Gaia Community

compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion


... of the internetwork communication capabilities of ARPANET prior to

my Ministry of Aviation secondment to Eurocontrol in Brussels as one of

the very first Air Traffic Controllers to have been trained in the then novel

ART of Joint Civil/Military Area Radar Control, [IT] would appear that I

was seemingly pre-disposed to coming up with THE IDEA of a better way

to execute procedural/radar handovers, between ATC Centres, when having

been subsequently posted to the Maastricht UAC in Beek NL, I became aware

of Philips development of their Laserdisc System • which [IT] transpired was

capable of storing 1.5GB of data, that in those days was potentially enough

to store the entirety of The Global Database of Scheduled Commercial

Flights, that was mandatorily required for the whole year ahead, each and

every October 1st • and so [IT] was that I proposed a solution to my Lords

and masters at EUROCONTROL, to implement a plan to improve the

handover of Air Traffic between Air Traffic Control Centres, that absolutely

ensured a much SAFER and EXPEDITIOUS methodology.

Needless to say my IDEA
 fell on very stoney ground, so to speak, and I

subsequently terminated my Ministry of Aviation secondment and returned

to the UK to take up my role as an Area Radar Controller at West Drayton,

with the organisation that had been set up as the Civil Aviation Authority

in my absence and so it transpired that it was to them that I re-submitted

my plan, which was eventually acknowledged and acted upon, but only

some time after I had developed my very own exemplar demonstrable

interactive authoring system, at home in the Old School House in Tackley,

which was subsequently developed, in extremely close cooperation with

the Council of Educational Technology and with the open support of the

National Physical Laboratory with regard to the development of their

Microtext Authoring Language for the BBC Computer Literacy Project.      

Together Everyone Achieves More.

A TEAM whose value-set comprises….


consequent to …

An aspiration to a higher potential of expectancy of …
Honesty from its …
Leadership whose …
Responsibility to a …
Dedication of …
resulting from the actions of Patience, Forgiveness, Courage and Praise
leads to a mind-set of Hope, Joy and Kindness
and the Grace of Compassion and the Generosity of Charity
which IT SELF results from a Thankfulness for the Faith of Self-LOVE
which is the source of THE UNconditional LOVE which grants us …
freedom in the LIGHT as an expression of GOD through our SOULS UNITED.

SUCCESS has indeed many parents & FAILURE
as an option, [IS] in[DEED] an orphan.



Views: 87

Comment by Michael Grove on April 10, 2023 at 11:21

[IT] was following our acquisition of The Old School House in Tackley, that I first investigated the idea of a Heat Pump based heating system, vis a vis my own custom design • by way of utilising the under-ground-floor space available • but finally decided on the procurement & self installation of a Scandinavian wood burning boiler system and a Jotul wood burner for the main living area, because of the local access to unlimited felled & dried timber at the time. 

The heat loss design that I calculated for the 1841 main school building, which was half open to the roof, meant that an off-the-shelf heating installer didn't have a clue as to how to complete the job. The Runtalrad modular, multiple-tube, horizontal and vertical panels were ideal for the task at hand as they provided exactly matched outputs for situations with limited wall space availability. Vertical panels in the study, hall and upstairs landing, and low level horizontal panels below the low-down windowsills, in the living-room and bedrooms. All of this space heating was then complimented with a Jotul #7 heat circulating wood-burner arrangement which could generated up to 13 Kw of output.

ps You can see the boiler & Wood Store in
the bottom left-hand picture of this collage ....


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