Gaia Community

compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion

  which the passengers of  Spaceship Earth have begun to understand AS

  the force which has universally driven the evolution of consciousness of

  y[our] universe, which may indeed transpire to be just ONE of a multitude

  of parallel universes ... IS the force of GOD that has no religion


  IT IS a force that has, over several billion years, eventually evolved the

  exceptionally perfect conditions, within the unique biosphere of our pale

  blue dot, such that we passengers - who breathe the oxygen that trees as

  well as y[our] ecosystem 'exhales' through the process of photosynthesis,

  then exhale the carbon dioxide which the trees inhale - have y[our]selves

  evolved the very capacity to become aware of awareness itself ; which,

  over the entirety of the existence of y[our] universe, has manifested itself

  as a result of the potentiality of existence which resides at the Planck

  level of absolute ZERO.  

  THE significance of ZERO has led me to conclude, over my fast

  approaching Three Score Years and Ten, that ZEN IS [the message of]

  BUDDHA and NOT ZEN without an understanding of that message;

  ZEN IS TAO [the way of NATURE, the very nature which has been

  uniquely evolved within y[our] biosphere] and NOT ZEN without TAO 

  TAO and BUDDHA are independent and of ZEN; & last but NOT least,

  ZEN IS dependant on TAO and BUDDHA as ONE.




Views: 202

Comment by Michael Grove on February 28, 2016 at 14:33

The detection of extraterrestrial intelligence would be an immense

culture shock for humanity - it would mean that we were part of a

'Galactic Club', and that it would be worth searching for further

examples of alien life by all astronomical techniques. On the other

hand, it would be a blow to humanity's cosmic self-esteem. However,

were our biosphere unique it would disappoint the searchers, but, in

compensation, we could be less 'cosmically modest': our Earth, tiny

though it is, would be uniquely important in the Galaxy. We may learn

this century whether biological evolution is unique to the 'pale blue dot'

in the cosmos that is our home, or whether Darwin's writ runs through

a wider universe that teems with life - even with intelligence. But even

in the latter case, such intelligence could be unimaginably different

from our own. Some 'brains' [and don't lets forget that Chinese 

medicine regards y[our] brain, as a minor organ] may package reality

in a fashion that we can't conceive and may have a quite different

perception of reality. Others could be uncommunicative: living

contemplative lives, perhaps deep under some planetary ocean, doing

nothing to reveal their presence and having no motive for interstellar


Still other 'brains' could actually be assemblages of super-intelligent

'social insects'. There may be a lot more out there than we could ever

detect. Absence of evidence wouldn't be evidence of absence.

Martin J. Rees - From Here to Infinity: A Vision for the Future of Science

Science is often portrayed as an obscure, difficult discipline, governed by elite researchers and inaccessible to the general public. In this riveting, inspiring new book, preeminent astrophysicist Martin Rees overturns this view, urging improved communication between researchers and laypeople. In order to shape debates over healthcare, energy policy, space travel, and other vital issues, ordinary citizens must develop a “feel” for science - the one truly global culture - and engage directly with research rather than relying on pundits’ and politicians’ interpretations. Recognised as an expert on the political and ethical impact of science, Rees proposes that we must solve the new challenges we face - from population growth to climate change - by devising strategies with a long-term, global perspective. In the process, he offers insights into the prospects for future discoveries while also explaining science’s intrinsic limits. Just as importantly, Rees reminds us that science should be a source of pleasure and wonder for specialists and nonspecialists alike.

TIME indeed for US to enact the WORLD GAME CRITICAL PATH


Comment by Michael Grove on March 1, 2016 at 6:21

Amoebas are puny, stupid blobs, so scientists were surprised to learn

that they contain 200 times more DNA than Einstein did. Because

amoebas are made of just one cell, researchers assumed they

would be simpler than humans genetically. Plus, amoebas date back

farther in time than humans, and simplicity is considered an attribute

of primitive beings. It just didn’t make sense. The idea of directionality

in nature, a gradient from simple to complex, began with the Greeks,

who called nature physis, meaning growth. That idea subtly extended

from changes over an organism’s lifetime, to changes over evolutionary

time after Charles Darwin argued that all animals descend from a single

common ancestor. When his contemporaries drew evolutionary trees of

life, they assumed increasing complexity. Worms originated early in

animal evolution.  Creatures with more complex structures originated

later. Biologists tweaked evolutionary trees over the following century,

but generally, simple organisms continued to precede the complex.

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