Gaia Community

compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion

Telecomms infrastructure developments

40,000 - 10,000 years ago - THE use of ONLY 32 signs [symbols] throughout the area NOW generally known as Europe but nevertheless an ice age landmass  (Genevieve von Petzinger
3400BC Mesopotamian evidence that number language preceded written language by thousands of years
3200BC Ancient ancient inhabitants of Orkney sow the seed of the curious case of [BE]ing BRITISH
Egyptian hieroglyphics
3000BC Chinese ideograms, complex generalised concepts
1500BC Phonetic spelling developed by Phoenicians
1000BC Phonetics transmitted by Phoenicians to Greeks
640BC Beginning with Thales, the Ionian Greeks were the first of the Grecian NATURAL Philosophers
 Thales - identified the phenomenon of electricity - discovery of "irrationals" Laws of right-angle triangle (Pythagorus)
410BC The Pythagorean Philolaus  was the first to conceive of the Earth as a spherical body in motion around a central cosmic fire. He also conceived of the stars, Sun, Moon, and five planets - Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn - as spherical bodies - HIS SUN was NOT at the centre
350BC Aristotle is one of the most famous Greek philosophersAristotle was a pupil of Plato and was first reverent to him then very critical, about Plato’s theory of ideas for example. His own work lies mainly in Physics, Metaphysics, Ethics, Rhetoric and Poetics.  
300BC Geometry (Euclid)
220BC Law of displacement of floating bodies and specific gravity, hydraulic screw pump, much mathematics, many polyhedra; first formulation of concept of limit (Archimedes)
200BC Phoenicians circumnavigate the Earth
100BC Alexandrian library reputed to have reached 700,000 manuscript volumes or rolls and fortunately, volumes in Alexandria were however copiously copied and distributed to other libraries all around the civilised world of that time
47BC  40,000 volumes of Alexandrian library burned during siege in war between Caesar and Pompey
272   Second burning of Alexandrian library by a ROMAN EMPEROR
300   Compass, China
391   Third burning of Alexandrian library by a.n.other ROMAN EMPEROR
529   Closing of ALL UNIVERSITIES
642   Final complete burning of library of Alexandria by Muslims
700   Moorish invasion of Spain, introducing Arabic numerals and Algebra
780   Treatise in Arabic explaining function of ciphra and positioning of numbers (Al-Khwarizmi)
1000 Leif Erikson reaches America from Iceland - gunpowder in China - first real lenses (Alhozen)
1200 Al-Khwarizmi's "Treatise on Cipher" translated into latin, published in Carthage North Africa
1260 Pivoted magnetic compass
1280 Spectacles
1290 Marco Polo returns to Europe from Far East with data
1300 Ship's compass
1482 Leonardo da Vinci's career begins
1492 Moors driven from Spain - Spanish Inquisition established - Columbus discovers America
         Positioning of numbers was popularly established and first post-Dark Ages globe was made
1500 First portable watch with iron mainspring
1513 "There is nothing more difficult than to implement a vision of the future" (Machiavelli)
1515 Camera obscura
1582 Gregorian calendar revision
1585 Decimal system (Stevin)
1600 Thales phenomenon named "electricity" after Greek for amber by
         William Gilbert, physician to Queen Elizabeth I
1614 Logarithms (Napier)
1615 Triangulation in surveying
1657 Pendulum clock (Huygens)
1677  Infinite series - Calculus (Newton and Leibnitz)
1687 Principia, laws of gravitation and motion (Newton)
1690 Wave theory (Huygen)
1700 Explanation of beats, overtones and sympathetic vibrations
1704 Optics (Newton)
1707 Physician's pulse watch in seconds
1727 Light images with silver nitrate
1761 Modern type chronometer
1793 Decimal system established (France)
1812 Steam-driven "computer" conceived (Babbage)
1831 Electromagnetic induction (Michael Faraday)
1838 First electric telegraph ( Cooke and Wheatstone)
1853 Mass-production watches
1858 First Atlantic cable between America and England laid.
         Möbius strip as a surface with only one side, was discovered independently by
         the German mathematicians August Ferdinand Möbius and Johann Benedict Listing.  
1859 Electric accumulator (Planté)
1860 Dynamo (Italy)
1864 Electromagnetic theory (Maxwell)
1867 Typewriter (Sholes)
1874 First telephone receiver patented in UK (Alexander Bell)
1884 First volume of Oxford English Dictionary appeared
1891 Submarine telephone cable from London to Paris completed
1892 A.C. Motor (Tesla)
1901 Radio communication between UK and USA
1906 Gyrocompass
1922 BBC formed and first radio programmes begin to be broadcast. The US Department of the Navy
         successfully tested printing telegraphy between an airplane and ground station in August 1922.
         Later that year, the Radio Corporation of America successfully tested printing telegraphy via their
1927 First London automatic telephone exchange opened
1931 An early implementation of the Radioteletype was the Watsongraph, named after Detroit inventor
         Glenn Watson in March 1931. Commercial RTTY systems were in service between San Francisco
         and Honolulu as early as April 1932 and between San Francisco and New York City by 1934.
         The US Military used radioteletype in the 1930s and expanded this usage during World War II.
1936 First regular TV service with Baird, Marconi and EMI equipment. 

         The "Turing machine" first described by Alan Turing.
         Patent application made for ECM Mark II (known in the Navy as CSP-888/889 or SIGABA by the Army) 
         as a cipher machine. Like many machines of the era it used an electromechanical system of rotors. 

         Kine Exacta first 35mm SLR camera

1940 Electronic tubes used as switching units (Atanasoff and Berry)

         Cavity Magnetron created by Randall & Boot 

         MIT Rad-Lab established

         RCA develops audio-tape recording for non-propaganda purposes

1941 Patent Application for SIGSALY (also known as the X SystemProject XCiphony I, and the 

        Green Hornet) which was a secure speech system used in World War II for the highest-level 

        Allied communications. It pioneered a number of digital communications concepts, including

        the first transmission of speech using pulse-code modulation, otherwise known as PCM.

1942 Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is , perhaps, 

         the end of the beginning” - Winston Churchill speaking of Battle of Egypt.

1945 As we may think” - The Atlantic Monthly (Bush)

1946 Enlac, the first electronic digital computer (Mauch ley and Eckert)
1948 Transistor invented (Shockley, Brattain and Bardeen) which provided the spark for Silicon Valley
1949 Maurice Wilkes - developed the EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator),
         the first practical stored program digital computer.
1950 Barbara McClintock's transposition ideas/theories, which she was so vilified for.                                                                                   
1951 Univac 1 (Rand)  

         Dr. Ivan Getting designed a three-dimensional, position-finding system 
         based on time difference of arrival of radio signals
1954 World's first colour television broadcast in USA - NTSC format
1958 ARPA authorised by President Dwight D. Eisenhower

1959 Integrated circuit invented (Kilby and Noyce)

1960 UNC, first "minicomputer" first tape drive, the first CRT (Lincoln Labs)
1961 PDP-1 (Digital Equipment Corporation) sets new low price at $120,000
1962 Goonhilly Down Antennae One (dubbed "Arthur")
1964 BASIC programming language (Kemeny and Kurtz) My first introduction 
         to the Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network  (AFTN)
         System/360 64K CoreStore Mainframe  IBM Corporation, United States
1965 Donald Davies NPL credited with inspiration of packet switching and its  
         use to establish the NPL Network and ARPANET
1968 Mouse, windows, multiple-raster monitors, interactive technology (Englebart)
         The Dynabook concept, created by Alan Kay
1969 ARPAnet 50 Kbps backbone established – 4 Honeywell mini-computer hosts
1970 Xerox PARC founded
         PDP-11 series of 16-bit minicomputers introduced by Digital Equipment Corporation(DEC)
1971 Intel 8008 microprocessor (Hoff)
         demonstrated at a conference in Washington DC - Ray Tomlinson invents
         electronic mail and sends the first email on ARPAnet.
         The WORLD wants to be WIRED!!! Involved with potential of utilising the  
         1.5GB memory storage capability of  LaserVideodisc to store all of the
         annually fixed scheduled aviation movements, in conjunction with
         sending updated real-time data over the Aeronautical Fixed
         Telecommunications Network (AFTN)  
1973 Invention of Ethernet (Bob Metcalf at Xerox Palo Alto Labs) - First bit-
         mapped graphics-orientedmonitor - Norway and England are added to
         ARPAnet making [IT] an international network.     
1974 IBM launch Winchester hard disc digital storage unit - IP introduced by 
         Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn
1976 TCP/IP adopted by ARPAnet - X.25 protocol suite for packet switched
         (WAN) communication.
1977 Digital Equipment (DEC) becomes the first computer company to create
         its own INTERNET site and E-mail as such invented - Microsoft is
1978 Hayes announces Micromodem 100 - Andy Hopper co-founded Orbis Ltd to develop networking
1979 Oracle introduces Standard Query Language - Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. (SCO) is
         founded by Larry Michels and his son, Doug Michels, as a Unix consulting company. 
1980 Xerox, DEC and Intel announce Ethernet - 
         Andy Hopper - working with Maurice Wilkes developed the Cambridge Fast Ring,
         a pioneering computer network that would later form the basis of broadband Internet.
         The Cambridge Fast Ring was further developed into ATM
1981 Hayes Smartmodem 1200
          IBM PC announced – ‘640K ought to be enough for anybody’ – Bill Gates
          Sony and Philips introduce CD compact disc format
          Sony introduce its portable PCM-F1 to enable digital audio recording onto Betamax Videotape
1982 BBC Micro-computer based Interactive Videodisc Authoring System launched
         Report submitted to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) with regard to the utilisation of my BBC Micro
         based system in conjunction with Philips Laserdisc Storage and the already established Aeronautical
         Fixed Telecommunications Network (AFTN), to create a VIRTUAL FLOW CONTROL SYSTEM using TCP/IP
1983 TCP/IP becomes THE STANDARD for ARPAnet on the first of January - Hayes Smartmodem 2400 
         Ethernet Local Area Network (LAN) established
         Internet Activities Board established – ARPANET 562 hosts
         JANET X.25 Network established  
1984 Apple Macintosh launched at DIDACTA using first mouse driven WYSIWYG interface
         US national Science Foundation (NSF) assumes responsibility for ARPAnet
Token Ring Protocol established - Domain Name System (DNS) introduced
1985 Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) first computer company to register its INTERNET DOMAIN
1986 First Facsimile or "FAX" device launched in Japan - NSF establishes its own faster network NSFNET
         Small Computer System Interface [SCSI] standard [X3.131:1986] - DEC builds the first Internet firewall
         Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) introduced, on-line interactive discussion forums now possible
         Olivetti Research Laboratory founded
1987 Hayes Smartmodem 4800
         Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks [RAID] (Patterson, Gibson and Katz)
         First colour photocopier (Canon) - Industrial videodisc recorder (Sony)
1988 T1 [1.544Mbps] NSFNET back-bone completed – 56,000 hosts
1989 Hayes Smartmodem 9600
1990 CERN implements first Hypertext system, Internet conceived
         CD /Premaster recorder (Sony) – data capacity 650MB
         ARPAnet is switched off and the more popular INTERNET takes over
         An Exclusive Invitation to witness The ART of the POSSIBLE
1991 Hayes Smartmodem OPTIMA 144 fax modem
         The first SIM card was developed in 1991 by Munich smart-card maker Giesecke & Deviant
         JANET IP Service (JIPS) was set up as a pilot project to host IP traffic on the existing network
         University of Minnesota introduces GOPHER, a software program for retrieving information
         from servers on the internet
1992 T3 [45Mbps] NSFNET back-bone (IBM and MCI privately funded R&D) - CERN, the international
         physics research establishment in Switzerland, releases their 'hypertext' software code 
         for the INTERNET - World Wide Web and MOSAIC first web-browser launched
         World's first ever Ethernet-networked On Demand Colour Solution, in collaboration
         with the Victoria State Police and their network consultants, tested at Barcelona Olympics
1993 Hayes Smartmodem OPTIMA 288 fax modem - Windows NT 3.1 OS first launched for
         workstations and server computers
1994 ATM [Asynchronous Transmission Mode] 145 Mbps NSFNET back-bone installed 
         SCO introduces Global Access, the first commercial product to use MOSAIC
         Bluetooth wireless technology invented by Jaap C. Haartsen and his team at Ericsonn 
1995 Growth of the World Wide Web IS now explosive - 33.6 Kbps modem development - by the end 
         of the year, 6 million servers and 50,000 networks are connected to the INTERNET
         Alta Vista the world's fastest and most comprehensive Web search service - powered by
         64-bit Alpha computers - is launched by Digital Equipment and within two weeks it is
         receiving four million hits a day
1996 US Robotics release 56 Kbps modem – Internet 15M hosts -the 'Internet' and 'Web' become
         household words around the globe - DEC launches Alta Vista Personal Edition software which
         allows personal computers to search the World Wide Web (WWW) ....
1999 David Bowie makes this incredible prediction about how THE INTERNET would change our lives
         forever to a sceptical Jeremy Paxman, during a BBC Television NEWSNIGHT interview.
         The name Wi-Fi, commercially used at least as early as August 1999,[18] was coined by the
         brand-consulting firm Interbrand. The Wi-Fi Alliance had hired Interbrand to create a name that was
         "a little catchier than 'IEEE 802.11b Direct Sequence'."[19][20] Phil Belanger, a founding member of
         the Wi-Fi Alliance who presided over the selection of the name "Wi-Fi", has stated that Interbrand
         invented Wi-Fi as a pun upon the word hi-fi.[21]  Interbrand also created the Wi-Fi logo. The yin-yang
         Wi-Fi logo indicates the certification of a product for interoperability.[22] - Wi-Fi Etymology Wikipedia
2014 Earth From Space Full HD NOVA - The groundbreaking two-hour special that reveals a spectacular
         new space-based vision of our planet. Produced in extensive consultation with NASA scientists, NOVA
         takes data from earth-observing satellites and transforms it into dazzling visual sequences, each one
         exposing the intricate and surprising web of forces that sustains life on earth.
2016 Largest map of space ever, totaling 2 petabytes of data, created by PAN-STARRS PROJECT 
The Hubble Ultra Deep Field in 3D

.... and thence
 64.0 Kbps single channel ISDN

128.0 Kbps dual channel ISDN

500 Kbps standard ADSL - established throughout the UK 2004

1.0 Mbps Bluetooth v1.1, MegaStream and EtherStream
1.5 Mbps Full T1 leased line
1.856 Mbps MPEG1 video at SIF resolution

2.0 Mbps Estimated minimum bandwidth requirement per head of population
for connection to European Superhighway – 750 terabits in total

4.7Mbps MPEG2 video bit rate 133 minutes movie 4.7GB DVD-5 40:1 compression
8.0 Mbps MPEG2 video at full resolution, VHS or off-line at 20:1 compression

10.0 Mbps [1.25MB/s] Ethernet 10 BaseT
10.0 Mbps Likely bandwidth requirement per head of 450M extended population
for connection to European Superhighway – 4500 terabits [4.50 petabits] in total
10.5 Mbps Maximum bit rate DVD-5
11.0 Mbps Wi-Fi 802.11b wireless comms

12.0 Mbps USB v1.0

24.0 Mbps ADSL2+ - to be established by BT - throughout 50% of the UK by early 2008
25.0 Mbps DV Native 5:1 compression

36.0 Mbps SONY 1st implementation of Blu-Laser technology using 23GB/side media
40.0 Mbps [5.0MB/s] SCSI-1 [8bit]
45.0 Mbps T3 backbone previously established as NSFNET in 1992

50.0 Mbps SONY MPEG IMX – Intra-frame MPEG2 video – MXF over IP networks
SONY Betacam SP 3.3:1 compression

54.0 Mbps Wi-Fi 802.11a and Wi-Fi 802.11g wireless communications

64.0 Mbps [8MB/s] Digital Betacam 2.5:1 compression

80.0 Mbps [10MB/s] Fast SCSI [8 bit]

100.0 Mbps [12.5MB/s] Ethernet 100 BaseT
145 Mbps [18MB/s] ATM [Asynchronous Transmission Mode]

158 Mbps [19.78MB/s] D:1 (Standard Definition) video uncompressed
160.0 Mbps [20MB/s] Uncompressed PAL CCIR-601 resolution 4:2:2 serial DV
160.0 Mbps [20MB/s] Ultra SCSI [8 bit] and Fast Wide SCSI [16 bit]

200.0 Mbps [25MB/s] Proposed Wide-Band Wireless Networking channel
320.0 Mbps [40MB/s] Ultra2 SCSI [8 bit] and Ultra Wide SCSI [16 bit]
400.0 Mbps [50MB/s] IEEE1394A / iWIRE / Firewire
480.0 Mbps [60MB/s] USB v2.0
500.0 Mbps [62.5MB/s] Proposed Ultra Wide-Band Wireless Networking

622.0 Mbps [77.75MB/s] Experimental Satellite
640 Mbps [80 MB/s] Ultra2 Wide SCSI [16 bit]
760 Mbps [95MB/s] High Definition (HD) video uncompressed

800.0 Mbps [100MB/s] IEEE1394B/iWIRE/Firewire - SCSI-3 Family of Standards

1.0 Gbps [125MB/s] Gigabit Ethernet 1000 BaseT/copper 1000 Base SX/LX/fibre
1.0 Gbps [125MB/s] iSCSI Internet- SCSI-3 Family of Standards
1.0 Gbps [125MB/s] Fibre Channel - SCSI-3 Family of Standards
1.0 Gbps [125MB/s] PCI 32 bit/33 MHz

1.06 Gbps [133MB/s] PCMCIA CardBus Burst Rate
1.28 Gbps [160 MB/s] Ultra 160/m LVD SCSI - SCSI-3 Family of Standards
1.6 Gbps [200MB/s] proposed IEEE1394B - Firewire - SCSI-3 Family of Standards
2.0 Gbps Fibre Channel – SCSI-3 Family of Standards
2.0 Gbps Serial ATA RAID – compatible with SCSI-3 Family of Standards

2.125 Gbps [251MB/s] PCI 64 bit/33 MHz
2.5 Gbps 1 x InfiniBand cluster communications – SCSI-3 Family of Standards
2.56 Gbps [320 MB/s] Ultra 320 LVD SCSI - SCSI-3 Family of Standards
3.2 Gbps [400MB/s] proposed IEEE1394B - Firewire - SCSI-3 Family of Standards
4.25 Gbps [503MB/s] PCI 64bit /66 MHz
4.25 Gbps [503MB/s] PCI-X66 MHz

5.12 Gbps [640 MB/s] Dual Ultra 320 SCSI - SCSI-3 Family of Standards
6.75 Gbps [753 MB/s] PCI-X100 100 MHz
8.5 Gbps [1.06GB/s] PCI-X133 MHz
9.58 Gbps [1.2GB/s] SONET (OC-192c) Fibre-optic WAN serial data frame rate 
10.0 Gbps Ethernet - Cat 6 copper 10,000 BaseT or Fibre 10,000 Base SX/LX
10.0 Gbps 4 x InfiniBand cluster communications – SCSI-3 Family of Standards
10.0 Gbps Fibre Channel – SCSI-3 Family of Standards
10.0 Gbps Intel "Thunderbolt" VIDEO+DATA Standard - jointly released with Apple Computers Inc. 2012

17 Gbps [2.125GB/s] PCI-X266 MHz
34 Gbps [4.25GB/s] PCI-X 533 MHz last of PCI-X 2.0 series specification
40 Gbps [8GB/s] 40 Gigabit Ethernet proposed future standard (established Nortel 2007)
40 Gbps [8GB/s] (OC-768c) Fibre-optic WAN serial data frame rate
68 Gbps [8.5GB/s] PCI-X 1066 proposed 3.0 series standard expected late 2004
100 Gbps 100 Gigabit Ethernet proposed future standard
136 Gbps [17GB/s] PCI-X 2133 proposed future standard

100Tbps Dense Wave Division Multiplexing [DWDM] can multiply the capacity of
existing fibre routes by sending 160 colours [300-500 planned] down a single strand of fibre.
Each colour could sustain 40 Gb/s of data throughput and Lucent are experimenting with
160 Gb/s per colour. It is therefore entirely possible that the theoretical capacity of just one
strand of fibre could be 100 Terabits. To put these capacities into perspective consider that
a gigabit is equivalent to 1009 bits and a terabit to 1012 bits. A petabit, on the other hand,
is 1015 bits of capacity. Larger capacities equate to exabit (1018 bits), zettabit (1021 bits)
and yottabit (1024 bits).

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views (1,486)

Michael : catalyst-producer

about 1 hour later
Michael said

Re: science pod

Michael said Jul 7, 12 0 PM:

Yes but is “the vine” black or white …. and presumably not merlot !

In respect to Etceterist's earlier post - Chris Curry Director of Acorn Computers - designers of the BBC MIcro ( that's another tale ) - used to say of me that - I was always to free with my information and over the top in my search for the others' point of view

BEING PREPARED TO SURVIVE …. considering that in the world of chaos with which we are now faced - it is entirely possible that as The 2030 Spike predicted - ” a huge confluence of seven natural and human-made drivers will converge around 2030 and wreak havoc “ - I would say is paramount.

My science blog post doesn't mean that I am anti-science, far from it. I love science, as I do also the arts, philosophy, wealth creation etc. etc. but only because I have continuously sought to find out the answers for myself from a 1st person perspective and not as a result of only being told how to think by priests, politicians, academia, intellectual elites and the fifth estate! - thank goodness for Apple, Hypercard, Tim Berners Lee, http, the internet, blogging and now zaadz.

My involvement with and understanding of science is very broad ( how long was it that it took to evolve the eye ? ) and increasingly based on the realisation that in order to survive we absolutely must consider the biggest picture that we can - I have owned the web site for some years waiting for all the aspects of technolgy and science to converge to the point where the creation of a place was at all possible. I have had a 25 year involvement with Oxford University Press and it was I who persuded the OUP Charity Board to allow IBM to create the electronic version of the OED. I have also spoken to them about the concept of a second version of the OED which I have called the AlphaINDEX of Stories. A 0-9 A_Z reference guide for all those and their stories who have entered a place. As a result of my relationship with OUP I am absolutely sure that the only word in the english dictionary that the priests, politicians, academia, intellectual elites and the fifth estate - could possibly use to describe multiple universes of universes is galactica. In the same way that Tim Berners Lee created and gave us http so also I am prepared to place my ideas, experience, enthusiasm and commitment into the public domain.

But I seek not fame or fortune. It is generally recognized by my close set of freinds that although they and my family have always enjoyed the best of lifestyles, they would have been better off financially to the tune of at least £1M had I not spent it on my life-long project. And understandably sometimes put off by my rants - but seemingly of the opinion over time that - ” Michael is not always right but he is invariably not wrong ! ” - boy do I need a holiday.

I have until now stalwartly avoided putting my thoughts into books - despite several offers of lucrative contracts from OUP and others over the years - because I abhor the concept of intellectual elitism - a
concept, which was of course, at the root of the reason why Pirsig wrote Zen and the Art of Motor-cycle Maintenance.

Re: science

Michael said Jul 12, 9 36 AM:

The beauty of the internet is that we can at all communicate in the manner which we are doing - but REAL communication can only validly take place FACE to FACE and until we get REAL-TIME - ultimately 500MB/sec bandwidth - video conferencing capability as a function of the zaadz toolset - one snapshot of my face is meaningless in the multitude of snapshot possibilities that would have to be collated to iconise the multiple levels of ‘what-do-you-think-I-mean? as a result of every question / discussion posed !

Shhh : ....

1 day later
Shhh said

What a detailed chronology! Can you do me a favor though. Can you put more separation between Microsoft founded and Email Invented. The dash makes them seem connected, and there is a common misconception that Bill invented email, the internet, and numerous other things when those of us who were around know that is really very, very silly.

Searching : Observer

2 days later
Searching said

Can i comment or question on the “REAL communication……. can ONLY VALIDLY take place face to face….. Real-Time…. “ that would be assuming FACE to FACE is actually “real” communication being people being authentic…. isn't it also that FACE to FACE is behind masks…. most people are acting & not being authentic… because face to face no one really wants or feels safe to show their trueness…. or even know it. To me face to face appears guarded & not true at all…. because we have yet to learn to be REAL. even whatever REAL is.” not knocking what your doing…. just felt need to comment on “REAL” :)

Michael : catalyst-producer

2 days later
Michael said

You are so right - shhh - your wish is my command - and I have elevated E-mail invented to the “thread” as well.

Michael : catalyst-producer

2 days later
Michael said

Please feel free to comment and question all you wish I would welcome much more than seems to be the norm at zaadz.

FACE to FACE communication does invariably take place behind masks and most people are acting & not being authentic - and often no one really wants or feels safe to show their trueness…. or even knows it - and I agree that face to face can appear to be guarded & not true at all….

but Chuang-Tzu said that faces are the reflection of the soul - so as a left handed dyslexic I have always sought to establish face to face communication between people before any meaningful communication can take place - such that I can validate their authenticity before going through the process of interpretation of the words that have been spoken. That is the only way that I have been able to survive in this world for 60 years.

It is only then when I have established a “valid feed-back loop” that I can judge the authenticity of the situation and feel confident that a channel of REAL communication has been establshed. Until I can do that electronically ( at 500MB/sec) I will never be able to truly communicate with the half of the world population that has so far used a telephone.

Interestingly your latest adventure was in a hot air balloon - may I make comment that you no doubt began to understand during your trip how singularly authentic that mode of travel is - a hot air balloon only travels where the wind takes it and because there is absolutely no wind-shear in so doing - as is the case in the eye of a hurricane - complete silence maintains such that you can hear people talking on the ground despite flying high above them - without being face to face !

Searching : Observer

5 days later
Searching said

Michael, There are so many angles to this “face-to-face” thing. I'm finding it difficult to come up with any one angle here in this little space. To just reply i find myself walking around the house talking to myself
about all the possibilities here. You opened up a thought that i've really been struggling with for years. I find myself agreeing with your statement and disagreeing all at the same time. I agree faces are the reflection………. i agree there is a valid feed-back loop…… however……. face to face also brings about reacting in real time to the communication, feeling forced to respond quickly, you miss out on the
'processing' aspect before you speak, yet which ones greater. Communication seems like an artform??? dependent on so many factors. I hadn't considered the dyslexic reason & i see that as oh so valid … it made me think about my own ability to 'see the masks' .. to read whats behind the masks.. and not everyone can do that.. infact i dont think most can or realize its going on. I first learned to open up to someone on the internet….. in type.. safer somehow ….. but really perhaps thats all just a dimension? Anyway.. i could go on
forever i think here… and not sure 'comments' is the place to have a 15 page discussion :) but i told ya in my first email to you….. i thought i wanted to stay connected to what you might write in the future….. and all that was based upon the written word… i read something in your posts that intrigued me about you. so hmmmm….. now what do we do with this …………………. ???????? i'm game to continue.

The hot air balloon ride i took was a wonderful experience… what a perspective & moment to be so suspended high then low & yes…. low enough to hear people talking :) understanding the wind current
travel & the different levels & how the pilot maneuvered through them to get where he 'hoped' he could get….. kinda like life itself. Having an idea of where they want to travel & land, but being dependent on current & ability to find each path. Truly a beautiful event that will be with me forever. can't wait to do it
again !!!!!!!!!!!! And both wind currents & communication ….

Kathy&Kevin : lightplayers

2 months later
Kathy&Kevin said

Hello Michael

Thank you so much for the time-line. Very interesting especially everything said here about communication. Since Feb. of this year we have been talking to people face to face real time across the internet, it is fascinating. I think Brian has been informed about this system. The really amazing thing though for me has been watching peoples personal development as they have used video email. I include myself in this
group. The coolest thing is the web broadcasting tool, which I think will democratize the media. Open and honest communication is crucial for changing the world. It will be fascinating to see how this will again change us and the internet over the next few years.

Kevin of
K&K Peace

Michael : catalyst-producer

over 2 years later
Michael said



Click on “The Enlightened Universe” to listen to eminent author, inventor, and futurist Dr. Ray Kurzweil speak with ease and eloquence about the challenging task of keeping pace with the exponential rate of technological change occurring on the planet. Along the way, he discusses a few of the probable paths this evolution may take, including, but not limited to: the evolutionary interface of human biology with nanotechnology, the day when computers will be a lot smarter than we are (sooner than you think), and how ultimately all the “dumb” matter in the universe will be transformed into “smart” matter, imbued with intelligent consciousness and the capacity to exert free will over the momentous forces of nature!

mum's the word : Cosmic Explorer

over 2 years later
mum's the word said

That's pretty awesome news there, Michael. To think that a computer gives off that much intelligent force that we as a human brain already holds, and
that the computer is now capable of structuring it before we

Michael : catalyst-producer

over 3 years later
Michael said

The whole sphere of quantum computing IS about to explode and promises the kind of creative innovation which will potentially diversify into a multitude of business opportunities to address the complex set of crises with which our species is faced.

Michael : catalyst-producer

over 3 years later
Michael said

In the context of a parallel time-line it was, as Geoffrey Lean has said …

a gloomy swede who saw the chill wind of change coming

and summarizes the dilemma by saying …

There is also NO controversy about the fact that the Earth’s climate has changed rapidly and violently in the past. The ratios of different isotopes of oxygen trapped deep in polar icecaps reveal past temperatures going back 600,000 years and show that
the planet has swung abruptly between warmer and colder states. The
exception is the past 10,000 years, in which all human civilisation has
developed, when temperatures have remained anomalously stable. We have
flourished, in effect, in what amounts to a climatic ceasefire. And to
mix metaphors, it seems unwise – when the temperature has settled at
the right level for us – to fiddle with the thermostat.

Margaret Thatcher saw this 20 years ago, warning that we may have “unwittingly begun a massive experiment with the system of the planet itself”. Though a former sceptic, she realised – unlike some now – that the fact
that the climate changed for natural reasons in the past did not mean
that human activities could not affect it today, any more than the fact
that almost everyone dies of natural causes is a guarantee against
murder. So there is common ground between prominent sceptics and those
who accept global warming that climates can change; that the world has
warmed up over recent decades; and that carbon dioxide has played a
part in it.

What, then, is all the fuss about? Rarely can so bitter a battle have been fought over such narrow territory.
The argument ranges over what we don’t know: how fast global warming
will proceed; how much carbon dioxide will be responsible for it;
whether natural systems will accelerate it or slow it down; what its
effects will be; and how much it will cost to bring it under control.
And these issues are made much more difficult to resolve by the
inconvenient fact that inertia in the world’s systems – particularly,
the oceans, which are slow to heat up – means that the effects of
emissions take decades to become evident.

So we do not even know for certain what the results will be of today’s pollution, let alone of what we emit in future.

Michael : catalyst-producer

over 3 years later
Michael said

In a move that could put it at loggerheads with traditional broadband providers, Google is funding a US fibre-network trial that will see internet access speeds increased by as much as a factor of 100 times today's connections

Equivalent to the SCSI-3 Family of Standards 1.0 Gbps [125MB/s] Fibre Channel

Michael : catalyst-producer

over 3 years later
Michael said

and For Chip Makers, the Next Battle Is in Smartphones to access and take profit from those high-speed networks …

until of course the energy to run all these devices becomes too expensive or runs out completely; there's always that coal in the British Isles though that became too expensive to mine during the 1970s and 80s !

Leave Your Wise and Insightful Comment

Views: 754

Comment by Michael Grove on March 3, 2012 at 11:53

Network convergence in a Hyperconnected World will also take reliability needs to the next level, requiring very fast recovery times and low end-to-end latency to support such real-time services as voice and video, and certain classes of sensors and actuators.

As the number & diversity of network-connected devices grow exponentially, however, it will be impossible to forecast bandwidth demand, routing patterns, or quality-of-service requirements. As a result we will need smarter and higher-capacity optical networks that are extremely adaptable to changing bandwidth requirements.

Designing systems where users and applications have a continuous presence on the network, able to seamlessly move across multiple networks without interuption - even enter and exit the enterprise network or the residential network and cross over to the carrier network - therefore becomes one of the major challenges.



Comment by Michael Grove on March 3, 2012 at 11:54

Taking the Four Steps - by Tomme Nolle, CIMI Corporation

… and an IBM Sequoiaseed” to spawn an infrastructure to match!

Comment by Michael Grove on September 24, 2012 at 14:51

Why tablets are the future of computing

"This transformation is going to make some people uneasy… because the PC has taken us a long way. They were amazing. But it changes. Vested interests are going to change. And, I think we’ve embarked on that change. Is it the iPad? Who knows? Will it be next year or five years? … We like to talk about the post-PC era, but when it really starts to happen, it’s uncomfortable."

                                                                                                                    Steve Jobs

Comment by Michael Grove on December 14, 2012 at 19:18

"Computer literacy can wait ...

          BUT plain old literacy is absolutely necessary to be able to function"


Comment by Michael Grove on December 29, 2012 at 13:24

Virgin Media has confirmed it’s investigating new technology that could deliver up to 10Gbps downloads without overhauling its network.

Comment by Michael Grove on April 12, 2013 at 9:45

PC sales fall off a cliff - steepest quarterly decline on record reported

The full extent of the decline of the PC industry has been made clear in the latest quarterly analysis from IDC, which revealed a near 14pc drop in the number of PCs sold in the first quarter of this year compared with last year.

AS Steve Jobs said back in 2010 - 


Comment by Michael Grove on June 10, 2014 at 7:59

THIS REPORT is the latest research report in a sustained effort throughout 2014 by the

Pew Research Center Internet Project to mark the 25th anniversary of the creation of

the World Wide Web by Sir Tim Berners-Lee (The Web at 25).

Comment by Michael Grove on June 24, 2015 at 5:43

Signaling System 7 (SS7) is an international telecommunications standard that defines how network elements in a public switched telephone network (PSTN) exchange information over a digital signaling network. Nodes in an SS7 network are called signaling points.

SS7 is used for these and other services:

  • Setting up and managing the connection for a call.
  • Wireless as well as wireline call service, including seamless roaming and SMS.
  • Tearing down the connection when the call is complete.
  • Managing call forwarding, calling party name and number display, three-way calling, and other Intelligent Network (IN) services.
  • Toll-free (800 and 888) and toll (900) calls.

SS7 uses out-of-band signaling, which means that signaling (control) information travels on a separate, dedicated 56 or 64 Kbps channel rather than within the same channel as the telephone call. Historically, the signaling for a PSTN telephone call has used the same voice circuit that the telephone call traveled on (this is known as in-band signaling). In addition to providing access to the SS7 network, signaling points provide access to the databases used by switches. 

In 2014, security researchers in Germany demonstrated that attackers could exploit security holes in SS7 to track cell phone users' movements and communications and eavesdrop on conversations. The attack in question is essentially a man-in-the-middle attack on cell phone communications that, among other things, exploits the lack of authentication in the communication protocols that run on top of SS7.

Comment by Michael Grove on February 16, 2016 at 21:53

Want to make sure you back something up indefinitely ? Then you could do worse than  a digital data storage technique that uses laser light to store 360 terabytes of information on nanostructure quartz for up to 14 billion years. The team has now written a series of major works to small glass discs— including the Universal

Declaration of Human Rights,

Newton’s Opticks, the Magna Carta 

and the Kings James BibleDeveloped

by researchers at Southampton University in the UK, the technique uses femtosecond laser pulses to write data in the 3D structure of quartz at the nanoscale. The pulses create three layers of nanostructured dots, each just five microns above the other. The changes in the structure can be read by interrogating the sample with another pulse of light and recording its polarisation —the orientation of the waves—after it’s passed through.

Comment by Michael Grove on February 22, 2021 at 15:50

   Wireless Industry’s Newest Gambit:
   Terahertz Communication Bands.

   While communication system designers are  

   preoccupied with readying millimeter wave 

   (mmWave) for 5G, experiments are underway

   on terahertz bands for indoor wireless, localization

   studios, and gigabyte Wi-Fi networks.


The terahertz band (0.3 THz to 10 THz) is the next frontier in wireless communications for its ability to unlock significantly wider segments of unused bandwidth. Though radio channels above 100 GHz are little known, several high-speed terahertz communication links have been demonstrated in recent years.
There is not much talk about terahertz communications because the industry is currently preoccupied with mmWave frequency bands (30 to 300 GHz) to offer multi-gigabit-per-second (Gbps) data rates for 5G mobile devices. Moreover, terahertz communication takes the problem that mmWave bands are currently facing to a whole new level: propagation loss caused by a tremendous amount of signal attenuation due to molecule absorption of electromagnetic waves.
Like mmWave communications, terahertz bands can be used as mobile backhaul for transferring large bandwidth signals between base stations. Another venue for fiber or copper replacement is point-to-point links in rural environments and macro-cell communications.
More importantly, terahertz bands can be employed in close-in communications, also known as whisper radio applications. That includes wiring harnesses in circuit boards and vehicles, nanosensors, and wireless personal area networks (PANs).
Then, there are applications like high-resolution spectroscopy and imaging and communication studies that require short-range communications in the form of massive bandwidth channels with zero error rate in crucial areas like coding, redundancy, and frequency diversity.

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