compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
as the Merchants of LOVE
that we are destined to BE
Views: 138
the arrogance of the French Establishment as the
absolute consequence of the hubris, nemesis and
catharsis which has gripped our own establishment
in the face of the scandal which is the NHS.
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j said
Aw yes… here's to the craZy ones, my friend (:
Awesome video…by Apple
Love to Mickelinnie…..remember to take your tablets…
not (;
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Michael said
” Evolution is a messy process. So anybody who really wants to make the effort to strive for something NEW is going to have to be willing to make mistakes, take wrong turns, even to fail, but NEVER give up.
The simple truth IS THIS: if not failing is more important to you than genuinely succeeding, you're never going to make it. If you really want to succeed, then you have to have the big heart, heroic will, tenacity, courage, and commitment to fearlessly engage with the
evolutionary process until something profound, mysterious, and
extraordinary happens that cannot be undone.”
Andrew Cohen
Following my own experience of attending an Andrew Cohen presentation in London here IS YET a.n.other Curious Case of BEING British & SO BE IT indeed