Gaia Community

compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion

The perfect union of EMPTINESS & FORM

The blind-spot emptiness of the space momentarily perceived  during the - MIND set SWITCH ...
referred to elsewhere ...

is where others have said that
dust cannot gather
Who are you really?

The Kingdom is not person, place or THING

The Kingdom IS the active state of equilibrium and wholeness

The Kingdom is within AND it is outside of us

All that is natural on Earth extends out from the Kingdom and is an
expression of divine beauty, grace, and LOVE - in form and action.




IT IS the 49 tunnels which traverse this "fleeting" emptiness
that will take the NEW kind of collective on its journey to a place
which exists within the cubed box in the corner where -

ALL contradictions have been resolved

ALL distinctions in oneself have been transcended

& constitutes the purity of NO THING where we could no doubt bask in ...

the everlasting light
the ONE singular collective wisdom ...

that is - ALL pertaining - LOVE


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Michael : catalyst-producer

16 days later

Michael said

My thanks to Eileen for providing me with the link to her blog elsewhere from which I have lifted The KINGDOM perspectives

16 days later

Peggy J said

Q/Kingdom is not person, place or THING

It is genderfree - pure oneness - pure no-thing-ness - emptiness - & yet full…


sarva : light leaper

about 1 month later

sarva said

i find the diagram of the cube quite telling, the mind switch, indeed! the interpretation the mind must choose to interpret a 2D image which
mimics 3 D info.

we are in a 4D-space/time in which we are forced to choose, interpret the 4D info presented to our senses when
reality is manifold beyond those 4 dimensions we (think we) know.

what role do you think consciousness plays in that space/time?

Michael : catalyst-producer

about 1 month later

Michael said

The 3D interpretation of 2D input is indeed a quite telling example of MIND switch - but can YOU describe to me in the simplest of terms the TWO 3D
interpretations which FLOW from this 2D stimulus as a result of the
MIND switch ?
- because they are together the perfect union of FORM & EMPTINESS

In response to your further statement and your question - what role do you think consciousness plays in that space/time?

sarva : light leaper

2 months later

sarva said

Well, I have more than TWO interpretations. There are two mutually exclusive interpretations, each of which involve an illusory 3D interpretation of
2D space (excluding for a moment the dimension of time). So, my other
interpretations are of 2D space within a 3D manifold. This is why I
found the diagram such an excellent mataphor for our current situation.

Time, space and consciousness are each and all spherical… 3D, certainly. The sphere just seems the most natural form for them to take.

Michael : catalyst-producer

2 months later

Michael said

SPHERICAL - the sphere just seems the most natural form for them to take - INDEED

sarva : light leaper

2 months later

sarva said

of course, i followed your link. what i found most telling was: IT (over) SELF. This is the subject/object (false) dualism that we all must
deconstruct to BE and to be a SELF. Its coinage comes in the attempt to
reconnect with something we feel we have lost.

I honestly believe we are disconnected, if we will not reconnect.

I think miracles happen for sparrows (for example) all the time. they
seem impossible to so many homo sapien (misnomer?), precisely because
we are so convinced of our own intelligence that we think we know
wisdom, already, through it.

the lesson of industry:
strength can trump intelligence and intelligence can trump wisdom.
thus, messenger killed.


sarva : light leaper

2 months later

sarva said

error: edit: we must deconstruct the (false) subject/object dualism to BE material and to be a SELF. aye, there's the rub.

the current dominance of the materialist viewpoint is evident in my sin of omission. being material is not synonomous with being. matter is the empty space, the negative space if you will (see: gestalt) [nonbeing(?)]… deconstruct, deconstruct, deconstruct.

giving consciousness its rightful primacy is the only way i know how to deconstruct this materialist mistake. iron bars do not a prison make.

look to the sky. it is our first introduction to infinity, such a broad
exspanse (be)held within the space of a nutshell, our eye. what of our

vive la revolution!

Michael : catalyst-producer

2 months later

Michael said

This is the subject/object (false) dualism that we all must deconstruct to BE and to be a SELF. Its coinage comes in the attempt to reconnect with something we feel we have lost.

Be sure to watch the YouTube movie - EGO

sarva : light leaper

2 months later

sarva said

Our current position is the bridge between. Our position is precarious because we are building the bridge while crossing it. - Robert Fripp

Michael : catalyst-producer

2 months later

Michael said

IF you gaze for long into THE ABYSS - SSYBA EHT also gazes into you - NIETZCHE …

he said for long enough - in this case not long enough for technology
to catch up with mirror writing.

johanna : heartstablizr

3 months later

johanna said

if the ego is nothing more than negative mind ie thoughts with negative charges under them (fear based energy)
and love, is truly the sub-strata of space..
then, truly
moment now love, flowing, is the process of evolution…love, flowing forward, naturally…
let LOVE be IT…
let love be the it we seek
let love be the flow of trust and faith in moment nows perfection, and tension cannot generate, which means the flow of love is all that
this…the ancients called the
nath sampradaya, the flow of love within consciousness moveing the collective unconscious,
forward…until it becomes inherently conscious of itself…
as the flow of love, the nature of our being…
let love be it…
oh intellectuals of our universal systems…so thoroughly you cannot slip
from a sentence without mentioning her
with passion

jenni : hello

4 months later

jenni said

your 3D images reminded me of something that I read in a book I am into right now called The Cosmic Serpent by Jeremy Narby. I will quote

“the final result of this visual system, still imperfectly understood in its entirety, is a clear , colored and three-dimensional image inside the brain that we perceive as external. We never see
reality, but only an internal representation of it that our brain
constructs for us continuously. Who was this “I” perceiving the images
flooding in to my mind? One thing was sure: I was not responsible for
the construction of the visual system with which I was endowed.”

well pretty neat anway, how you can percieve in different ways. jenni

Michael : catalyst-producer

5 months later

Michael said

LOVE as IT IS can ONLY be “seen” as a consequence of the ACTION of paradigm switching.

9 months later

cHAngeL said

Sparrows are miracles.

An empty vessel has the most potential.

Be the sparrow, and the vessel.

about 1 year later

cHAngeL said

Ya know…Horton had a dust particle….he took such good care of it….

Michael : catalyst-producer

about 1 year later

Michael said

THE ANSWER to ALL of THIS, IS, of course, THAT which lies at the heart of …
wing assisted incline running and the point at which the switch between running and flight assisted running launches into flight, during our own species’
mobius-strip-like journey of LIFE.

Leave Your Wise and Insightful Comment

Views: 601

Comment by Michael Grove on January 20, 2012 at 12:23

" In the heart of Emptiness there is a mysterious impulse, mysterious because there is actually NO THING at the heart of Emptiness ( for there is nothing in Emptiness, period). Yet, there it is, this mysterious impulse, the impulse to ..... create. To sing, to shine, to radiate; to send forth, reach out, and celebrate; to sing and shout and walk about; to effervesce and bubble over, this mysterious exuberance in the heart of Emptiness."

                                                                             Ken Wilber from One Taste

Comment by Michael Grove on April 11, 2012 at 8:29

NO THING happens in LIVING NATURE that is not in relation to

THE WHOLE as the BALANCED ECO-SYSTEM which Homo Sapiens

must now restore to ensure the survival of LIFE on EARTH.


The MINDFULNESS Mind Map provides a matrix of 49 "tunnels" - designed for and by the masses - allowing access to a place conducive to Coexistence, Cooperation and Collaboration - such that the collective all-inclusive first person singular present tense, third person objective - point of view - will then lead to the establishment of a new model & method of wealth creation, mutually beneficial to ALL.


Comment by Michael Grove on July 2, 2012 at 22:28

‎"EVOLUTIONARY is a play on the word "REVOLUTIONARY", and I mean it to convey something of the revolutionary nature of evolution as an idea. Evolutionaries are revolutionaries, with all the personal and philosophical commitment that word implies.

They are not merely curious bystanders to the evolutionary process, passive believers in the established sciences of evolution, though all certainly value those insights.

They are committed activists and advocates - often passionate ones - for the importance of evolution at a cultural level."

Carter Phipps - EVOLUTIONARIES -
Unlocking the Spiritual and Cultural Potential of Science's Greatest Idea.



Comment by Michael Grove on December 25, 2012 at 11:08

"ONLY together
, [as merchants of LOVE ] , can our starlight help

us find our way, in this cosmic soup of choices and beauty."


                                                                                                                           Janie Hedrick

Comment by Michael Grove on November 7, 2013 at 14:44

The degree of absence of thinking 

is the arbiter of ultimate spiritual

awareness ...

awareness being aware of awareness

"In the heart of Emptiness there is a mysterious impulse, mysterious because there is actually NO THING at the heart of Emptiness (for there is nothing in Emptiness, period). Yet, there it is, this mysterious impulse, the impulse to ..... create. To sing, to shine, to radiate; to send forth, reach out, and celebrate; to sing and shout and walk about; to effervesce and bubble over, this mysterious exuberance in the heart of Emptiness."

Ken Wilber from One Taste




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