compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
What Is Enlightenment? or WIE for short, was an international magazine
devoted to philosophy, culture, and the growing integral movement,
which had first appeared in 1992. The magazine featured articles by, and
interviews with, various integral and "cultural creative " thought leaders.
been a subscriber to the WIE Magazine for some time having previously purchased several copies from airports and our local Borders outlet ...
been sympathetic to the evolving format of the publication ...
and welcoming of its broadly diverse perspectives ...
and had also listened for many hours to Andrew Cohen's ...
"The New Enlightenment",
and had purchased and watched Andrew and Don Beck's inspiring
documentary, entitled ... Leap into the Future, which posed the question
... Can we human beings make the radical shift necessary to save our
planet and ourselves? ... during a day spent with some of Copenhagen's
top business and political leaders ...
BUT Andrew's talk in London in late 2006 was for me absolute
confirmation that my own long standing commitment to selfless and
compassionate support for pushing the edge, in the face of apparent
intransigence from all around me - had not been a waste of my time -
and provided renewed motivational energy to my ONE and only SELF.
Absolute confirmation of the fact that the search for the 'Holy Grail'
of TRUTH - is one that we are ALL destined to make. NOT with a
friend, a partner or a lover - or in accordance with some religious,
political or scientific - creed, cult, dogma or otherwise collective
understanding - but ON YOUR OWN !!!
"The true 'Way' cannot be used to look into the heart of another, and can only be appreciated and found on one's own. What others say is but 'oral Zen' - ZEN not practiced but simply preached or talked about
- Henry Chang
As I have said in conversation with Albert, elsewhere, in the context of
Andrew Cohen's 'Visionary' piece ... 'You may recollect that my posting at
zaadz, towards the end of 2006, entitled 'Don't kill the messenger'
referred specifically to Andrew Cohen. BUT these particular words of
Andrews remain none the less important, as a stimulus to a thoughtful
thinking process, as ever they shall be' ... and went on to say ...
"On the other hand my meeting with Don Beck in Glastonbury was
one of genuinely positive revelation at a time when there was much
ba'bel about Cowan. I saw in Beck a tired and weary soul, seeking
against all the odds, to establish 'the seed of Graves' at the core of
I suppose, it was Susan Bridle's interview with Brian Swimme, when she
first asked him ... "What do you feel is the most pressing crisis facing
humanity today? What are the planetary issues we most need to wake
up to and address? ... which most influenced the subsequent writing of
In 2008, What Is Enlightenment? was renamed EnlightenNext magazine.
It ceased publication in 2011. I can only imagine that the reason that
EnlightenmentNext was chosen as a title rather than EnlightenmentNOW,
has a lot to do with the industry of making money out of individuals in the
USA, for the taking of action, which over here in Europe is funded through
taxation on a collective basis, a system which many in the USA perceive as
socialism and some even communism. BUT then again, a whole lot of those
same people believe that the world is only 6000 years old and what, anyway,
has the European Union of 28 states, an EU that stands for unaccountable
monopoly government - by the elites, for the elites - REALLY got to shout
about - in accordance with the extant model of globalisation and global
governance !!!???
Then during the summer of 2013, much 'titel tatel' over the years about the
real motivations of Andrew Cohen, resulted in him going on sabbatical and
issuing the following apology ...
"One of the most beautiful fruits of my work over the years has been
the international network of people who have studied, collaborated,
and trained with me for so long. They are all examples of Evolutionary
Enlightenment in their own right, and I couldn’t imagine a greater
community of people to carry forward this movement. I’m looking
forward to working with them in a very different way in the future."
Views: 161
Having been first introduced to the mindset of, and the particularly significant for me, psychological perspective of Carl Jung at Grammar School • my own understanding of how difficult it was to KNOW THYSELF as a left-handed dyslexic • who during my training as an Air Traffic Controller, realised my capability of being able to manipulate multi-dimensional space/time events, within my head • came naturally to me. This obviously had had a lot to do of course, with the parental and grand-parental encouragement, which I had received during my childhood, as a result of their own understanding that I was somehow different from anyone else but nevertheless responsible for treating everyone else with respect and responsibility, because everyone was just as important as everyone else. I started to really think about ALL of THIS, I suppose, when the universe decided that I would be the one controlling the EL AL flight when it was hi-jacked by Leila Khaled and her colleague, whilst I was working at London Area Radar Control on the north side of Heathrow Airport. Having lived with my maternal grandfather • who had survived Scapa Flow during the Great War • and a father who had survived the duration of WWII, relatively unscathed, following his travails in North Africa, until I left home to begin my Air Traffic Cadet Training at the Ministry of Aviation College at Hurn Airport; and having subsequently, read extensively about the consequences of ALL Conflicts in Space, Time and Culture, it was no surprise to have read about Clare Graves epiphany, so to speak, consequential to his own WWII experience of conflicts in space time and culture.
Never forgetting that which Ervin Laszlo proposed when he declared that... "The dis-ease of the Western mind is a product of historical circumstances"
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