compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
THE most terrifying THING
is to accept oneself completely
Jung developed his own distinctive approach to the study of the
human mind - which fact I became aware of whilst studying for my
GCE 'O' & 'A' levels at Borehamwood Grammar School in Herts, England.
My perspective of Jung's views was established in juxtoposition to those of William L. Shirer - the journalist and historian who was hired by Ed Murrow and with him became the progenitors of broadcast journalism - as a result of reading his book - The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich - in the library during free periods. I had a lot of them because I studied Physics, Maths Pure & Maths Applied whilst regarding them ALL as one subject and doing Art on the side so to speak and making visits to The Design Centre in London, Rolls Royce Aerospace in Derby and de Havilland in Hatfield.
I can only imagine the positively artistic influence that my mother, my mother's parents and my father had on both myself and my sister - whilst we were all living together in a John Laing's maisonette in Manor Way, Borehamwood. My father was a steel barbender and fixer working for John Laing on the construction of the roof for the Commonwealth Institute when he encouraged me to understand the importance of three dimensional construction techniques during the design process - whilst my mother's particular background experience stimulated my own art and design vision.
It was at that time that I became aware of Hugh Everett's ideas of parallel universes - the single atom switch, as I have always thought of IT - which placed into context Jung's concept of synchronicity. This was particularly fascinating, for me, in the further context of - the many coincidentally connected events which Shirer described in his epic -as a function of Jung's understanding that "Spirit is the living body seen from within, and the body is the outer manifestation of the living spirit" (you need to look at More quotes .. to understand the significance of this)
" In his early years when working in a Swiss hospital with schizophrenic patients and working with Sigmund Freud and the burgeoning psychoanalytic community, Jung took a closer look at the mysterious depths of the human unconscious. Fascinated by what he saw (and spurred on with even more passion by the experiences and questions of his personal life) he devoted his life to the exploration of the unconscious.
To some this has become a familiar and harmless experience. To take advantage of this and turn it into something positive would be considered an art of sorts. According to, one definition of aberration is mental irregularity or disorder, especialy of a minor or temporary nature, or a lapse from a sound mental state. This is not always possible.
Sometimes you are left helplessly in control
of your wandering subconscious.
Unlike many before him, Jung did not feel that experimenting using
natural science was the best means to understand the soul.
For him, an empirical investigation of the world of dream, myth, and
soul represented the most promising road to deeper understanding.
Along with Freud's "personal unconscious", Jung felt that he had discovered evidence for a "collective unconscious" shared by all human beings. Self Realization is the final stage of Jung's stages of development and that within this stage there is still some room for growth and development. This process is also called individuation, which is the process of becoming an individual.
The overarching goal of Jung's work was the reconciliation of the life of the individual with the world of the supra-personal archetypes. He came to see the individual's encounter with the unconscious - and subsequently the collective unconscious - as central to this process. The human experiences the unconscious through symbols encountered in all aspects of life: in dreams, art, religion, and the symbolic dramas we enact in our relationships and life pursuits.
Essential to the encounter with the unconscious, and the reconciliation of the individual's consciousness with this broader world, is learning this symbolic language. Only through attention and openness to this
world (which is quite foreign to the modern Western mind) are individuals able to harmonize their lives with these suprapersonal archetypal forces."
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THE most important lesson that I learnt at Borehamwood Grammar School - was that which was delivered to me by my English Literature teacher called Mr. Wilkinson. When discussing the concept of critical analysis & appraisal, I said that there were obviously two directly opposed categories of criticism - constructive & destructive - to which he replied never ever apologise for offering constructive criticism - while all those around you perceive ALL criticism to be destructive. It was also during this particular [TIME] Linnie & I were first introduced to DIVIDED SELF, which was written by the Scottish psychiatrist R.D.Laing.
Reality is not just the bad; it is also the good.
The mind requires an awareness of both in order to work at its best.
For one who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends, but for one who has failed to do so, his/her very mind will be the greatest enemy.
... and as Jung so rightly stated -
THE most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely.
One of the most prospective directions of study of C.G. Jung’s
synchronicity phenomenon is reviewed considering the latest
achievements of modern science. The attention is focused mainly
on the subject of quantum entanglement & related phenomena –
quantum coherence & quantum superposition.
It is shown that the quantum non-locality capable of solving the
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox represents one of the most
adequate physical mechanisms in terms of conformity with the
Jung’s synchronicity hypothesis.
An attempt is made on psychophysiological substantiation of
synchronicity within the context of molecular biology. An original
concept is proposed, stating that biologicalmolecules involved in
cell division during mitosis and meiosis, particularly DNA may be
considered material carriers of consciousness. This assumption may
be formulated on the basis of phenomenology of Jung’s analytical
Claire Dunne’s acclaimed illustrated biography “Carl Jung: Wounded
Healer of the Soul” was nominated for the Los Angeles Times Book
Prize and is being translated into a number of languages. It is her third
book. She has lectured widely on Jung and other subjects worldwide.
Her diverse career in radio, television and film ranges from
documentaries on Sigmund Freud to the history of the harp.
Born in Ireland and resident in Sydney for many years, she was
awarded an OAM honour by the Australian Government for her
work in multiculturalism, Celtic culture and ethnic broadcasting.
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In psychology, a lot of work has been done exploring the spiritual dimensions of psychology and psychotherapy. There is a special branch - transpersonal pyschology - dedicated to this task. Stanislov Grof, Ken Wilber, Frances Vaughan and many others have published books about this subject, many of them preceding The Tao of Physics, beginning way with - Carl Gustav Jung
Fritjof Capra