compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
TIME waits for NO MAN - but WHAT IS TIME
Everything to the left of the column of dates, constitutes man-made
constructs of interpretations of [TIME] and their relevance to the very
survival of [y]our species, as passengers of Spaceship Earth; the data
to the right comprises a record of NATURE's STORY of reaction to ever
increasing atmospheric temperatures, as a result of the irresponsible
actions of those passengers being led by a predominately patriarchal
OLD ORDER MINDSET of self-aggrandisement, greed and corruption.
SO in the context of CLIMATE CHANGE and the consequences thereof,
which have only just recently been released to the public, by way of the
publication by inside climate news, of their latest book of enlightenment
"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men
living together in society - they create for themselves, in
the course of time, a legal system that authorises it and a
moral code that glorifies it " - Frederik Bostiak
Whilst [re]flecting on the thoughts of other fascists who came to power
following the Great Depression of the 1930s, WE ARE at a CRITICAL TIME
in the process of development of the so called, SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP
twixt the USA and the UK; particularly in the context of Donald Trump's
ease of ascension to power and the possibility of him becoming the next
President of the USA; with a potential hand on the button of the almost
total annihilation of all sentient life on planet earth, as we know it.
Abraham Lincoln, the Republican Party's first US President, must be
'screaming ' from his grave... and can you just imagine spending $700
million dollars on the development of two golf courses in Scotland, in
contemplation of the amount of rain which has fallen there recently, other
than through a pair of very particularly greed-tinted spectacles !!!???
In the con[text] of ART - the friendship based on Churchill's and
Eisenhower's love of art - and Eisenhower's warning of the demise of the
Republic as a result of NOT coming to terms with the consequences of
consequences of the military industrial complex - it is fitting for me to
dedicate my own particular perspective of ZEN Ikebana, in respectful
remembrance of those souls who tragically died as a result of the life
AS I CONTEMPLATE the coming to an end of my Journey of Two Lives,
I AM SURE that you ALL understand that my third life, will see me steeped
in the ACTIONS REQUIRED to fully implement, on behalf of the passengers
of Spaceship Earth, that which I have envisioned from a child, as the most
appropriate "IDEAL SYSTEM" for the sustainability of ALL LIFE on [y]our
planet earth at the core of the entirety of [Y]OUR COLLECTIVE KOSMOS.
In December 2015, world leaders gathered at the
COP21 in Paris to agree on a universal agreement
on climate change. This was a historic opportunity
for all generations to set a sustainable future.
Participants in this high-level event of COP21
listened and learnt from leaders and experts;
networked with business, financiers and policy
makers; and showcased their solutions to a VIP
audience and global media.
Views: 135
THEY said then ...
"Today, 195 countries from around the world will have acted together to address the threat posed to humanity from climate change. This agreement signals the end of the fossil fuel era as the world rapidly replaces coal, oil and gas with clean energy sources."
... and here ME/WE are 6 years further on, having
just finished COP26, without further coordinated
action in sight, as the daily proofs of the planet
getting warmer are increasingly apparent, whilst
the great and good continue to fly everywhere byprivate jet, seemingly unaffected by ALL that's
happening around them !!!???
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