Gaia Community

compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion

  NOT - Merchants of DEATH
  AWAKE and smell the lavender - smell the lavender
  and AWAKEN

1 purpose
months zBlogging
100 zBlogs NOW IN PLACE
1000 rabbit holes
10,000 interconnections
100,000 newsletters subscribed to @zaadz
1,000,000 potential external interconnections to establish

Ever cogniscent that the UNIVERSE is comprised of stories not atoms - WE 21st century monkeys have begun to awaken to what Stanley Kubrick's monkeys could only imagine was the purpose of the block of polished granite which seemed to appear from NOTHING.


A Closer Look At The iPhone

Having thus far avoided the artificial intelligence route which was HAL - WE have taken the sand of the desert and developed a hand-tool which will allow us to potentially communicate with all 6.5 billion on earth - always assuming that we can do IT in TIME before the forces of the SUN or the predictions of the likes of Colin Mason - creep up on us unrecognised and/or unattended - before the likes of the predictions of THE 12 might materialise.

On the positive side of the equation the National Geographic's series Strange Days on Planet Earth - refers in their Predator episode to the evolutionary success of the controversial introduction of Wolves to Yellowstone National Park - & all four episodes speak volumes in respect to the gradual realisation of...

an understanding - that everything in the KOSMOS is interconnected and therefore interdependant - and that the sooner we realise this - the sooner we can restore the balance & harmony which will ensure the potential survivability of OUR planet and ALL living things upon it by becoming ...

Merchants of LOVE NOT Merchants of DEATH


ON the other hand one must also ask -



WHEN can Merchants of DEATH become Merchants of LOVE







First posted by Michael Grove @ZAADZ on April 5, 2007 at 10:30


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views (1,313)


Searching : Observer

2 days later

Searching said

Michael, great pull together of puzzle pieces of information and perspective !!! ;)

Michael : catalyst-producer

11 days later

Michael said

I may say that (Being) LOVE, in a profound but testable sense, creates the partner.

It gives him a self-image, it gives him self-acceptance, a feeling of love-worthiness,
all of which permit him to grow.

It is a real question whether the full development of the human being is possible without it.

~ Abraham Maslow

27 days later

Peggy J said

Ohhhh Michael, well done!

And I feel blessed that you chose to use my LOVE Calligraphy in your creation:)!

Thank you,

about 1 month later

Peggy J said

Still thanking you…………:)

2 months later

cHAngeL said

Cheers to June 29th…

Michael : catalyst-producer

5 months later

Michael said

ALL hail to THE Merchant of LOVE

Michael : catalyst-producer

10 months later

Michael said

YOU have to choose companies as wisely as YOU choose friends

10 months later

cHAngeL said

Nishtha : Imaginative Mellifluous Philosopher

about 1 year later

Nishtha said

bless you michael… you are a great one to put puzzle pieces together… appreciating your abilities in awe and wonder…


Michael : catalyst-producer

about 1 year later

Michael said


j : awaken2love

over 2 years later

j said

yes, namaste, dear one, namaste

Leave Your Wise and Insightful Comment


Views: 476

Comment by Michael Grove on May 20, 2012 at 8:53

I AM here to serve

I AM here to inspire

I AM here to LOVE

Comment by Michael Grove on November 25, 2013 at 8:26

How do you see yourself contributing to the evolution of the world? What is your unique role?

Although each of us has our specific gifts and talents there seems to be a common purpose for

why we are all here on this planet at this time. Many of us have felt the desire to leave this planet

by attempting to access the higher dimensions of being in a variety of ways. For many this

experience has contributed to our growth and enabled us to continue to survive the challenges

of human life

Now we are being called to remain firmly connected to the earth and completely embrace 

our physical form, understanding that it is simply energy, just like all creation. Only by being 

firmly grounded in the earth can we be conduits to bring through the light of love that is 

essential for the continued evolution of the planet. Whatever your individual gift may be, realize  

how important you are as a beacon to bring the light of love into your daily life where it can touch 

everyone you meet. Together we are bringing the awareness of pure love energy to this 

planet in a way that will completely transform all aspect of life in this world.

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