compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
Added by Michael Grove
Posted by Michael Grove on May 15, 2023 at 9:30 — 2 Comments
...NOT the structure and as you know there were more than enough really good guys who were SO pissed off by Brian selling to GAIA, that they jumped ship and that DOES NO THING for the enhancement of communication to which I
AM STILL convinced GAIA IS “nailed to the mast”, so to speak.
As you are well aware I LOVE American pragmatism, BUT I AM English, Tim Berners Lee IS English and both of us remain forever divided from the USA as ...
TWO nations divided by the same language with all its multitudinous variations of interpretations of “sets of words”.
YOU WOULD ALL [BE] VERY WISE, however, to consider very very seriously the consequences of this particularly relevant "set of words"
My very very very kindest regards …
Posted by Michael Grove on May 13, 2023 at 12:00 — 1 Comment
... that Artificial Intelligence (AI) could make scams harder to spot because 'bad actors' would use the technology to trick people about their identities. Wozniak said AI content must be clearly labelled and regulation was needed for the sector, as he warned of the dangers of the technology.
'AI is so intelligent it's open to the bad players, the ones that want to trick you about who they are,' Wozniak, who founded Apple with Steve Jobs, told the BBC.
[TIME] NOW methinks for some Human-Centric Thinking…
ContinuePosted by Michael Grove on May 10, 2023 at 12:30 — 7 Comments
The scientists said such heat early in the year was especially harmful to people, who were less prepared than in summer. Farmers were already suffering under a prolonged drought and the heatwave struck at an important time in the crop-growing season, particularly for wheat.
Extreme temperatures in the region are increasing faster than predicted by climate models – a problem that worries scientists – and intensive research is in progress to understand the reasons. Human-caused global heating was already known to be increasing the severity and frequency of heatwaves. But the number of extreme events that would have been essentially impossible without the climate crisis is rising, destroying lives and livelihoods across the planet.
In April, scientists showed that the devastating drought in the Horn of Africa would not have happened without global heating. A Guardian analysis in 2022 found that at least a dozen serious events, …
ContinuePosted by Michael Grove on May 6, 2023 at 10:00 — 2 Comments FS4D•VECTOR EQUILIBRIUM [NOW]
the journey begins & the journey continues BUT to live
HAPPILY one must live UNSEEN with the necessary
COMPASSION and COLLABORATION required • whilst
maintaining COOPERATION with ALL of those who truly
seek to [BE] involved with OUR NETWORK EVOLUTION
• IT [IS] THE TIME NOW for ALL the passengers of our
Spaceship Earth, to take a leaf out of Buckminster Fuller's
books of LIFE and realise that LOVE IS in[DEED the very
operating system of LIFE and that it is indubitably the case,
as SO many before us have manifestly…
ContinuePosted by Michael Grove on May 1, 2023 at 10:00 — 1 Comment
The monarch, who is eco-conscious himself, will be out of public view when he gets anointed with the holy oil from Jerusalem at the Westminster Abbey ceremony.
Detailing on the screen includes leaves representing the nations of the Commonwealth, and it features three sides to give the royal more privacy during the ‘deeply spiritual’ moment.
Having been born to this world as a left-handed,
mirror-writing, so-called dyslexic, who was [BE]ing
taught by CoE Nuns, when Charles' mother was
I REGARD my education and life as one who
has been committed to the development of…
ContinuePosted by Michael Grove on April 28, 2023 at 19:00 — 2 Comments
UK made 'right choice' despite EU 'sabotage'
Britain made the “right choice” in quitting the bloc seven years ago, a German MEP has said while accusing the EU of “open sabotage” in a bid to derail the entire process of Brexit. Dr Gunnar Beck, who represents the right-wing Alternative for Germany party, also warned the European Court of Justice was stealthily centralising power in Brussels - at the expense of the bloc’s remaining 27 member states.
Posted by Michael Grove on April 27, 2023 at 11:00 — 2 Comments
... cannot get [IT]'s ACT together with regard to & respect
for THE VERY RIGHTS of The People by way of our original
WWW, what chance ever [IS] there for of that self-same
MINDSET based WEB 3.0 providing any improvement
whatsoever !!!???
To explain further, the 3 dimensional path travelled
from A-B in New York, by the three people in the
picture to the right, indicated by the stream of white
light, in the transparent box beneath • correlated
exactly with the way that I always saw the "future"
take-off path of an aircraft from Gatwick, flying…
ContinuePosted by Michael Grove on April 25, 2023 at 9:30
[IT]'S 16 years now since the demise of ZAADZ as ME/WE collectively first knew about [IT] and here we are today as [BE]ing dependant on an aberration of that which Tim Berners Lee first created as an HTTP based World Wide Web • the very basis of which has been bastardised with the advent of [THE] Blockchain driven Crypto Currency scandal, that has brought Credit Suisse to its knees and threatens to undermine the entire system of Global Banking • and low and behold, the 'Blockchain Crowd' are planning their own version of an ESSENTIALLY CORRUPTED WEB 3.0.
Thank God as ever, Tim Berners Lee has now been developing a fail safe replacement World…
Posted by Michael Grove on April 24, 2023 at 10:00 — 3 Comments
Posted by Michael Grove on April 23, 2023 at 10:30
1. These files are in the recommended reading order for a very good reason.2. In The Milk Is White read from the very first page viz. the title page.3. Most, perhaps all, questions that arise in the…Continue
Started by Ian Gardner. Last reply by Michael Grove Mar 14, 2024.
Farmers in hot, arid regions are turning to low-cost solar pumps to irrigate their fields, eliminating the need for expensive fossil fuels and boosting crop production. But by allowing them to pump…Continue
Started by Michael Grove. Last reply by Michael Grove Mar 14, 2024.
My project maybe of interest.
Started by Robert Searle. Last reply by Ian Gardner Jun 12, 2013.
After we start this discussion I am honoured to share the convention I attended this past…Continue
Started by Kath. Last reply by Michael Grove May 14, 2013.
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