compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
Stonehenge, Preseli and the Ice Age
The most controversial book ever published about Stonehenge, in which the author questions many of the supposed facts about the ruinous and iconic monument and finds them to be nothing more than fantasies and suppositions. The author shows that the monument was built on Salisbury Plain simply because that is where the stones were, and that the bluestones (of many different types) were glacial erratics. He suggests that the myth of the human transport of the stones has been kept alive down through the years simply for commercial reasons; Stonehenge brings in so much money to the British economy that nobody wants to allow the truth to get in the way of a good story.......
"In this book I have taken nothing for granted,
and after examining many of the "facts" taken
as read by archaeologists, I show that many
of them are suppositions, based upon the
flimsiest of evidence.
The theory of the human transport of the bluestones has no evidence at all in support
of it. Archaeologists have allowed their obsession with a ruling hypothesis to lead them
into a world of wild and grotesque fantasies -- for example, the recently proposed
"healing stones" theory has no more hard evidence to back it up than a children's
fairytale. Stonehenge was never finished, and it may well have been a jerry-built
disaster. The bluestones -- from at least 15 different locations -- were not carried by
our Neolithic ancestors from Wales, but were glacial erratics, picked up in the
vicinity of Stonehenge. It follows that the builders of the monument had no idea where
the stones had come from" - Brian John
It seems to me that there are many deaths along the way to the death of
the flesh. That our soul or spirit or sense of self, whatever you might wish
to call it, is offered the opportunity to die and be reborn many times. And
that is what I think of when considering this dolmen -- how I am called to
release the old and move toward the new over and over again.
Views: 138
With respect to Stonehenge, the archaeological establishment is accused of inventing evidence to suit its ruling hypotheses, and of ignoring carefully researched geological evidence simply because it is "inconvenient." Senior archaeologists are accused of descending to the level of junk science, and of being more interested in the telling of fantastical tales than in the careful collection and analysis of data. Archaeologists will not like this book ......
Greencroft Books - Newport, Pembrokeshire
At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the notion that the evolutionary process is ultimately driven by a spiritual impulse is continuing to gain traction, with a growing number of progressive philosophers, scientists, and mystics exploring its implications.
To many, it is simply a compelling philosophy, uniting the revelations of science and spirituality in a way that no other theory can. But others, like Aurobindo before them, are beginning to reach beyond a theoretical discussion to wonder: What might human life and culture look like if we fully took to heart the reality of this view ?
there are certainly more than just one tale to tell !!!???
Freed from the mythic dogmatisms of premodern religion, transcending the materialistic biases of modern scientific thought, and liberated from the narcissistic self-absorptions of postmodernity, what kind of new world could human beings aligned with the trajectory of a spiritually evolving cosmos actually create?
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