compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
Latin for "THE Great Charter of the Liberties"
In his television programme, A History of Britain, the historian Simon Schama says
of Magna Carta ... IF NOT exactly the birth certificate of democracy - IT IS the
death certificate of despotism. IT spells out, for the first time, the fundamental principle
that the law is not simply the will or whim of the King. The law is an independent power
unto itself and the King could be brought to book for violating it. A contract whose
underlying understanding - guaranteed by charter- that the government of the
kingdom had to be subject to the sovereignty of the law.
Why hunt for excalibur - when you had something
already that was as potent as Magna Carta.
IN his inaugural address in 1941, President Franklin D Roosevelt said ...
"THE democratic aspiration IS no mere recent phase in human history...
[IT] was written in Magna Carta." [IT] IS therefore perhaps incumbent,
from the perspective of THE curious case of [BE]ing BRITISH, to NOW
acknowledge the desire of Tim Berners-Lee to ensure that citiZENs and
businesses can carry on benefiting from the revolution he sparked,
by way of US ALL as passengers of Spaceship Earth, focussing on the
Spark in the Machine and TRULY ACKNOWLEDGE the opportunity which
has presented [IT]self • to realistically CHANGE THE WORLD FOR GOOD
through an SDi/Meshwoks process of the very urgent establishment
NOT one based on a representative basis - BUT by a process of
evolution following revolution in fact. A 1st person singular present
tense version of - a democracy of the people -not a third person -
thanks for the vote - NOW this is the way I'm going to govern you -
type democracy.
It was the revolution of the Athenians and their request of Pericles to
return from exile - coupled with an understanding of the need for
change - which brought this about - & subsequently acted as the catalyst
for this small insignificant city state to transform itself into a trading
nation at the heart of the Mediterranean - which influenced the Roman
Empire and all other western civilizations since.
An Art of ZEN - INTEGRAL solution in fact - which was established by
way of the Parthenon, the Acropolis & Athenian democracy - an all
inclusive "through ART all things are possible" impulse of the moment
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