated in her speech to the Liberal-Democrat conference in Brighton - namely that …
We must face up to our responsibility …
of how we are complicit in hurting the developing world.
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The quality of your attention determines the quality of other people's thinking.
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Thank you Michael :)
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People seem to withdrawl from jumping in together and trying to find solutions. The one thing that frustrates me the most is when there is no response or dropped communication when solutions are attempted. How people can back out of “trying” seems to be on the rise.
Even here in Gaia….
I just don't get this non- response-ability…
The more we ascend, the more levels will be unworkable to us and will be added to that which is darkened and contracted.
The advantage seems heavily weighted on the side of darkness. Unless we are diligent about our “practice” and learn to move within the darkness without fear. ”
I am not afraid,
but I sure get disappointed…
but onward I go…
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& starlight's various comments high-light that fact @gaia
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The Team GB Olympic medalists have shown …
What it really means to accept responsibility !!
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“The seven Principles of Responsibility signed and adopted by me and my fellow Patrons of Rights and Humanity, provide a firm foundation for encouraging each of us to respect the rights of others in our professional, corporate and daily lives.“
HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan
Click here to read a summary of our FIVE-year Strategic Work Plan 2008-2012
Click here to read a summary of our Two Decades of Achievement
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Deep Bows to all of your structural insight, Michael, and to the opposite poop, at some point in our lives, that you've now made us aware of.
Your video was a most insightful and laid back viewing…a laid back calmness
that I have always been aware of for so many years, and of a fight I
have grown accustomed to growing many gray hairs over…. and shame on me
for being part of these past generations of doing
so!…blach…..euck!… could I of let this happen! My past is a now
of a healing wave length, and I'm firm in my standings.
Responsibilityhas not yet been enforced enough, and the common sense that goes along
side of such a matter is what one prays about when the lights go dim
(depth of a soul). The ending of your bridge picture, Michael, is only
but the insightful structure and challenges we have made of, and the
broken wooden planks are our stepping stone onto another gathering of
what was laid before us.
Your insight is far beyond many apersons comprehension…..wish there were more like you to go around.
Truthful awakening's from many an ignorant soul is in power, and is shy
to the blossoms of natures greenery, and see only the blossoms of it's
livelihood in dollars and cents, and not the common sense of smelling
the roses.
Deep Bows to your passion, Michael. For youintroduce in your many ways about you, a needful sword - a sword of
balance and harmony, (knowledgable insights) that can cut through such
negativity's, and can be such an insightful awakening to all of our
children born today, and that are now this talk of a walk of a most
needed earthly structure of what we now have to face and deal with as
far as a cleansing goes.
Many people fear their common sense ofreality because they had not had such guidance before them to have lead
them to such a loving eden, and the ones that are - are in many ways
held back because of their lack of dollars, from what a society had now
made of many, and of their becomings. Such many a man before hand has
been beholden to a profoundness of greed. These people hold no class
nor dignity of what really matters, and only see the $ signs of a new
Mall, or…….”hey…..we should put a park in around there for good measure
so people can see us for at least being into mother nature, and
all…….and don't forget to vote for me, 'cause I love ya.” This is
what so many stupids see, and don't see the whole jist of…….and you
know why???……because the government makes sure that we as a people have
to work our butts off to accommodate them and their foolish stature of
holding the peace, as we now make bread and butter come alive on our
tables, and that we're just too dam tired to see the next hauling in of
greed coming around behind our backs to have any strength to see all of
this unjustified humiliation's going on.
All I'm saying is - who exactly are we working for!
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WHO indeed ?
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THIS CRISIS is the consequence of putting human rights before human obligations to the Earth and ALL other life forms we share it with.
James Lovelock