compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
... pregnant with the possibility of spiritual transformation such that
each and everyone of us 7 billion on earth today (as of 2012) could
exclaim that they had - in Eckhart Tolle's words - " Felt ONEness with
BEING " - and as Ken Wilber has said elsewhere - prepared to change
the world.
As has been detailed previously, symbols - in the form of body language namely - facial expression, hand gestures & body attitude - have been utilised by Homo Sapiens, from the time of first walking on this earth - for the purposes of communication with whomsoever would get-together in the process of performance & entertainment.
If anyone can find beauty in a technology it's an artist - and throughout our history - at whatever stage or level of development of technology per see - it has always been artists who have "shown the WAY" - and utilised song, dance, music, cave painting, sketch drawing, oil painting, photography et al - in the process of performance & entertainment.
THE magic of the STILL image is that it still evokes the memory of the moment - and of course even fully interactive high definition televisual communication - will have been shot at 24 or 25 or 30 frames per second - to perpetrate the " trick of the MIND " / psychology of visual perception - in evoking movies in the mind from a sequence of still images - and the whole gamut of JPEG - moving JPEG - MPEG1 - MPEG2 - DV native - MPEG IMX - Digital Betacam D:1 and uncompressed HD - then springs to MIND.
The TAO that can be spoken of in words is not the TAO - but the words that can be utilised by the best examples of poetry - created by the artist as poet - can equally evoke the memory of the moment - and in so doing confirm that - the TAO that IS is the TAO - and can only be experienced of the moment . I would, furthermore contend - primarily in the visual cortex of the brain first and foremost - such that the primary memory of that experience - IS the experience - as opposed to the verbal interpretation within - & often of - words that describe the experience.
Thus the memory of the moment is stored for future access
providing potential benefit for ALL with whom it might be shared.
Babel-like variations of interpretations of words stand in complete confusion - in contrast to the artwork which has been created throughout history from symbolic marks on the bones of victims of cannibalism to the simulations of the reality of a Guy Fawkes event as created by Cinesite for the movie V for Vendetta.
Of course it is now well understood in neurobiology circles that the connections in the parts of the brain of a dyslexic - including the anglar gyrus (AG) - that control language - are different to those who are non-dyslexic - and that, subsequently from birth, all dyslexics have to create mechanisms for themselves to cope with this phenomena. At 60 years of age I still have to write down a number that I have heard - so that I can commit it to my visual memory bank - and store it as an image having seen it written down
- as opposed to directly transmitting the information to that specific memory which is initiated by the speech area parts of a non-dyslexic brain which are responsible for its interpretation.
As an aside - Francis Haskell's - HISTORY AND ITS IMAGES - Art and the Interpretation of the Past - provides an immensely learned & superbly illustrated revelation of the intellectual and aesthetic failure of generation after generation of historians to grapple successfully with the multitude of evidence offered by visual images.
Felipe Fernandez-Armesto's - Scientific Method - the TAOIST IDEA of knowledge - says
Taoism has, in Confucian eyes, a reputation for magical mumbo-jumbo, but Taoists can transcend magic by means of their doctrine of Nature - to the one who would control her - is like any other beast to be tamed or foe to be dominated - she must be known first.
Tao has a mystical image in the West, but is rooted in commonplace observations - water, for instance, reflects the world, permeates every substance, yields, embraces, changes shape at a touch, and yet erodes the hardest rock. Thus it becomes the symbol of an all-shaping , all-encompassing, all-pervading Tao.
In the Taoist TAIJI yin-yang image of a circle halved by a serpentine line, the spiralling cosmos is depicted as two waves mingling - which immediately evokes in my own MIND - the experience of the moment - the cosmos that, in this instance, should very definitely be replaced by Ken Wilber's - KOSMOS - and the swirling eddies in the "Deluge" animation of Leonardo da Vinci .
Everything that I have done , am doing and will continue to do as long as I am able - albeit ONE piece at a time - is to communicate to others the same message - of what we already have - in order that a simulation of the reality of a 3D model of the Theory of Everything could be used to establish the mechanism - whereby all 6 billion of those that had a piece of the truth - could avail themselves of personally customised access to the WHOLE truth of the ONE and ONLY collective consciousness within us - and the role it continues to play in the evolution of LIFE on earth - as ALL knowing custodians of the cosmos.
A KOSMIC environment project indeed - in which we all could collaborate in the establishment of an enlightened capitalism - mutually beneficial to ALL - which would act as the foundation of an evolutionary process towards an understanding of ALL dimensions as we travel through the levels of 7, 8 & 9 - so eloquently envisioned & described by Ken Wilber.
In more recent times @zaadz - in my endeavour to act as inspiration to you all - I have been consistently building - The 1000 piece Jigsaw - the electronic-model version of what has been "going on " - so to speak - in the evolving visual cortex of my brain - as the variously interconnected "storey-board" of this project.
Views: 169
DELVING DEEPER into the relationship between quantum physics and human consciousness, this follow-on to What the Bleep Do We Know!? uses the story of a photographer (Marlee Matlin) in turmoil to frame its thesis -- "that biophysics and quantum mechanics confirm long-standing ideas about spiritual self-determination". Animated instruction, dramatic vignettes and talking-head interviews combine for an entertaining examination of the human experience.
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Other links relevant to - computers could store entire life by 2026 - can be found here & here
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This is a very interesting post. Playing with the artisitic, creative potential that touches spirit is a big part of our intent at our Earth
Harmony Home podcast.
Thanks Michael for pointing me to this post. I appreciate the wisdom in these words.
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Dearest Michael….thank you so much for this Gift of Perspective!
: - )