Gaia Community

compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion

who enshrined the ACTION of assuming RESPONSIBILITY

with her statement ...

"Human rights and the principles of humanity - those values we share

across faiths and culture - together represent the highest common

vision of humanity. They form a global ethic, already agreed by all

states and their peoples throughout the world. Such a global ethic

provides a common framework to inspire and shape concerted action."

Julia Häusermann M.B.E.

and as the Chief Rabbi, Lord Sacks, has so poignantly stated ...


Universal Declaration of Human Rights

An Introduction by Ralph Steadman

Universal Declaration of Human Rights – 50 years – 50 million violations and 50 thoughts …

Without the Universal Declaration of Human Rights my next sentence could contravene other countries’ arbitrary rule of law and cause all others to surreptitiously conspire to suppress its blatant defiance of state.

‘I have the right to hold an opinion, express it, celebrate it, broadcast it, live by it, and travel with it anywhere I so desire and what’s more convince others, by peaceful means, that they should hold that opinion too.’

That in essence is Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and entombed within it is the right of any artist of any faith, impulse or inclination to express him/herself with unbridled passion and conviction sufficient to bestow upon the world a Pandora’s box of riches or curses we could probably live without.

We are all guilty of gross negligence or convenient choice. We have chosen to turn a blind eye to the constant injustice of our own species against our own kind. We no longer deserve to belong to the animal kingdom. We have betrayed an innate sense of survival, the one instinctive law which protects all creatures from extinction. Compassion has been sacrificed on the altar of political expediency. You may win the battle to be on top for a while but unless the individual is the object of your struggle you will never reach that plateau of certainty to bring you peace of mind. In South Africa they call that state MANDELA. May the whole world reach a state of MANDELA tomorrow, if necessary, but preferably today.

Ralph Steadman 16 August 1998


Views: 527

Comment by Michael Grove on September 2, 2015 at 8:05

OurWorld 2.0 - provides a VISION of TRANSITION for the future sustainable survival of ALL LIFE on y[our] pale blue dot - never forgetting of course that there are always 'self-serving forces' at bay which mitigate the establishment of that transition. No better perspective of these 'self-serving forces', has been created in his mind, than that proffered by Ralph Steadman in his Art Work; and most particularly his own very particular ...

'take on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights'. 

As most of you are already aware Leonardo da Vinci provided an early influence, in regard to my study of Art at Grammar Schoolwhich has subsequently been very much enforced by Steadman's own life long appreciation of Leonardo da Vinci.  

The recurring theme of humanity in his work also shows up in his passion for other socially relevant causes. In 1994, he illustrated the front and back covers of Amnesty International's Drawing Blood, and in 1998 he did a series of drawings for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, celebrating its 50th anniversary of passing. They even had him write the introduction, wherein he stated:

"'I have the right to hold an opinion, express it, celebrate it, broadcast it, live by it, and travel with it anywhere I so desire and what's more convince others, by peaceful means, that they should hold that opinion too.'

"That in essence is Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and entombed within it is the right of any artist of any faith, impulse or inclination to express him/herself with unbridled passion and conviction sufficient to bestow upon the world a Pandora's Box of riches or curses we could probably live without."

He continues, "Article 19 is obviously a dangerous one amongst twenty nine other equally important human agreements, but it is probably the one article which keeps well hidden within its carefully unbiased structure the undeniable fact that its content releases the power of the individual to be both artist and maniac. The 1948 United Nations Assembly had unwittingly created a monster, an embarrassing loophole, a well-meaning but desperate humanitarian gesture. In their earnest intention to neutralize any future tyranny in the shadow of the recent Holocaust freedom of communication was paramount."

Comment by Michael Grove on June 18, 2019 at 12:14
Comment by Michael Grove on June 18, 2019 at 12:15
UNIVERSES have been created when the FEMININE PRINCIPLE was unleashed but they have been created only when this was ignited and balanced with the MASCULINE PRINCIPLE.

For centuries on our planet, the feminine principle has been thwarted, making it difficult for either men or women to EXERT their FULL HUMAN POTENTIAL. Cultures, societies, individuals, sexes and institutions have ALL participated in suppressing the feminine principle. As a result, creation has been stifled and destruction looms at every turn.

The aggression from the masculine principle has thrown ALL THINGS out of balance, leaving the peoples of our planet to wander aimlessly until the power can be restored.

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