compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
The MIND - of one born to a TIME of rationing and austerity - which was
subsequently nurtured by family, friends and the experience of an early
education in North London at the time of the conquering of everest and the
Coronation of a New Queen.
Reflexions of only having read one book of fiction prior to taking my eleven
plus examination to gain entrance to Borehamwood Grammar School - and
subsequently achieving enough GCE "O" & "A" level examination passes to be
accepted by the Ministry of Aviation as an Air Traffic Control Cadet - thus
obtaining the so called yellow peril and subsequently getting married to my
long-term partner and soul-mate.
Reflexions of a 20 year career in
Air Traffic Control which started
with a familiarisation of mainframe
computer systems based on an
IBM System/360 64K CoreStore
Mainframe - the size of a block of
flats - and spanned operational
experience at London Radar, on
the North Side of Heathrow Airport
Eurocontrol - Brussels, Luxembourg,
Maastricht UAC Beek - and finally
West Drayton as an Area Radar
Controller and Flow Controller - before leaving Air Traffic to become a director
of Acorn Video whose systems were based on the Acorn Business Computer,
an advanced development of the BBC 32K Microcomputer and a precursor to
the Advanced Research Machine Project which has NOW transmogrified into
the ongoing development of the ARM microcomputer chip, the first of which
[IS] installed into my soulmate's Apple iPhone.
Reflexions of the good times when working with Acorn the BBC, Microvitec,
Oxford University Press, Computer Integrated Solutions, Image-IN-IT,
iQual, which was a hive off from INTEL in the 1990s and STL Technologies -
as the rate of change of every underlying component technology, of an ever
developing global system of communications, continued its once burgeoning
geometric progress to finally mutate into its latest exponential phase.
Reflexions over the years of my overarching commitment to the enactment
of the "art of creativity" and the struggle of the artistic dyslexic community -
to collectively and individually come to terms with our need to
accept ourselves without fear - in the face of society's status-quo
mis-understanding of our dilemma ( "how could you, being a dyslexic,
possibly have worked as an air traffic controller ") - but ever aware of our
different set of skills and talents, because the connections in our brains are
geared to a completely different set of perspectives to the "lexic mainstream".
The true importance of the dyslexic mind lies in its MIND strengths.
While not every individual with dyslexia enjoys all the MIND strengths,
most show one or more of these important abilities, and these strengths
often provide the keys to their success - Epilogue by Brock Eide, Fernette Eide
REFLEXIONS of a DYSLEXIC MIND in the form of A MATRIX of 49 tunnels
This MINDFULNESS Mind Map provides a matrix of 49 "tunnels"
- designed for and by the masses - allowing access to a place conducive
to Coexistence, Cooperation and Collaboration - such that the collective
all-inclusive first person singular present tense, third person objective
- point of view - will then subsequently lead to the establishment of
a new model & method of wealth creation, mutually beneficial to ALL.
I have spoken at length, throughout my zbloggings@gaia, about the urgent
ENVIRONMENT; and had genuinely believed that, in their quest for more
open and transparent democratic representation, the PEOPLE's collective
influence over the MIND-SET of our new masters of the globe would be
sufficient to initiate the switch.
IT IS NOW apparent, however, in the light of the global events that have
taken place over the last six years and our new masters reactions to those
events, that NO BETTER understanding exists today in our masters
MIND-SET than pertained hitherto.
MATTERS have IN FACT got worse instead of better; to the extent that
IT appears to be as if the BIG PICTURE can ONLY BE “SEEN” through a
collection of word descriptions rather than a drawing and that any change
of interpretation of the drawing can ONLY be manifested by a change of the
definition of the words used to describe the BIG PICTURE, rather than take
“cogniscence” of Einstein's words …
” IF I can't picture it, I can't understand it ”
NO THING happens in LIVING NATURE that is not in relation to
THE WHOLE as the BALANCED ECO-SYSTEM which Homo Sapiens
must now restore to ensure the survival of LIFE on EARTH.
As Leonardo da Vinci said ...
Dreams are the passionate release of our souls, and in
them is the spirit contained by which we should persevere
and fulfil our lives, so that in death we will have acquitted
our dues and not been envious of others.
ALL is in NATURE - WE are ALL a circumstance of NATURE
NO RESPECT for your environment - NO RESPECT for YOURSELF
Views: 853
In the context of "TIME BEING a RIVER" the river of reflexion • which I am painting in my own AlphaINDEX of Stories • consisting of a one year, day by day cycle, of reflexions of connected events of the life which was borne into this world by SHE who has finally passed the torch... [IT] IS fitting, therefore, to thank you ALL for your kind remarks and to advise you particularly that I have cherished this solid brass statue and its intricate detail for many a year as part of a collection which symbolises for me the passing of the torch - in the form of the seed amongst us zaadzsters et al - from Guatama Buddha to Mahakashyap and onwards from India to China, China to India, India to Japan, Japan to the USA and hopefully now from the USA to the entirety of all the peoples of all the nations of the WORLD.
A model of INSIGHT ARISING from the Goddess of COMPASSION towards AUTHENTIC SELF
THE most important lesson that I learnt at Borehamwood Grammar School - was that which was delivered to me by my English Literature teacher call Mr. Wilkinson. When discussing the concept of critical analysis & appraisal, I said that there were obviously two directly opposed categories of criticism - constructive & destructive - to which he replied never ever apologise for offering constructive criticism - while all those around you perceive ALL criticism to be destructive.
Reality is not just the bad; it is also the good.
The mind requires an awareness of both in order to work at its best.
For one who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends, but for one who has failed to do so, his/her very mind will be the greatest enemy and as Carl Jung so rightly stated -
THE most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely.
When one considers the actions of our "masters of the globe" ...
I invariably amuse myself by thinking about Leonardo da Vinci's
take on them, which was that they were -
"as wise as the wind they fart from their arses"
"The Idea That It Is POSSIBLE: SUPER BRAIN ... Empathic Civilization" Yes!
We can discover that super-positive imagination generates powerful fields of transformation.
"To journey, you must have eyes for the journey; if you don't have eyes, the baldies will set out used furniture from the past before you, putting big prices on them, boasting in a hundred ways that they are rare and marvellous treasures. You may lose your eyes and brain all at once; unable to get anywhere, you may not avoid being confused by them and getting into a bunch of antique curios, never to emerge."
Hsi-yen (1198-1262
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