compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
..."HAS THE REASON why Japan has dealt so effectively with
the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, anything to do with the
manner in which Transition Fujino came to deal with their
magnitude 9 Tōhoku Earthquake & subsequent tsunami
tragedy in 2011 !!!??? " • instead what do we find, but a
world full of nations of peoples being controlled by a
predominantly patriarchal mind-set full of its very own
Views: 38
PUBLISHED: 18:03, Sat, Oct 10, 2020 | UPDATED: 18:33, Sat, Oct 10, 2020
Dr David Nabarro has warned the Government against imposing stricter rules, arguing people must support the restrictions needed to slow the spread. He told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “This war, and I think it’s reasonable to call it a war, against this virus, which is going to go on for the foreseeable future, is not going to be won by creating tougher and tougher rules that attempt to control people’s behaviour. The only way that we will come out ahead of this virus is if we’re all able to do the right thing in the right place at the right time because we choose to do it.
“I think we will get the point, I just hope that it doesn’t require a lot more people to end up in hospital and dying for us all to get the point, that all of us, all of us, have to be rigorous about physical distance, wearing masks, hygiene, isolating when we’re sick and protecting those who are most vulnerable.”
The WHO chief also told Andrew Neil, for The Spectator magazine,
the lockdown would make people poorer.
“I want to say it again: We in the World Health Organisation do not advocate lockdowns as a primary means of controlling this virus,” he said.
A middle path is needed…. Too many restrictions damage people’s
livelihoods and provoke resentment. ‘Virus run wild’ will lead to lots
of deaths as well as debilitating long-Covid among younger people.
The reality is that the virus is a common foe: it is here to stay, and
we all have roles to play in keeping it at bay. People are the
solution to stopping spikes and surges from welling up and
overwhelming us all. Integrated local action that involves local and
national authorities, businesses, professional bodies, community
organizations, schools, academe, the media, international
organizations, is essential, with all making themselves available to
support people as they act for the common good. Recognition of
those who do this, and coordination among actors, are both essential.
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