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compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion

should be considered by us ALL in the context of the
- which are best represented - illustratively -
by DALI's version of "boiled beans" and Picasso's "Guernica".

As Bush & Blair discuss the future of Iraq - in apparent acknowledgement for
new approach to the situation - & debate of Donald Rumsfeld's replacement  
is screened live on CNN - I am reminded - on this 55th Anniversary of the
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour - of the conflicts of war & terrorism and particularly - BOTH Gulf wars and their inevitably horrific consequences.


Regardless of the many theories attached to the Pearl Harbour attack - & whether or not Winston Churchill knew of the impending assault - he was certainly delighted with the decision of the USA to join the war against Japan & its ally Germany, having already, during his meeting with Roosevelt, established the development of airborne radar and the establishment of the MIT RADLAB.


Whilst I worked at Glasgow Renfrew as an Air Traffic Controller in training - Winston Churchill died and I made a remark about his statement that - "the UK & USA were two countries divided by the same language " -regardless of the fact that the messages between Churchill and The President had been

"scrambled" by the American intelligence X-ray team working out of the basement of Selfridges in London.


Hail to the son of Chicago!


An older female colleague - who had lived through the war - soon put me in my place and stated that -

"had Churchill not been so persistent in his efforts to get the USA to join the war effort - matters for Britain would be very different".

In the context of my subsequent discovery that Churchill was also dyslexic, it has taken the wisdom of the years to realise how poignant her statement was & how much the world still owes to the USA - when still much more is being asked of her.


During 13 years of the 1970s & 80s - my family were privileged to live in a village called Tackley in Oxfordshire. All three of my children went to primary school there - where they were also taught italic handwriting - & many many happy times were enjoyed including endless walks around Blenheim Palace and a visit to Winston Churchill's grave in Bladon with its line of sight - across the rooftops of the Palace - to the Battle of Blenheim memorial column itself - and the thousands of dutch elms which were planted in remembrance of those that had died in the conflict of the battle.

Secrets of the CIA, part 1


Abrams described DALI in 1968 as - "a painter of visceral paroxysms" and described his painting "Premonition of Civil War " as - "a large human body, wriggling with arms and legs, strangling itself in delirium" - in the context of the fact that DALI - finished the painting six months before the war in Spain began. Subsequently the inevitably horrific consequences of that war were the driving force behind Picasso's masterpiece - "Guernica" - which became the obsession of Bob Abel in his quest to create a fully interactive televisual experience of the conflict of war utilising an Alan Kay Dynabook-like version of the painting.


BOTH of these artworks truly manifest the

art of enlightened communication.


So much of DALI's work was dependent on the interconnection of pictures in picture & the multitude of interconnected perspectives which could be painted in the mind of the viewer - as a result of "hooking into & onto" the existing "already experienced" connections within the viewers brain.


One such picture in picture was

"The Chemist of Ampurdan Looking for Absolutely NO THING" in the lower left corner of

"Premonition of Civil War" - which brings to mind the Viennese SecessionJosef Hoffmann & his

metal baskets and the idea behind the graphic used for Designers Saturday.


It is the MIND set switch - as a result of the workings of

the psychology of visual perception - which facilitates the ...


ZEN-like experience of seeing the THINGS

that constitute the ...  "box in the corner"

one moment and .... in the blink of an eye

- a space of NO THING the next moment









- and so on and on. Furthermore a different number of boxes IS actually "perceived" according to the MIND "set" - regardless of how many flashing dots there are at the intersection of "white on black"

As De Bono often reminded us - NO THING is actually black or white - only a combination of one or more of the 256 shades of grey between the two polarised positions.






Fair use for Soft Construction with Boiled Beans (Premonition of Civil War)





First posted by Michael Grove on December 9, 2006 at 14:30



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Michael : catalyst-producer

about 1 month later

Michael said

As Eckhart Tolle has so eloquently stated in - The Power of Now - The MIND is essentially a survival machine. Attack & defense against other minds, gathering storing & analyzing information - this is
what it is good at, but it is NOT at all creative.

ALL true artists, whether they know it or not, create from a place of N0-MIND, from inner stillness. The MIND then gives form to the creative impulse or insight

Michael : catalyst-producer

5 months later

Michael said

The savage soldier sticks his head in sand
And then complains
Unto the shoeless hunter who's gone deaf
But still remains
Upon the beach where hound dogs bay
At ships with tattooed sails
Heading for the Gates of Eden

Bob Dylan - Gates of Eden

6 months later

cHAngeL said

ALL true artists, whether they know it or not, create from a place of N0-MIND, from inner stillness.

-yes, all of us do…

Michael : catalyst-producer

10 months later

Michael said

Leave Your Wise and Insightful Comment

Views: 426

Comment by Michael Grove on February 25, 2012 at 11:34

Vasarely increasingly found his subject matter in the sciences

— such as physics, biochemistry, and magnetic fields — and described his abstract art as

"…poetic creations with palpable qualities capable of triggering emotional and imaginative processes in others."

His art gave sensory forms to unperceivable phenomena.

Vasarely came to feel that color and form were linked in that each color and each form should share the same identity. He viewed his abstract art as composed of pure color-form which by its very abstractness signified the world through the limitless associations and responses of the viewer.

Comment by Michael Grove on November 2, 2013 at 8:58

This week, the elite of American politics gathered in Washington DC to unveil a bust of Prime Minster Winston Churchill at the Capitol building. The rotunda where he now sits immortalised in bronze, and looking a little perplexed, was renamed the Freedom Foyer for the occasion. John Kerry, the Secretary of State, listened as John Boehner, the leader of the House Republicansgave a passionate speech of dedication.

Ladies and gentlemen,” said Mr Boehner, “this is one of history’s true love stories. Between a great statesman and a nation he called 'The Great Republic.’ ”  The famously sentimental Republican wiped tears from his eyes as the crowd listened to a recording of Churchill addressing Congress following the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. Afterwards, Roger Daltrey of The Whos sang Stand by Me – a tribute, Mr Boehner said, to “the best friend the United States ever had ”.

All in all, it was a very American ceremony to celebrate the life of a very British icon.

So why do our transatlantic friends love a foreign former prime minister so much?

That love is undeniable and deep. In 1954, President Dwight Eisenhower said that Churchill

comes closest to fulfilling the requirement of greatness of any individual that I have met

in my lifetime”. In the aftermath of the September 11 attacks, President George W Bush invoked

Churchill’s name when pressing the case for the War on Terror, and was rumoured to have been

given a private lecture by Martin Gilbert, Churchill’s biographer, in the White House. After newbie

President Barack Obama removed a bust of Churchill from the Oval Office, Republican presidential

candidate Mitt Romney made it an election promise to restore it. And when CEOs in 2013 were

polled for their “most admired leader”, Churchill topped the list – ahead of the likes of ... 

Steve Jobs, Nelson Mandela and Ronald Reagan.

Comment by Michael Grove on November 8, 2013 at 18:35

Within a year the UK will be immersed in the first stage of a

centenary commemoration like no other the world has seen: that

of the First World War. But what will that great commemoration of

the Great War be like ?

Comment by Michael Grove on October 13, 2014 at 16:29

If you are looking for one of the decisive moments in the last

world war and a turning-point in the history of the world, then

come with me. Let us go to a dingy room in the House of Commons

up some steps, through a creaky old door, down a dimly lit

corridor; and here it is

[IT] was at the bequest of Dr. Vannevar Bush as the scientific advisor

to President Franklin Roosevelt, following Bush's secret R&D

meeting with Winston Churchill and the inventors of the 10cm

Cavity Magnetron, that the MIT Radiation Laboratory was

established to develop technologies for the detection of aircraft and

ships • capabilities that were sorely lacking in 1940 • in conjunction

with the British and their 10cm cavity magnetron, by means of the

basic structure of a program that would develop the radar technology

that subsequently had a decisive role in the Allied victory of the

second World War.

Comment by gregory shephard on March 17, 2023 at 23:05

As always,I am struck by your range and depth.

Comment by Michael Grove on October 31, 2023 at 10:54
A Japanese explanation of the [FS4D] Art of the Possible...

.... YOU may ask why Japanese & what pray IS [FS4D] !!!???

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