Gaia Community

compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion

HAS been a story of two lives BEING mindful and having

mindful awareness, which is so very often defined as a way of

intentionally paying attention to the present moment  

without being swept up by judgements.

Practiced in the East and West, in ancient times 
and in modern societies,

mindful awareness techniques help people move towards well-being by

training the mind to focus on moment-to-moment experience. People

sometimes hear the word mindfulness and think "religion". BUT the reality

is that focusing our attention in this way is a biological process that

promotes health - a form of brain hygiene - NOT a religion. Various

religions may encourage this health-promoting practice, but learning the

skill of mindful awareness is simply a way of cultivating what we have


Daniel Siegel - MINDSIGHT



Views: 87

Comment by Michael Grove on June 21, 2022 at 13:18

 IN the first of my two lives, following Linnie and I's

 marriage and subsequent purchase of our first home

 in High Wycombe, I completed four Oil Paintings on

 Hardboard which for me definitively [RE]presented


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