compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
DAY IN DAY OUT - 52 weeks of the year - YEAR on YEAR
- season by season - MOMENT by MOMENT - IS achieved
ONLY - when IT IS initiated by - the 1st PERSON, present
tense, here and now experience of this moment, which IS
LOVE - THE art of ZEN requires balance & harmony in ALL
things and EVERYTHING.
The Scorpion and the Zen Master from Integral Life on Vimeo.
and as the ZEN Master - Huang Bo - said -
NO THING is destroyed
Away with your dualism
Your likes & dislikes.
Every single THING is just ONE MIND.
When you have perceived this
You will have mounted
The Chariot of the Buddhas
for those who are priviledged to have access to broadband speed enough don't forget to Follow the OX from the Zen YouTUBE menu and experience the energy flowing into ...
Previously posted by Michael Grove@zaadz
Views: 731
"Developing impeccability requires acting in accordance with Spirit, driving from the heart, being in the moment, being 100% committed to what you are doing, and hassling the details, even when you feel like giving up.
So, the question is, where are you in your spiritual growth process? Are you willing to put forth the effort to tighten up your life? Are you still attached to controlling the outcome? Do you meditate a little every day on your heart chakra in order to cultivate balance? Do you hassle the details?
If you want to become impeccable, you must clean and polish your being. Clean and polish. Clean and polish. Until it shines like a diamond.
And once it is perfect, you throw it away." - Luce Rene
Bridget Riley is about the changes - progressive, sometimes abrupt, sometimes apparently disastrous - that can take place in a given situation.
The situation is presented in the simplest possible terms
John Russell - Sunday Times - September 1963
One of the most distinctive characteristics of Bridget Riley's art is that it "insists" with such concentration that it changes sensory response into something else.
The experience which Riley offers is closely related to the expression of emotion or, more exactly, to the creation of visual analogues for sharply particularized states of
The very intensity of the assault which her painting makes on the eye drives it, as it were, past the point at which it is merely a matter of optical effect.
It becomes acute physical sensation, apprehended kinesthetically as mental tension or mental release, anxiety or exhileration, heightened self-awareness or heightened awareness of unfamiliar or even alien states of being.
Bridget Riley Catalogue introduction - David Thompson
Venice Biennale, June 1968
The degree of absence of thinking IS the
arbiter of ultimate spiritual awareness.
ZEN is not a religion, not a dogma, not a creed.
ZEN is not even a quest, an inquiry - it IS non-philosophical.
The fundemental of the ZEN approach is ALL IS as it should be,
NOTHING is missing.
"This very moment EVERYTHING is perfect."
ZEN is an intertwining of TAO and the teaching of Gautam Buddha
ZEN cannot be ZEN without both of these components
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Michael said
"ZEN teaches that our approach to today determines our whole approach to life.
The Japanese call this attitude Ichi-nichi issho : 'Each day is a lifetime.'
We arise in the morning newly born.
As we pass through the day, we age and gain experience.
When we tire at day's end, we 'die' and take our rest.
That one arc serves as a miniature of our entire life."
- ZEN 24/7
To LIVE happily we must live UNSEEN
The balance & harmony achieved by my soul-mate - in this a full copy of her original - results from the use of both calligraphy and painting.
The version that I have thus far chosen to share is much more in line with the Western perspective - I hope and trust that you ALL find the original as beautiful ?
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Nicole said
thanks for sharing! love, nicole
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Michael said
ZEN is not a religion, not a dogma, not a creed.
ZEN is not even a quest, an inquiry - it IS non-philosophical.
The fundemental of the ZEN approach is ALL IS as it should be, nothing is missing.
"This very moment EVERYTHING is perfect."
ZEN is an intertwining of TAO and the teaching of Gautam Buddha
ZEN cannot be ZEN without both of these components
Chris said
That is absolutely fantastic -
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Michael said
THIS is absolutely fantastic -
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Michael said
The ATOM IS mainly just empty space. If ALL the atoms in your body could be squeezed down to get rid of the empty volume inside them, you would weigh the same, but would BE as
small as a grain of salt. Almost ALL of you - almost ALL of EVERYTHING
in the entire cosmos - IS NOTHING. The ATOM is not a hard-edged “thing”. It's a ghostly shimmer.
Piers Bizony - ATOM - the official tie-in with the BBC programme of the same name.
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cHAngeL said
Oh but the nothing space is love…forget not.
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Michael said
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Amazume said
My heart wells up and rises, being with all this NO THINGness.
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Meenakshi said
I’m delighted to be here, encapsulating space with black lines, sharing the love of the moment. Thanks for visiting my now, NOW blog, Michael!
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Artemisilke said
“ALL IS as it should be”
… is exactly what was there in an awakening experience.
I observe and want to find it every since.. I mean, really go back to it and really EXPERIENCE it.
This - and your other spaces - are like butterflies caressing my soul… .an overwhelming, overflowing ocean of love pouring out of me - us - ALL!!
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Michael said
AS IT most assuredly SHOULD BE !