Gaia Community

compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion

 My very grateful thanks to Haydn Anthony for her most gracious permission

 to use MIND MATTER FUSION from her - Geometrics Gallery collection

 "Minds are like parachutes, they
  only function when they're open."
                            Thomas Robert "Tommy" Dewar

MY ENEMY IS MYSELF • You are my enemy - the worst of your kind - You push away people; You chicken out. You make fun and laugh at things you shouldn’t. You think horrible things And silently you are truly afraid. “Run, run!” I say- Hide from all. Your friends think you are kind, sweet and innocent. Only I know your truth— Because; dear enemy, I am you.
                  Copyright © Lauren Reindel | Year Posted 2011
"KNOW THYSELF" - saidSocrates

    THE mind SHIFT IS to truly understand  THIS

   BE master of  MIND rather than mastered by

   mind  Muhammed said - whoever knows

   himself knows GOD - but the Dalai Lama said

   What IS MIND ? during his week-long

   discussion with a panel of  distinguished 

   scientists and philosophers about human

   behaviour. Daniel Goleman's illuminating

   account of this meeting - DESTRUCTIVE

   EMOTIONS and how we can overcome them

   offers fresh insights into how we can recognise 

   & change the emotions that pose grave danger 

   to our ... individual and collective fate.

Thanks to Haydn Anthony for her most gracious permission to use

MIND MATTER FUSION from her - Geometrics Gallery collection



First posted @zaadz by Michael Grove on January 26, 2007 at 19:00


2 months later
cHAngeL said

and the eyes are of the mind…those who see with their own eyes,

see through that of the great father

2 months later
Michael said

“Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The trouble-makers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status-quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify, or vilify them. But the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”
                                                                                    ~ Apple Inc.

To change the world - change your MIND

L. Diane : SoulSpeak

3 months later
L. Diane said

Growing Radiance Posted on May 22nd, 2007 by L. Diane

Michael : catalyst-producer

7 months later
Michael said

HE who knows NOT but knows not that he knows not - IS a fool - SHUN HIM
HE who knows NOT but knows he knows not - IS simple - TEACH HIM
HE who knows but knows NOT that he knows - IS asleep - AWAKEN HIM
HE who knows and knows that he knows - IS a wise man - FOLLOW HIM

Michael : catalyst-producer

7 months later
Michael said

The unbelievable truth

IF we open our minds to ALL things -

then we may experience the unbelievable -

and find that IT IS THE TRUTH

Gordon Smith

Michael : catalyst-producer

8 months later
Michael said

The human mind seems to work best in the resence of reality. The more nearly whole the picture, the better. And reality contains what is good as well as what is bad. In fact in most cases there is, in a complete picture of reality, far more good than bad.

Nancy Kilne

Michael : catalyst-producer

8 months later
Michael said

Humans are trapped by a mindless system… how can we as engaged citizens co-create a mindful purpose-driven self-secure system for the happiness and welfare of all beings ?


8 months later
etoile said

All that you bring to us on Zaadz, reminds me a great deal about someone i am really fond of a really beautiful,genuine singer that i have being following for about 10 years now. His music and most importanly his powerful love that he carries along as heal me in different struggles through life but as also brought me the truth of it all. which i see in most of your blogs.It is the presence of that real pure love in all of us put in us by god(the more you connect to god the more love is received it is so contagious! and the more you get in touch with yourself the more you see the immense powerful light that love is and if i may add it is the only true thing we need in the world it is the key to all of our problems because from the ancient time it has been there for us and for some unknown reason with just don't connect with it with its glory and power what a waste for our poor little soul!

Thank you so much for everything thing that you are and changing the world that is what makes Zaadz just a special place it is finding everytime a little it more of yourself i feel so much at home with m familly here
and now.Thank you.


11 months later
etoile said

As you already know this. my late reflection was the mind as so many many traps one can fall in. true love is the only one who releases you from
them.Thank you for all that you amazing it is we can all show
to each other.

Michael : catalyst-producer

11 months later
Michael said

How amazing it is we can all show to each other … INDEED … and share with eachother, ALL the experiences of MIND, as the collective consciousness which IS EVOLVING 2 BE THE next BUDDHA

11 months later
etoile said

Evolving, isn't it the purpose of life,of living,breathing,the growing and the becoming, to be, opening to something new every moment exploring discovering the depths of the water called it all
feels,just freedoom in all.the buddha state! liberation indeed!

Michael : catalyst-producer

about 1 year later
Michael said

THE propensity to “BE” WHAT ISIN FACT

Artemisilke : Authentic

over 2 years later
Artemisilke said

“Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.””

“… there is, in a complete picture of reality, far more good than bad.”

“To change the world - change your MIND”

WHOAW!!! This is like DISNEYLAND… MY Disneyland!!



Michael : catalyst-producer

over 2 years later
Michael said


is how Don Beck described himself during the Great Shift Gathering

Leave Your Wise and Insightful Comment

Views: 359

Comment by Michael Grove on March 26, 2010 at 19:20

Challenging Conventional Wisdoms

Things are hotting up; and not just in terms of soaring temperatures. Politicians, opinion-formers, economists and business gurus all seem now to be jockeying for pole position in the climate change debate. It is almost as if, simply by demonstrating their supposed credentials and commitment, the ‘answer’ and with it salvation, will be found.

The ‘solutions’ to climate change repeatedly proferred by Western leaders, think-tanks and board rooms – technical fixes, managerial reorganisations and diktats from on high - recall the workings and mindset of defunct communist regimes.

Put aside political ideology, however, and the notion that technocratic, scientific and political elites have’the answers’ by dint of their societal standing, practically ensures that the one thing rarely opened up to further examination is what drives their self-referential interests, values, hierarchies, mores, or - for that-matter - epistemologies, in the fist place. Even less discussed is the possibility that it might be exactly these imperatives which are acting as an intertial brake on meaningful action, or, worse still, lie at the very not of why we are in these dire straits.

Mark Levene & David Cromwell June 2007

BE ASSURED our new masters of the globe are saying to us “rest assured we are not intent on destroying the world, but doing everything in our power to save it.” But the truth is that we most all individually and collectively question that assumption; and must do so by challenging the social, economic and political parameters within which these diverse elite actors (celebrities of al) assume a basis for action (or inaction) on climate change. The essential inadequacy of the elite postion rests on an unwillingness, indeed inability, to accept anthropogenic climate change as an inevitable consequence of their self-interested obsession with the need for ever continuing growth of our globalising economic system. Only by rethinking the operating premises of that are we likely to have any chance of moving towards a safer and more sustainable future.

Comment by Michael Grove on December 12, 2013 at 7:53

The best and the most beautiful things in the

world cannot be seen nor even touchedbut

just felt in the heart - Helen Keller

DOUBLE MAGIC • It was Helen Keller who said ...

"LIFE is either a daring adventure, or nothing."

 and Margaret Mead who declared ...

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
 committed citizens can change the world.
 Indeed, IT IS the only thing that ever has."


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