Gaia Community

compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion

The MIDNIGHT taxi service which will ...

provide THE killer app which is LOVE ...

and will TRANSCEND and include ALL the IDEAS that changed the world -
- to establish the ONE IDEA - which will provide the global solution for the future prosperity of HOMO SAPIENS on earth ...

could be likened to - the flash of lightning in the middle of the night.

The common sense of a capitalist system – whether it be dependent on manufacturing, assembly, economic, service or other processes – is based on realising the most productive, sustainable & profitable way of qualitatively evolving the product or service.

In every instance where HOMO SAPIENS is involved in these processes – cogniscence must be afforded by the providers of capital and their cohorts - the directors, managers & administrators -  to the perspectives of those actually doing the work and/or their surrogate robots – to establish balance & harmony in ALL things.

Having avoided the lack of understanding - for why children are born to this world as part of the process of qualitative development and evolution of the KOSMOS

– and having come to terms with the fact that whatever we have “planned” for our children’s future – with all its incumbent elations and disappointments genius or notthat time of teenage-hood and the midnight taxi serviceof doing all we can to “bend over backwards” to protect, understand and raise our offspring as independent travellers of the night - inevitably arrives.

In no un-similar way than that
which has resulted in …

- the European Union’s execution of the model which is believed to have brought peace and relative prosperity to the people’s of Europe but Gordon Brown & the POPE continue to macro & micro
manage body, finance, mind, spirit et al

- the United States of America having provided the most advanced example of -
“ the freedom to trade and improve oneself and the community at large ” - but continues to be demonised from without and within for its stance as the world’s policeman - in protection of its “uni-polar perspective “

- the North Koreans having to resort to Filipe Fernandez-Armesto’s FIRST IDEA that changed the world - namely cannibalism – in the face of their leaders who would rather spend their GDP on nuclear armaments - than food

so also do parents …

- continue to struggle with the problems of communicating their own perspectives - to the ones for which they are responsible for raising – and at the same time are challenged in their quest to understand the perspectives of their loved ones.

- and generation in & generation out, raise their children determined by a mind-set of -  “what’s best for the future” based on a template of “what’s been written of the past” - rather than acting instinctively & intuitively as a result of focusing on - the experience of the moment.

This of course would presuppose that all parents were enlightened 

- assuming of course that a consensus or whatever had been reached in the context
of a definitive answer to the question what is enlightenment ?

"Context has always been part of expression, because expression becomes meaningless if the context becomes arbitrary. You could come up with an invented language in which the letters that compose the words to John Lennon's " IMAGINE " instead spell out the instructions for cleaning a refrigerator. MEANING is ONLY ever MEANING in CONTEXT"

                                                               - Jaron Lanier - "You Are Not A Gadget"


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Michael : catalyst-producer

about 1 hour later
Michael said

The word “enlightenment ” - seems to be a translation of the German ” Aufklaerung “.

I think it came into Western usage because Schopenhauer got to Buddhism
before any sane person did.

” Enlightenment ” is not the literal translation of any classical Buddhist term.

There is plenty of light imagery in Buddhism, of course, especially in Mahayana. As you know, “amitaabha” means “possessing unmeasured light”.
But the term usually mistranslated as “enlightenment” is “bodhi”, which
is better translated as “knowledge, understanding, intellect”.

It can also be rendered as “being awake” or “awareness”.

Being awake, of course, is something that can be done even in the dark, so it has nothing to do with enlightenment. So my advice is to stop
using the term. It only confuses people and makes them think that
Buddhism was the product of 18th century European thinking.

Richard P. Hayes

Searching : Observer

about 11 hours later
Searching said

“so also do parents …

- continue to struggle with the problems of communicating their own perspectives - to the ones for which they are responsible for raising -
and at the same time are challenged in their quest to understand the
perspectives of their loved ones.

- and generation in & generation out, raise their children determined by a mind-set of -
“what's best for the future” based on a template of “what's been written of the past” - rather than acting instinctively & intuitively as a result of focusing on
- the experience of the moment.”

Hi Michael, This paragraph really touched where i've been in my life the
last few months. Although this segment was only a part of the whole
picture you have drawn. Thank you for sharing .. i know it will sit
with me awhile, as i process its entirety. =)

Mystikal : Mystikal

2 months later
Mystikal said

Hi Michael,

Thank you for sharing The Trap, I was blown away wathching this. At the end we are offered the option of an alternative, a way out. What is this
third alternattive out of the chaos and struggle between negative and
positve liberty? I think we need to come up with real solutions to
address this issue post haste. The things that come to my mind are
compassion, and non-violence. Is it as simple and difficult as that?
What are your thoughts?

Also thanks for linking to my site regarding the expanding earth. This fascinated me because it questioned
everything I had been taugth and also raises the issue of dogma in the
scientific community. Is science as objective and removed from
influence as it claims to be. Those like Dawkins and Harris offer
science up as the new religion that will take us away from the madness
of mythical and magical beliefs to a place where reason prevails.
Science is objective and operates form the third person, but is based
on assumptions that are not always reliable (Newtonian physics vs
Quantum physics). Science and reason brought us “Game Theory” and
nuclear proloferation, Robert MacNamara used reason, logic and science
to fire bomb most of Japan and then drop two nuclear weapons. By the
way has the theory of techtonic plates and subduction been proven, or
is it a theory that has become a belief in the same way that the “good
books” have become the representation of morailty by religous moderates
(as Harris would say).

I am thinking out loud here and am looking for another perspective.


Michael : catalyst-producer

2 months later
Michael said

I think we need to come up with real solutions to address this issue post haste. The things that come to my mind are compassion, and non-violence.

Is it as simple and difficult as that? What are your thoughts?

Becoming Merchants of LOVE not Merchants of DEATH

I struggled to come to terms with the expanding earth concept for several days - re-cycling the interactions of all my own personal experiences
of geological phenomena - and decided that my moment by moment here
& now “in depth” understanding of plate tectonics is that - IT
still represents for me a very rational & comprehensive basis for
the carbon-cycle and LIFE IT SELF - which has obviously been well
established here for some considerable length of time - & it is the
process of extremely well lubricated subduction in balance and harmony
with ocean ridges that is so important in this context. It is plainly
the case that no part of the Pacific Ocean floor is more than 200
million years old and if the expanding earth theory were correct this
would not be the case. However, I AM ALWAYS open to a change of
perspective and to that end perhaps ALL and sundry would care to make
comment on my very BIG picture proposals for a spherical multi-verse !! ??

ISN'T IT amazing the THINGS that get discussed in a TAXI !! ???

Leave Your Wise and Insightful Comment

Views: 75

Comment by Michael Grove on June 16, 2012 at 9:42

Gordon Brown -  the man who claimed "to have ended the cycle of boom and bust for the UK" - Didn't he also save the world as well from ALL of its financial woes? - is here again at the penultimate moment of the Euro Crisis expounding the fact that IF the G20 doesn't get its act together to help keep the Euro alive we shall all be faced with potential bailouts for France and Italy as well.

Surely its the founding members of the Euro project - Germany, France and Italy - who should now be realising that the wheels are falling off the charabanc because they chose not to fit tyres to the wheels in the first place.

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