compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
[IT] IS now 40 years since I remarked to Kenneth Baker M.P.
"THAT the archives of the BBC were worth more to the British nation...
than all the country's coal deposits" • I further remarked that "in order
to "mine" this wealth, an appropriate industrial infrastructure and
facilities would have to be established - before the information could
be put into IT (Information Technology) and subsequently distributed
in a form which would be of mutual benefit to all potential users"
... and here we are today controlled by our Lords and
Masters with nary a clue apparently, of what ACTION to
take, with respect for and regard to the CLIMATE CHANGE
discussions which were first mooted at that [TIME] of
the very public launch of my OWN IDEA of the future of
Interactive Multimedia Communications, which has
transmogrified from BBC to Apple and thence to Arpanet
and Sir Tim Berners-Lee's Hypercard creation of a
Hyper Text Transmission Protocol based, network of
interconnected networks, which became established as
[THE] World Wide Web, and here we are today in Sir Tim's
most cogent words of expression, explaining the very
establishment of a future WWW 3.0, which [IS] not based
on the concept of blockchains and crypto currencies such
as BITCOIN, which have already brought the Swiss
banking system to its knees.
So as Sir Tim has so explicitly proposed,
in a recent statement ...
"Together, Solid and Inrupt will provide new experiences benefitting every web user - and that are impossible on the web today. Where individuals, developers and businesses create and find innovative, life- and business-enriching, applications and services. Where we all find trusted services for storing, securing and managing personal data. I’m incredibly optimistic for this next era of the web. These are very exciting times. I will be committed to steering the direction of Solid, and developing its future governance.
Inrupt will do many things: its first priority will be the Solid ecosystem. With the right values and a foundational corporate infrastructure, we will build beneficial systems that work for everyone. The future is still so much bigger than the past."
[TIME] NOW methinks for the so-called government to
govern and to ACT with UTMOST URGENCY to ensure
Views: 187
The Treasury is scrambling to complete 11th-hour plans capable of softening a national cost of living crisis, including a £200 rebate on energy bills and more help for the poorest households.
No 10 and the Treasury have been under pressure from Tory MPs to act as millions of households brace for a record hike in energy bills from April, and the prospect of rising mortgage rates and tax increases.
[IT] is indubitably the case that France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland and Spain have already instructed the commission to study how the EU could withdraw from the ECT, amid scepticism that the treaty can ever be compatible with the EU’s climate goals, according to leaked documents published by the Euractiv website last month.
The ECT secretariat, based in Brussels, argues that the ECT does not privilege fossil fuels and upholds the rule of law for investors.
Activists rejected this characterisation. “We are not advocating that they break international law,” said Maarfield. “Even in the ECT, there is a clause about withdrawal. So there is absolutely no breaking any law to withdraw from an agreement, according to the rules that are stipulated in this agreement. And the withdrawal procedure in ECT is very easy.”
This article was amended on 21 June 2022 to add the Netherlands to the list of countries that have instructed the European Commission to explore how the EU could withdraw from the ECT.
Rishi Sunak has sold himself to other Tories as a kind of company doctor with a recovery plan to rescue a hideously tarnished and hugely unpopular brand from political bankruptcy. Downing Street has projected him to the voters in a similar fashion as a Mr Fix-It. This has provided Conservatives with a consoling story about their chances of winning the next general election. Whenever confronted with dire opinion poll ratings, they have responded that their prospects will improve as the prime minister draws a line under the torrid past and shows that he leads a stable government.
At a recent event organised by Onward, a Conservative thinktank, the Tory leader sought credit for moving his party on from what he called the “box-set drama” that came before his arrival at Number 10. Much ruder phrases are available to describe the mad premiership of Liz Truss and the bad one of Boris Johnson. He has hoped to earn points for himself and soften the disdain towards his party by not being as reckless with the nation’s finances as Ms Truss and not as degrading of public life as Mr Johnson. A lot of senior Tories have echoed this “steady Sunak” narrative if only for want of any other tale to tell themselves.
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