Gaia Community

compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion at least get access to archived copies of the Magazine

if you go through the process of registering your interest in

DOING SO. I did so in order that I could access the article

about the launching of *zaadz but unfortunately there is no

index to assist in the process***, so if anyone knows which

issue of  the magazine contained that article I would be

most obliged if they would do so.

This Gaia Community *zBlog cyber-presence was established with its cyber-speak "transistion" strap-line of COMPASSION, COLLABORATION & COOPERATION at the time when ALL of us *zaadsters had been given the very short notice that the site and it's contents, were about to be archived themselves but in a manner that they could NOT [BE] accessible or utilisable. [IT] was at that point that I tried to grab as much of the important stuff as possible as a SEED of CONTINUITY of ALL that was *zaadz.

EVER since the Berlin Mandate was formerly agreed upon in 1995, to establish legally binding targets for developed countries, in order to reduce their Greenhouse Gas Emissions, following on from Severn Suzuki's impassioned address to the first Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit in 1992, I had in my travels promoting the concept of Interactive Multi-Media Communications Systems taken to reading copies of the What [IS] enlightenment magazine publication, in which I read a very short piece about *zaadz and the promise of a future article on same...  


and lo and behold here's a copy of that very publication


Views: 88

Comment by Michael Grove on November 29, 2021 at 11:40

WEB 2.0 awakens to *zaadz which indefatigably and indisputably  

 transmogrifies the internet into a haven for higher consciousness.

Comment by Michael Grove on November 29, 2021 at 12:40

THE DEMISE of ZAADZ as it is subsumed by GAIA 

as it transmogrifies into GAIAM and thence GAIAM TV

NEVER forgetting, in the context of this very first *zaadz zBlog,

in which I referred to a quote from Margaret Mead, that there is no better way to leave *zaadz behind, than with yet another classic statement from her ...

  "Never depend upon institutions or government to solve any

   problem. All social movements are founded by, guided by,

   motivated and seen through, by the passion of individuals

   and ALWAYS REMEMBER that you are absolutely unique.

   Just like everyone else."

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