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My project maybe of interest.

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” When the nature of things is unknown, or the notion unsettled and indefinite, and various in various minds, the words by which such notions are conveyed, or such things denoted, will be ambiguous and perplexed.”

Johnson's Preface of his great Dictionary of the English Language

The essential requirement - for each and everyone of the 7 billion of our species on this planet - IS to think for themselves, as a result of disconnecting the mechanism of interpretation, and thus adopting, on behalf of the whole of our species, a collective behavioural mind-set focused on A SINGULAR MATRIX itself focussed on qualitative evolutionary advancement - having become aware of the underlying purpose of THE MATRIX itself.

‎- and as Andrew Cohen has recently proposed ...

"The overwhelming and profound nature of the spiritual metamorphosis that occurs as one begins to move beyond individual and collective egoic self structures is difficult to convey without knowing about it directly from personal experience. If one had only known the darkness and had never seen the light of the sun, how could it be described in such a way that it would truly be understood? 

The "light of consciousness" illuminates all things but if we haven't discovered it directly for ourselves, no matter how bright that light may be, we won't be able to see it. And why is that? Because our attention is simply on other things. An enlightened person is illuminated by that same luminous essence that makes it possible for the world to exist."

IS IT NOT a multidimensional scientific fact that consciousness drives the universe ?

Thank you for your response. MDS is not mysticism per se. It is simply a possible way of trying to "objectify" claimed nonphysical phenonmena. On the other hand, mysticism is the path by which we can prove to ourselves the existence of "higher worlds". In this respect, it is infinitely superior to MDS.

As indicated in the MDS entry on the p2pfoundation there will always be areas of reporting from experiencers which would be impossible to put into words. To what extent, this is true can only be determined by the relevant questionaires.

This is why, in writing my book and subsequent material I went to great pains to write in a manner and choose words to avoid this. It has seemed to me that, from about the age of eleven years I was preparing the groundwork for this by having a dictionary by me when reading and taking as a subject in college English Literature amongst other things.

Michael Grove said:

” When the nature of things is unknown, or the notion unsettled and indefinite, and various in various minds, the words by which such notions are conveyed, or such things denoted, will be ambiguous and perplexed.”

Johnson's Preface of his great Dictionary of the English Language

I concur with what Andrew Cohen's says in these two paragraphs.

Michael Grove said:

The essential requirement - for each and everyone of the 7 billion of our species on this planet - IS to think for themselves, as a result of disconnecting the mechanism of interpretation, and thus adopting, on behalf of the whole of our species, a collective behavioural mind-set focused on A SINGULAR MATRIX itself focussed on qualitative evolutionary advancement - having become aware of the underlying purpose of THE MATRIX itself.

‎- and as Andrew Cohen has recently proposed ...

"The overwhelming and profound nature of the spiritual metamorphosis that occurs as one begins to move beyond individual and collective egoic self structures is difficult to convey without knowing about it directly from personal experience. If one had only known the darkness and had never seen the light of the sun, how could it be described in such a way that it would truly be understood? 

The "light of consciousness" illuminates all things but if we haven't discovered it directly for ourselves, no matter how bright that light may be, we won't be able to see it. And why is that? Because our attention is simply on other things. An enlightened person is illuminated by that same luminous essence that makes it possible for the world to exist."

IS IT NOT a multidimensional scientific fact that consciousness drives the universe ?

Hello Robert, these days - ever since I completed the writing of my book - I cannot read more than a couple of paragraphs of any material other than light literature like crime mysteries so without getting a brain block - I have been unable to read all you have written. However, I have read sufficient to sense that my material will be beneficial with reference to your purpose and to, therefore, offer to you all my material for use as you see fit. It is all free of financial and copyright encumbrances.

Note: Should you decide to use any of it please do not refer to me [the lead page of the book states clearly 'Ignore the messenger - heed the message'] but, if convenient, refer to the publication.

Thank you for your offer. You are welcome to send me a copy of any relevant material from your end, if you wish. I assume this is online, and you can send me a link to download. You can contact me en direct on the following email address



Thanks Robert, I am emailing you now.

Robert Searle said:

Thank you for your offer. You are welcome to send me a copy of any relevant material from your end, if you wish. I assume this is online, and you can send me a link to download. You can contact me en direct on the following email address



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