compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
THE PROCESS of Evolutionary Enlightenment
Zen Apparently Advanced Zazen
Zazen Apparently Advanced Zaadz
... and so the process goes on as Freespace 4D
The Chambers Dictionary defines - consciousness as thought
- thought as MIND - MIND as consciousness and brain as that
part of the central nervous system that is contained within the skull.
- THE human brain, of course, comprises 10 billion small and amazingly
complex brain-cells - each and everyone an independent intelligence in its
own right - with hundreds of octopus-like tentacles - each with thousands of
sucker-like connections - ALL of which can inter-connect with every ONE of the
other 10 billion similarly independent intelligences.
The number of possible independent patterns of thought in this network contained within each and every one of our skulls ( ceramic and bronze my-head avatar brain excepted ) is greater than all the atoms there would be in over a hundred universes such as ours.
THE human brain IS indeed, individually and collectively - a supreme example of - and IS - the ultimate internet of an internetwork of networks .
Steve Jurvetson wrote in his recent IT article for Technology Review - Technology Design or Evolution ? - that there were two fundamentally different processes for building complex systems. He starts by saying -
Many of the most interesting problems in computer science, nano-technology, and synthetic biology require the construction of complex systems. But how would we build a really complex system -- such as a general artificial intelligence (AI) that exceeded human intelligence?
The answer is not yet clear. If we artificially evolve a smart AI, it will be an alien intelligence defined by its sensory interfaces, and understanding its inner workings may require as much effort as we are
now expending to explain the human brain.
Humans are not the end point of evolution. We are inserting ourselves into the evolutionary process. The next step in the evolutionary hierarchy of abstractions will accelerate the evolution of evolvability itself.
To further paraphrase Thinking BUZAN - With the advance of Technology Design, the world's human brains have created the external, electronic Internet. Each human being with a brain cell, can thus be compared to the multiple connections that we are now able to make with each other - being a metaphor for the connecting tentacles of each brain cell. Like the human brain, the Internet is infinitely flexible, allows any cell (human) to contact any other, is electronically and laser-light fast, is self-organising, interactive, capable of storing vast amounts of data, and is, by definition, infinitely creative.
Andrew Cohen has said elsewhere that - If we want to change the world in a significant way, if we're serious about creating a better future for us all, then we have to face the fact that the only way it's going to happen is the only way it's ever happened: through the evolution of consciousness itself.
In consideration of ALL of the above I would venture to suggest a third process that needs to be considered - namely that of individual conscious thought - which once actioned as a result of one or more of the processes of meditation, contemplation, deliberation, reflection, action & non-action - becomes the entity of a connection within the brain of the individual - with all the potential of that connection becoming
positively or negatively hardwired.
The further intent of communication of that thought to others - by whatever means - then begins synchronicity - the electromagnetic ethereal process of communication with collective consciousness - once that intent of communication is released by the spoken or written, music or song, art or craft.
The process of creating a connection in another/s brain/s is initiated once they - in turn - hardwire the connection - such that collective consciousness will have then apparently advanced in its evolutionary
process. Once responsibility of action is assumed by more and more individuals such that only positive connections are hardwired - the process of evolutionary enlightenment is further advanced.
The Internet will be the evolutionary mechanism that allows us to play an eternal game
of intelligence ‘Leap-Frog', where each leap will represent a quantum in the growth
and flowering of terrestrial and Universal Intelligence.
never forgetting as Price Pritchett has said that -
EXCELLENCE is a process, not just an outcome.
First published by Michael Grove @zaadz 17th October 2006
My very kindest thanks to Wikimedia Commons for the use of the MRI head side image
Views: 435
Over the years, various studies have sought to gauge how closely
connected people are to one another via their friends. The commonly
held view has been that any two people are on average separated
by no more than six intermediate connections - the notion of
"six degrees of separation" made popular by experiments such as
those conducted by Stanley Milgram, who was a social psychologist
in the 1960's.
Connecting everything - connessione
Meaning connection, for Leonardo connessione was ‘a recognition of and appreciation for the interconnectedness of all things and phenomena’. Today we recognise this concept as systems thinking or what some businesses call interdependence. Much of Leonardo’s output is based on his ability to form new patterns through connections and combinations of different elements.
Following the launch of TDRS-11 in January this year - it is planned to launch TDRS-L, to be renamed TDRS-12 upon entry into service. These are American communications satellites operated by NASA as part of the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System. TDRS-L will be deployed into a high-perigee geosynchronous transfer orbit by raising itself into a geosynchronous orbit using its onboard propulsion system.
It weighs about three pounds, yet is so densely packed that it contains more connections than the number of stars in the known universe. If anything qualifies as magic, it would be this micro‑universe. It simultaneously controls such a vast array of tasks that it puts the most advanced computers to shame. It bends light into recognizable images and translates sounds into language and meaning. And in an extraordinary magical transformation, it changes biology into the experience of mind. This wizard is, of course … your brain.
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Michael said
The process of enlightenment - must of course begin with mountains as mountains
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Searching said
Michael - your mind is brilliant. I have been too busy 'cleaning out my closets' mentally & physically & have been preoccupied to read
your blogs lately. I just spent the morning reading some of your
posts - i've missed. I sure hope i finish my tasks soon & can
begin to delve further into all the connections that your proposing -
each post in your blog & in the pods have been excellent… Your
words inspire me & i just had to stop & tell you - your on to
something that resonates with the puzzle pieces i have buried. Wish i
had the mental energy to really roll with it, but my life tasks (at the
moment) are important for me to clear before i can release the blocks
i've allowed to build up for a few years. I just had to say “hi” and
“wow” and hope to chat you soon ;)
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Michael said
The brain is a wonderful organ - it is estimated that the number of possible neuron connections in the brain is 10 followed by a million ZEROs - by comparison, physicists estimate the number of particles in the known universe as 10 followed by 79 ZEROs.
In a sense our universe - our inner universe - is much larger than our outer universe - but as Robert Frost has so aptly written of the brain -
It starts working when you get up in the morning …..
… and doesn't stop until you get to the office !
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BAD! Kitty said
Wonderful Post Michael, I spend a lot of my time these days thinking…just allowing myself the freedom of thought, to learn new things, to process
old stuff…allowing myself to really think before feeling with the body,
giving permission to my innerverse to be free. Then I create art, and
let it teach me what I could not understand…here's to the Inner-verse
and the outer verse becoming aligned…what will we call this event
horizon? The secong big bang? :)
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Sandra said
mmmm…. Yes, dear Michael.
“we have to face the fact that the only way it's going to happen is the only way it's ever happened: through the evolution of consciousness itself.”
Yes! and Yes to this too:
I would venture to suggest a third process that needs to be considered - namely that of individual conscious thought - which once actioned as a result of one or more of the processes of
meditation, contemplation, deliberation, reflection, action &
non-action - becomes the entity of a connection within the brain of the
individual - with all the potential of that connection becoming
positively or negatively hardwired.
I wonder if you have read the extraordinary book, The Mind of the Cells by Satprem? Mirra said:
“The real change in consciousness will be the one that changes the physical conditions of the world and makes it an entirely new creation”….
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Michael said
As Eilathan Satsapedes has said elsewhere - THE cell, that infatigable creator -
THE cell and it's primary “program” submitted to a continuous, repetitive replication of itself in its struggle for survival. THE cell imbecillitated by the force of Habit.
THE cell stubborn and blinded, unfolds its DNA in a way viable with the
environment…from the cell to the borders of the universe: the same
fabric. the same continuum, the same conscience.
To make THE right connections one must establish a sense of understanding.