compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
BRITISH "reaching out" over-lording the world... AND
embezzling everything in it, including the people. AND
doing it under the guise of the RCC.
The Roman Catholic Cult never fell, [IT] merely slithered
to the world closet and rules from the darkness.
Wm G Thompson
IN no dis-similar manner than the pact twixt Nazi Germany and Hirohito’s Japan, was equipped to establish their mindset of establishing a GLOBAL EMPIRE of CONTROL • had [IT] NOT been for the invention of the 10cm Magnatron, which enabled both Britain to establish its Radar Chain of defence against the Luftwaffe and the USA to equip its Airforce with the advance warning radar which alerted them to the Japanese navy’s intentions in the Eastern Pacific, following the raid on Pearl Harbour • so also has the Commission of the European Union, equipped with its glorious array of Embassies around the world, its declared 5 Presidents Report intentions, as well as the establishment of a Macron/Merkel so/called "REAL TRUE European Army" to stand up to Russia, China and the USA; signalled its own IMPERIAL MINDSET AGENDA as a "Roman Front that rules from the darkness" !!!???
Views: 63
... and no better PROOF of the need for the
Century • in the context of THE DO WHAT I SAY
not WHAT I DO mindsight of the Medici Bank
backed Church of Rome; in juxtaposition to the
present demise of the Grandeur THAT WAS, of
PROJECT • can be found by us all today by avidly
watching the four episodes of Monty Don's
K Worthy 6 Dec 2018 12:34PM
Liam Fox is wrong, as usual. Parliament has given itself more influence over what happens when May's No-Brexit deal has been rejected, not more power.Grieve’s amendment does not give it the power to force Remain or a second referendum, or to rule out no deal. Sir David Natzler, Clerk of the House of Commons, has confirmed that “There’s no House procedure that can overcome statute. You’ve passed the European Union Withdrawal Act and you can’t overturn that by a resolution of either House or even both Houses… If the House passed a resolution that said we are going to stay in the European Union, would we stay in the European Union? No, not as a result of that resolution.”
After losing the vote, the government has 21 days to come back with a statement on what they plan to do. Grieve’s amendment lets MPs propose amendments to that statement, telling the government what they want it to do. But the statement cannot be mandatory. The European Union Withdrawal Act, which will take us out of the EU in March, can only be overruled by statute. The opposition cannot introduce and pass a Bill to do this – it has to be done by a government.
If the government ignores Parliament’s wishes, the remedy is a vote of no confidence, which the DUP might support and bring down her government. The Tories then have 14 days to elect a caretaker leader and win a second vote of confidence. They will probably do pretty well anything to avoid an election with such a divided and defeated party – even elect someone they don’t really like or want. Anyone but Corbyn.
A new Tory leader could repudiate May’s deal, which keeps the disadvantages of being in the EU without gaining the advantages of leaving. The EU would be outraged, but the new leader could offer an FTA, and focus on urgent preparations for no deal. Parliament would squeal but the Tories would have to support their new leader or bring down the government and face an election.The DUP have already said that they would support a new leader. In the unlikely event of the EU agreeing to go for an FTA, WTO rules allow for a transition period of zero tariffs while an FTA is being negotiated. Failing that, no deal would give us most of what we want from leaving the EU, and be far better than any deal May could negotiate.
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