compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
In the context of this year being our Queen's Diamond Jubilee -
I would dedicate this zBlog - first posted on 23rd November 2006 -
to Her Majesty, as a "thanksgiving" for her stalwart and dedicated
service for the last 60 years.
It is appropriate on this day of thanksgiving – the day that the Daily Telegraph
reports of our Queen's meeting with the Mohegans – that homage be paid to the fact that
the “seed” which Brian planted a year ago – has already grown to more than 32,000
“roots & branches” – everyone of which has an oh so very important piece of the truth –
which now needs to be inter-connected with every other piece - to the mutual benefit of ALL.
Views: 174
The BBC are no longer "FIT for PURPOSE"
Mark Thompson's response to the Parliamentary select committee yesterday - was all that could have been envisaged - in consideration of the fact that the BBC is a monopoly institution funded by all the people for the benefit of a few of the people.
Having switched over to digital broadcasting, however, at least the TV Licence payer had the choice, in respect of the River Pageant, to turn to SKY NEWS' excellent coverage of the event from early morning onwards.
Out of 562 comments to date - Ed Vaughan's comment sums up my feelings ABSOLUTELY -
"Mark Thompson, you mark my word, is the cat's whiskers and anything and everything BUT running a media corporation. He was adamant that the BBC coverage was really superb. He's quite happy to receive in excess of £800k but would always draw a comparison with USA media corps.
The reality IS - what does he actually do minute by minute during the day?
Being human he has to visit the lavatory so that time would cost a few thousand pounds each year; washing his hands, combing his hair, blowing his nose and yes drinking his morning coffee. I bet he's never costed these things out.
His predecessor gained fame when he arrived at the BBC (Greg Dyke) his first words to staff were - "we can cut the crap" so as I said the lavatory is an important feature."
PLAN your work - WORK your plan - in terms of the BBC, increasingly appears to be based on -
"HOW can we spend our share of the TV Licence levy with as little cost as possible - so that
we the planners can continue to live in the manner to which we have become accustomed."
These general considerations are, however, subject to one important clarification.
The monarch is the fount of all honour, and the Queen has always shown a profound understanding of the meaning of public service. None of the honours in her own gift (such as the Order of Merit, or the Royal Victorian Order, which acknowledges personal service to the sovereign) has never, to my knowledge, been contaminated. The degradation has always come through the usual run of honours which are awarded by the monarch on the advice of the prime minister.
All too often these have been very smelly indeed.
THIS REPORT is the latest research report in a sustained effort throughout 2014 by the
Pew Research Center Internet Project to mark the 25th anniversary of the creation of
the World Wide Web by Sir Tim Berners-Lee (The Web at 25).
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Hail and thanks - also - to Marc Cantor for VideoWorks, Lingo, Director & Flash - and the ramifications of such developments for the future of Adobe & Universal 3D
Hail and thanks - to Akio Morita & SONY for everything & particularly HDTV for the professionals - and in collaboration with IBM - Blu-Laser
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And hail to you Michael for a wonderful blog entry about the Mohegans. I have invited others to read this entry by putting a link here. Have you seen my blog entry on Freeware Stuff on the Net where you can find the link to a free
Google Sketchup
Whether you have any previous experience or not, you can create stunning 3D pictures and models with a few clicks and drags of the mouse - plan out your dream home or replicate the Empire State Building. You can add objects, colours, effects and lighting, and what's more it's completely free to use
wisdom & knowledge,
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Thankyou SAMME - a very good 3D package which can export into Universal3D format and thus be displayed and “flown through” as a component part of an Acrobat PDF document - which can be sent anywhere in the virtual electronic world - as an attachment.
In syncronicity with Michael's emerging vision, however, ONE must consider the U3D format in the context of this entirely NEW method of communication being a - Universal Gift
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Her Majesty the Queen is not known for her avid interest in matters economic and financial, but in 2008 she asked: ” WHY didn't any-one see this coming ? ”
As Roger Bootle has said in his book The trouble with Markets …
” In fact, They DID. It is true that no one saw the whole caboodle, but many did see large parts of it. The trouble was that their WARNINGS went UNHEEDED.”
He then goes on to propose that the economists were the ones ultimately responsible … ” the long line of professors, thinkers, and teachers who at first propounded and then disseminated the ideas that underlay the disaster: the idea that markets know best; the idea that markets are “efficient”; the idea that there was no good reason to be concerned about the level and structure of pay in banking; the idea that bubbles can't exist; the idea that in economic matters, human beings are always “rational”; the
idea that if China and other countries wanted to save massively, we should simply lie back and enjoy it; the idea that central banks should be allowed no scope for judgement and should be controlled by tightly described rules; the idea that economic and financial history IS another country. ”
IF ONLY the leadership of the People of the USA could ”bury the hatchet”, so to speak, in respect of the issues raised by Dee Brown's 1971 classic - Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee and HBO's 2007 DVD release; and finally make a gesture to acknowledge, on behalf of the nation united, a REAL COMMITMENT to address what Justice Blackmum described in 1980 as “a more ripe and rank case of dishonarable dealings will never, in all probability, be found in our history”.
ONLY THEN, through leading by example, will the nation of the USA win enough respect from the other nations of the globe to truly address the very real problems of establishing PEACE on EARTH.
In the context of our Holographic Multiverse of Parallel Universes
i) WE MUST know the truth to act wisely, and truth comes from physical reality.
ii) Our present and past societies are not founded on truth and act unwisely (overpopulation, destruction of nature, pollution, climate change, religious and economic wars, etc.).
iii) WE NOW KNOW the correct language for describing physical reality (all matter interactions are wave interactions in space), and this knowledge IS critical for our future survival, BEING THE SOURCE of truth & wisdom.