Gaia Community

compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion


for the MUTUAL BENEFIT of ...

ALL LIFE on our planet and ...

throughout our multiverse of ...

parallel universes ...

WILL HAPPEN, inevitably as a ...

result of OUR OWN SPECIES ...

establishing ...


of the interwoven effects of the

"moon-like" serenity of order ...

on the "star-like" chaos of ...



Quintessence - Vancouver Film School (VFS)

will NOT happen smoothly, in the context of

evolutionary consciousness, but as a result of the seismic shifts

in our global collective consciousness, which will be acquired, as a

consequence of the experience of events such as those that have now

happened in the financial markets that underpin the economy of

our global village.



THIS CONTINUING PROCESS will be destabilising, unnerving &, in most instances, perceived as calamitous but it is encumbant on ALL of those amongst the people, who have attained the 'big-picture wisdom' to assume the responsibility of collectively leading the way forward.

ZAADZ has most definately acted as "a place" where these minds have been granted the opportunity to interconnect with eachother, and then establish it self as an accepted component of the "concept of GAIA", and with the arrival of the voice of the BBC, on our doorstep so to speak, the time has now arrived for ACTION.

As Allan Bloom wrote in his best selling 1987 epic, The Closing of the American MIND ...

Openness - and the relativism that makes it the only plausible stance in the face of various claims
to truth and various ways of life and kinds of human beings - IS the great insight of our times.
The true believer is the real danger. The study of history and of culture teaches that ALL the world was mad in the past; men always thought they were right, and that led to wars, persecutions, slavery, xenophobia, racism and chauvanism. The point is not to correct the mistakes and really be right; rather it is not to think you are right at all.

As God confers being to the celestial virtue, called by the other name ...

' fifth essence ', and through that one to the other four simple bodies ...

that is, to the four earthly elements ...

and so through these to every other thing in nature.


Thus this our proportion is the formal being of heaven (according to Timaeus) attributing to it

the figure of the solid called Duodecahedron, otherwise known as the solid of twelve pentagons.

Previously published by Michael Grove @zaadz 29th September 2008 -
for more in-depth information on the subject of triangular pyramidstetrahedral numbers and duodecahedrons - just follow those links and explore away with Wolfram|Alpha.


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about 4 hours later

cHAngeL said

The pentagon.. .5, Fibonacci, Leonardo

Brilliant blog, Michael, brilliant.

I believe… heaven comes to us when we listen. We cannot know all of the answers. But we have help available to us at all times.
If we pay attention after we ask a question, and without hesitation accept that loving first response we are given, doors open. When all of
mankind allow God or the universal knowledge to enter our beings….

We will not only survive….we will flourish in the love of ONENESS.

It will take practice….

As above so below.


J :)

Michael : catalyst-producer

about 5 hours later

Michael said

We will not only survive….we will flourish in the love of ONENESS - indeed …

ever cogniscent of the fact that …

YOU DON'T GET QUALITY by following a procedure … IT IS a STATE of MIND

Searching : Observer

about 6 hours later

Searching said

YOU DON'T GET QUALITY by following a procedure … IT IS a STATE of MIND

……. quality comes from within :)

Loved this post michael,
thank you,

BrightMichelle : The Soul Coach, Speaker, Author

2 days later

BrightMichelle said

“When we have understanding we have everything.”
Those who care to know will attract the opportunity to KNOW.

Aude Saupre–Dare to Know!

So glad Gaia is here for us all so we can know.

Michael : catalyst-producer

3 days later

Michael said

Awake and Smell the Lavender - Smell the Lavender and AWAKEN

ClaraSzalai1 : Creative Intelligence

12 months later

ClaraSzalai1 said


of the interwoven effects
So true. Understanding this non-linear complexity of interconnectedness of all living beings, is perhaps the only way to rectify our course in the
direction of life for all.

Michael : catalyst-producer

about 1 year later

Michael said

Understanding this non-linear complexity of interconnectedness
of all living beings, is perhaps the only way to rectify our course
in the direction of life for all.


Leave Your Wise and Insightful Comment


Views: 302

Comment by Michael Grove on August 9, 2011 at 18:45
Comment by Michael Grove on November 21, 2011 at 16:44



Better a strong Britain than a place at Europe's top table ...


and then we can take it from there!

Comment by Michael Grove on August 13, 2021 at 10:05

Quintessence care of the Vancouver Film School (VFS) in[DEED] & the very concept of ALL computers [BE]ing based on 0 and 1 Female & Male, such that [IT] IS in[DEED] the connessione twixt YIN&YANG   that provides the MAGIC [IN]between by way of...

the algebraic equivalent to symbol ... 

THE PROCESS of Quintessential CHANGE will NOT happen smoothly, in the context of evolutionary consciousness, but as a result of the seismic shifts in our global collective consciousness, which will be acquired, as a consequence of the experience of events such as those that have previously happened in the financial markets that underpin the economy of our global village, and more recently the devastation of the COVID and the very latest consequences of climate change.

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