compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
First posted by Michael Grove @zaadz on April 12, 2007 at 11:00
So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole of the Earth.
Thank YOU each and everyone of you for the amazing words, loving thoughts and shared feelings. Your tributes are wonderful, beautiful and more than
touching as we remember and celebrate Chad's life, heART and being…
I posted several more in the Joy pod that I received and wanted to share, but first a brief note from Kathleen, Chad's loving wife, life partner and soulmate.
”Chad's family and myself are so touched by the outpouring of love…
… You and his friends from zaadz loved him
and through that love he knew that he must continue to
be honest to himself and not be limited by his health,
by his body. Before he died, I was so afraid. So
afraid to lose him and now I fear nothing. Thank you.
Being with him, witnessing him, participating with him
in his death has been a such a gift. I never realized
how beautiful death is. Death truly is love and he
knew that, he rested in that love. Of course I miss my
husband. My body yearns for his, but I am in awe of
the grace and love that has been given to me.
I can only hope that those who didn't know him before
might be able to experience his love through his
writing. His words have always given me so much.”
Mary Kathleen's love and words are so beautiful. I have been with death, and understand what she means.
Maybe one day she'll join us here, and we'll have the honour of befriending her too. She sounds very special.
yesterday, after work, I was supposed to go to dinner with a bunch of friends to celebrate farland’s birthday, but a storm was coming and farland wanted
to get going to moab sooner than later, so the dinner was cancelled.
my husband and son were out of town, mountain biking, so I thought I
would go to yoga, but I didn’t make it to class in time, so I thought I
would go to a movie, but it wasn’t at the theatre I thought it would be
at, so I kept driving. I thought I would go to the next town and see
if it was playing there. it wasn’t. I called a friend and another
friend to see if they wanted to meet. one was out of town, the other
didn’t answer. something seemed to be calling me, but I wasn’t sure
what it was. I decided to go to the burrito place in Carbondale and
read my book and relax a bit.
when I entered the shop, I almost thought it was closed because there was not a single other soul in the room. a pretty girl came out of the kitchen as I approached the counter. as she prepared a burrito
for me she asked if I was going to stay for family bluegrass night and
I said maybe I would and I wondered if maybe the music had been calling
me down to carbondale. I sat and ate and read my book and took some
notes. soon I realized that the room was filling up with people.
about 6 or 7 men had started playing music, various instruments -
guitar, banjo, fiddle, bass, mandolin, etc… they were sitting in a
circle right in front of the table I was sitting at. I paused in my
reading to listen fully.
another man entered carrying a case which held another stringed instrument. with him, a girl in a bright green coat. she had a subtle smile. soon the man chose a chair and began playing with the circle
which had grown to 10 men all playing and some singing. the girl sat
by me. we immediately began a converstaion. we talked of poetry,
music, places, people. I liked her immediately and completely. She
said she was applying to graduate schools to study poetry and I shared
a bit of stuff from my notebook with her and told her it had been
editted a bit since going to the notebook and that the more recent
version was on my blog. I asked her if she had any of her poems with
her and she recited one for me. it had a line about a shared
kidney and a more than once death. I wanted to read it because there
was so much in it I couldn’t get it all at once in one listen. I gave
her a piece of paper with my gaia / blog address. she said, “oh,
you’re on gaia.” and I said yes and something about siona and she
said, “oh, you know siona?!?” and yes, and we discussed how we each
knew siona and she told me how her husband had been on gaia, back when
it was zaadz and that he had died and that siona had been wonderful and
supportive. and she wrote down her husband’s name and “the resting
and the girl I met last night was Kathleen Cobb. and I am here now reading a memorium about her husband whom I did not have the pleasure of knowing in life. and I’m thinking….. what a strange
and wonderful world. and I’m wondering….. and wondering. and as I
type this I have a tear in my eye and a smile in my heart and a
profound awe for the gorgeous mystery of life.
Views: 264
I can also act in ways that I believe are compassionate to the people right in front of me, and you
might think, “Isn’t that compassion for others?” But really, it’s compassion for myself in another
form. It’s another self-compassion method.
Imagine the pain you feel when you see someone else suffering — the suffering you feel is real
suffering, just as the other person is suffering. Yet, most people don’t actually ease that suffering
in themselves.
So, how do you ease that suffering in yourself when you see someone else suffering?
You reach out, empathize, make a connection, and look for a way to reduce the other person’s
suffering, and your own. If the other person opens up, that’s great. If not, that’s OK, because
you’ve reached out and let them know that you too suffer when you see them suffer.
That’s a powerful thing.
And so your ease your own suffering, and it’s a selfish sort of compassion.
But that’s the only kind there is.
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omz, such sad news about chad…what a loss to his dear and newly wedded life partner and all of us…how tragic yet he is free…and he gave so much
while here on earth, as do you, dear darina.
i wish to reach out to his wife and express my compassion…is she here at zaadz? i am so sad
for her and send her the strength she will need for teh journey ahead.
so sad to hear about this. please extend my condolences to Chad's wife, family, and friends.
thank you for letting us know.
here's to joy, sadness, life, and impermanence.
I paused and prayed. Thoughts of peace, comfort and love to those who knew Chad.
I love this PEACE from Chad Christopher Cobb…it’s so inspirational ~
*Love only you*
Love only you.
Take all the love you want to give to
others, and share it with yourself.
There is no need or purpose to try
and love anybody else.
When you truly love yourself, you will inevitably
resonate love for everyone and everything.
Love cannot be bounded as a gift and then given.
Rather, love is limitless freedom and can only be
expressed, and this sole expression comes from
you loving you.
—-from The Resting Sage (2006)
Resting Sage I am you and I love you xxxx
A prayer of thanks to both Chad and his family.
May they both rest easy; and rest together once again. So mote it be.
A Tribute to C^3, the Resting Sage:
Chade Christopher Cobb
When a human body ceases to live in this present bodily life, every cell in every flower bows down to the sacred ground of the Earth, both as a
homage for his momentous absence from Mother Nature, and as a joyful
memorial for his ever-present stillness through the echoing resonance
of the meaning and the sense of his existence.
When a human soul leaves what isn't everlasting in this earthly life, every stone in its powerful integrity seems to breathe like a japanese garden, by
silence's unreachingness and by the well doing nonsense of the deepest
inexpressible truth in each grain of its sand.
When a human spirit begins his eternal voyage towards the unlimited existence, every heart receives in the deepest inner chamber of his soul a blessing
from this brotherly soul as a gift for passing to another ever-living
existence form and a much more highly way of being alive.
Then every creature receives a parcel of his heritage, the precious gift of the greatest sense and the deepest meaning of his life here among us.
So, nothing is lost forever, nothing is lost at all, for every single feeling of love, every thought of truth, every smile of joy, every
caress of tenderness, every looking eye of friendship, every gift of
one's personal treasures is kept, and may be received and is for being
received and shared.
Nothing is lost from what can't be lost. Everything is kept shinning in every single soul or creature that were meaningful for the one that went for the greatest of all journeys.
Who knows who is the richest: the one who inevitably left the too much bounding limits of this bodily form of life or those who will keep him
still bright, alive and shinning in the most blessed and unlimited
avenues of their lives?
I didn't know our friend C^3 before. But now it's as if I always did. Now I know him, perhaps in a sense (may be the only that matters after all) better and deeper than
if I ever did know him before.
And so everything he was, everything he is and everything he will be now on is at a better reach for me, as it is as well for all of us.
I don't know if C^3 is the first ever departed friend here in Zaadz. If he is, this is quite significant in my view. If not, it is significant all the same.
Only the meaning is different, not The meaning.
The other side of life is not a mere dissolving of the singular soul and spirit in the Unconditioned Whole beyond the entire All - it is an everlasting
divine growing, according to the seal of our soul, the crest of our
spirit and to the living glory of our then deified body, all along the
time we passed here.
With a shinny lily from the eternal valley of the glory of being: send in tenderness to Kathleen …
In the everlasting presence of Triple C (of Calm, Caring and Courageous), from the distance of my deepest closeness, I send a triple L: of Light,
Life and Love).
pilgrim of me in others
“…But in the ending and the beginning, it’s entirely up to you and where you long to be. I long for fulfillment. I long for freedom that is
limitless and boundless, without constraints, without controls, without
violence. I long for peace. I long for home. I long for you.”
with tears and love, a goodbye that will never be..for you rest in my heart, with every beat, i breath you.
thank you love for all that is..
Oh, goodness. This made me cry. What a gift, his life, and how beautiful, and what an honor to have (even in the smallest way) known.
Thank you… and so much love.
I did not know this man, but I feel the love here. I'm sorry for the loss…
to those of you who knew him, take care of yourselves and each other
A Hui Hou….
A Hui Hou means untill we meet again in Hawaiian….
My amazing virtual friend C^3, I am in awe of the pain I feel at your passing despite never meeting you in person. I kow you are free and
connected to all that is once again and this is a miraculous place to
be… Now it is up to us that are left behind to honor your memory and
continue to move forward. I will miss your presencce here at Zaadz and
in the many pods we shared. Thank you for your words of wisdom, your
love, your sharing heart, all that you have been and will continue to
I didn't know Chad, but some time ago I stumbled across his profile page, and rested my eyes on his wonderfully open and happy face. What a loss,
what a lovely man. I'm so sorry. I will light a candle, and spend some
quiet time today in tribute to him, his friends and family, and to our
fragile lives.