compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
...TOTALLY RESPONSIBLE for the ACTIONS which indefatigably & indisputably underpin that time given phrase: "Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive" and THE FEMALE who has to bear the responsibilities for picking up the fallout pieces of those ACTIONS.
"Human rights and the principles of humanity - those values we share across faiths and culture - together represent the highest common vision of humanity. They form a global ethic, already agreed by all states and their peoples throughout the world. Such a global ethic provides a common framework to inspire and shape concerted action."
Julia Häusermann M.B.E.
and as the former Chief Rabbi, Lord Sacks, has so poignantly stated ...
The shenanigans of ALL of those who have been exposed by Tom Bower, add fuel to the fire, so to speak, of the situation that Western Civilisation now faces, which led to the 325,000+ population of Iceland deciding that ...
'4 men went to the party and 325,000 woke up with the headache'
Or as Albert has so wondrously stated...
'Yes, Machiavelli was buddy of the Borgias. And had lots of insights. All in all the Renaissance is teaching tough and rough lessons. No sweet Hallelujahs but rather brutal experinces. Even dissecting corpses was under heavy punishment'
and [IT] WAS Michael Strong who so succinctly proposed that:
"For too long, people who have desired to make the world a better place have accepted leadership from those who have directed them towards anger and acts of aggression. This path has resulted in much damage to human life in the past and much impotence and depression today. FLOW proposes instead that those who desire to make the world a better place engage in lives of constructive action and meaningful work so that we can achieve those goals that have so long eluded us. If everyone who desires to make the world a better place takes positive action, instead of continuing on a path of impotent rage and frustration, we can quickly create sustainable peace, prosperity, and happiness for all."
ALL of WHICH has led to three years plus of MALE DOMINATED PREVARICATION on the part of ALL UK and EU PARTIES involved following the EU LEAVE or STAY REFERENDUM • which was offered to the PEOPLES of the UNITED KINGDOM of Britain and Northern Ireland • without any planning whatsoever considered should there be a MAJORITY VOTE to LEAVE.
Views: 193
Gillian Tett • Frances Scott • Elza Maalouf • Julia Häusermann
Muriel Rukeyser • Poly Higgins • Rachel Carson • Margaret Mead
... BUT ALAS and inevitably here we are 35 years later and
the now Lord Kenneth Baker is still "chewing the fat" with
regard to [AN] Art & Design curriculum lack of focus.
I HAVE FOREVER been bemused by the fact that - across EVERY cultural division of our species - there prevails a lack of understanding of the fact that equality and equal rights and responsibilities, DO NOT JUST apply to MEN.
Regardless of belief system, as Leonardo da Vinci concluded in his codex vitae 49, towards the end of his life … “ALL IS in NATURE and WE ARE a CIRCUMSTANCE of NATURE and the GREATEST bond in LIFE is LOVE; and that should receive a fuller understanding and be the basis of righteousness in all dealings between man and woman. That is the great mystery which can provide the logic for our being in this world, and it is more substantial than the creations of machines or weapons.”
THE Universal Law of Gender IS the expression of YIN & YANG, otherwise termed the feminine/solar and masculine/lunar. The law states that these two principles reside WITHIN ALL THINGS, and IT IS through these principles that HUMANITY is ABLE to CREATE. THE Universal Law of Gender is the CREATIVE FORCE that runs from the inner into the outer world. IT IS the force of the ONE & ONLY GOD, whatever GOD is perceived to be. It creates LIFE, even that which is born into the solidity of the physical manifestation of our planet of THINGS; for both of the principles of YIN and YANG, in ABSOLUTE BALANCE & HARMONY, must be present to BUILD and to MANIFEST in our multi-dimensional reality, as well.
My perspective of Jung's views was established in juxtoposition to
those of William L. Shirer - the journalist and historian who was
hired by Ed Murrow and with him became the progenitors of
broadcast journalism - as a result of reading his brilliant book
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich - in the library during free
periods, which I see has recently been published in KINDLE FORMAT.
I had a lot of free time because I studied Physics, Maths Pure
& Maths Applied whilst regarding them ALL as one subject and
doing Art on the side so to speak and making visits on occasion to
The Design Centre in London, Rolls Royce Aerospace in Derby
and de Havilland in Hatfield.
The Sense of Place series presents a number of
IDEAS through a range of data - text, photographs,
drawings, diagrams, statistics & maps to encourage
students to form opinion through feelings and
values as well as evidence whilst developing a wide
range of skills that helps students to look at the
future as well as understand the present.
Having been invited to work with Rex Beddis with
respect for his own experience of volcanic activity
in Iceland and regard to the development of an
Interactive Videodisc Multimedia project utilising the
BBC Doomsday Videodisc Player, which acted as the
catalyst of my suggestion to OUP of utilising the new
CD-ROM technology for the alternative distribution
of the Oxford English Dictionary [OED] having at that
time already demonstrated such use of the new
technology to Encyclopedia Brittanica, at home in
Tackley, which resulted in them responding on their
return to the USA, with the comment that any
thought of using this technology was nothing more
Needless to say OUP were the first to pioneer the
idea, and continued to implement their enthusiasm
for the use of technology for the purposes of their
printing and eventually a customised system which I
established for them to digitise the entirety of their
ARTWORK COLLECTION that allowed them to transfer
their entire archive of hand drawn & painted artwork
into digital format, by way of a system which I set up
for them in the basement close to where their
original printing press stood.
"The major problems in the world are the result of the difference
Nora Bateson
An AlphaINDEX which is a compilation of stories of helpers and
the helped, in recognition of Muriel Rukeyser’s statement that...
“The Universe is made of Stories, not of Atoms,”
to provide a truly intelligent interrelatedness
of knowledge and human experience.
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