compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
The Phenomenon of Man states that the Omega Point
must possess the following five attributes.
It is:
Like Creative Evolution before it Teilhard’s masterwork, The Human Phenomenon,
based its evolutionary speculations on widely accepted scientific knowledge, but it took an unusual turn by remaining strictly rooted in the theological wisdom afforded him by his deep Christian faith. Although his theories regarding the future cosmic evolution of consciousness didn’t win him many converts in the Catholic Church (which officially condemned his writings and prohibited him from publishing anything while alive), he has left a lasting impression on the hearts and minds of numerous evolutionary thinkers who have followed in his wake. In particular, many theorists have found immense value in Teilhard’s focus on the back-and-forth interplay of individuality and collectivity over the course of cosmic history. Teilhard envisioned the possibility that human beings, like molecules and bacteria before them, may one day come together in a higher integration, or “mega-synthesis,” of spiritual unification and collective consciousness—uniting in a kind of “thinking envelope” surrounding the earth. He dubbed this the “noosphere,” a psychic field of shared intelligence that was already beginning to slowly encompass the planet, transcending and including the geosphere (of insentient matter) and the biosphere (of life). And Teilhard foresaw the fulfillment of all evolution, both cosmic and human, in an ultimate convergence of matter and consciousness that he called the “Omega Point”—a concept that has also inspired many futurists and science fiction writers over the last fifty years.
Shortly before his death in 1955, Teilhard made the following reflection on his life and work, proving that despite the intense ideological adversity he encountered, his faith in the ever-ascending evolutionary power of divinity remained unshaken to the end:
When all is said and done, I can see this: I managed to climb to the point where the Universe became apparent to me as a great rising surge, in which all the work that goes into serious inquiry, all the will to create, all the acceptance of suffering, converge ahead into a single dazzling spearhead—now, at the end of my life, I can stand on the peak I have scaled and continue to look ever more closely into the future, and there, with ever more assurance,
see the ascent of God.
Views: 270
The Evolutionary's Guide to Changing the World.
In his 1955 masterpiece The Phenomenon of Man, French priest and
paleontologist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin wrote the following words:
"Evolution is a light which illuminates all facts, a curve that all lines
must follow." Over the course of the past half century since its
publication, this prophetic statement has turned out to be true, as
evolution has become a defining framework in which we are beginning
to understand virtually everything - from biology and technology to the
interior dimensions of reality like our psychology, cultural worldviews,
and even spirituality.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin goes on to propose in Chapter 3: The
Grand Option of his book, which he aptly entitled The Future of
Mankind ... "This being so, let us look at the human species
and SEE IF we can fit it into the scheme. Because we ate a part of it,
because the rhythm of its growth is infinitely slow in comparison with
our own, and because its grandeur overwhelms us, Mankind, in its
total evolution, escapes our intuitive grasp. But may we not see
reflected in the life around us things that we cannot see directly
in ourselves? Let us study ourselves in the mirror of other living
forms. WHAT DO WE SEE ? "
At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the notion that the evolutionary process is ultimately driven by a spiritual impulse is continuing to gain traction, with a growing number of progressive philosophers, scientists, and mystics exploring its implications.
To many, it is simply a compelling philosophy, uniting the revelations of science and spirituality in a way that no other theory can. But others, like Aurobindo before them, are beginning to reach beyond a theoretical discussion to wonder: What might human life and culture look like if we fully took to heart the reality of this view?
Freed from the mythic dogmatisms of premodern religion, transcending the materialistic biases of modern scientific thought, and liberated from the narcissistic self-absorptions of postmodernity, what kind of new world could human beings aligned with the trajectory of a spiritually evolving cosmos actually create?
“Just as the biosphere is the unified field of life
and its support systems…so the noosphere
is the unified field of the mind, the psychic
reflection of the biosphere. Because we as a
species, the aggregate of consciousness-bearing
cells of the evolving Earth, are not yet awake to
our role as a planetary organism, so too the
noosphere is not yet fully conscious.
When humanity becomes conscious of itself as
a single organism and unites to activate the
noosphere, we will find the collective resolve
and will to reconstruct the biosphere and divert
the energy of the human race from a path of
destruction based on a mechanised abstraction from
nature to a new harmonic order of super-organic
reality based on an entirely different state
of consciousness than has yet existed on Earth.”
We stand today at the beginning of Teilhard's
third phase of evolution, the moment at which
the world is covered with the incandescent glow
of consciousness. Teilhard characterized this as
"evolution becoming conscious of [IT]self."
The Net, that great collectivizer of minds, is the
primary tool for our emergence into the third
phase and as John Perry Barlow says...
"With cyberspace, we are, in effect, [NOW]
hard-wiring the collective consciousness,"
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