compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
TIME - as Professor Brian Cox has suggested in the
Wonders of Life - for the scientific community to
explain the spirituality which forms the basis of
each and everyone of our belief systems.
Views: 457
"Evolution is a light which illuminates all facts, a curve that all lines must follow." -
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - The Phenomenon of Man
Over the course of the past half century since its publication, this prophetic statement has turned out to be true, as evolution has become a defining framework in which we are beginning to understand virtually everything - from biology and technology to the interior dimensions of reality like our psychology, cultural world-views, and even spirituality.
At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the notion that the evolutionary process is ultimately driven by a spiritual impulse is continuing to gain traction, with a growing number of progressive philosophers, scientists, and mystics exploring its implications.
To many, it is simply a compelling philosophy, uniting the revelations of science and spirituality in a way that no other theory can. But others, like Aurobindo before them, are beginning to reach beyond a theoretical discussion to wonder: What might human life and culture look like if we fully took to heart the reality of this view?
Freed from the mythic dogmatisms of premodern religion, transcending the materialistic biases of modern scientific thought, and liberated from the narcissistic self-absorptions of postmodernity, what kind of new world could human beings aligned with the trajectory of a spiritually evolving cosmos actually create?
“Terrible though it is to say, the Black Death actually had some
rather good effects. This was a good time to be alive. This was
when the English pub was invented and people started drinking
lots of beer and playing football and so on. That was in a way due
to, or at least a consequence of, and wouldn’t have been possible
without, the Black Death.”
SO here we are now in the grips of a GLOBAL COVID-19 PANDEMIC,
with pubs just about to open again to serving pints, and the very
real question must be...
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cHAngeL said
and Sarva said …
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Michael said
the sun is rising … INDEED
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Michael said
Another interesting aside that always impresses students about special relativistic time dilation is that, in principle, it means we can travel to a distant galaxy - in the blink of an eye without our spaceship ever exceeding the speed of light. By traveling close enough to it our on-board time will run so slowly that we can get from A to B in an arbitarily short time.
The problem is that millions, even billions of years will have passed on Earth.
Time travel: separating science fact from fiction - Jim Al-Khalili
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Sandra said
As always beautiful blogs dear Michael.
sorry to have been out of touch, always with you however.
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Michael said
The synchronicity of being in touch IS the gift of every moment
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Michael said
Could IT even BE contemplated ?