compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
ON this day of commemoration of Christopher Columbus' landing in the New World on October 12, 1492, let us ALL seek to exemplify the opportunistic action of nature, by seizing the moment, at this time of quintessential change,
by opening the door to ...
The fungal-fantastical. Emerging from their axial homes, fungi are beginning to be understood as nutrients to the human consciousness and ecological sustainability. Paul explores mycology and compels support for your own good nature and our fungal allies.
NO RESPECT for your environment - NO RESPECT for YOURSELF
We envision a world where everyone sees the life in all things; where the
animals, trees, plants, even the largest mountains and smallest pebbles
are seen and honored for the spark of consciousness that resides within
them. We see people beginning to treat Great Nature the way they would
want themselves to be treated, and in response, Great Nature has begun
to open her arms, reveal her secrets, and share her abundance with us like
never before.
Now we see a partnership formed between humanity and Great Nature
whereby people everywhere are rejuvenated and recreated because we are
regularly walking the woodlands, visiting the shores, hiking the mountain
trails, swimming in the lakes and streams. We see a grounding taking place
within us now that we are touching the Earth and reestablishing our ancient
connection - and as a result, the speediness of life has given way to a tranquility
in mankind and womankind. Once we learned that something magical happens
when we take off our shoes, soak our feet, bathe and baptize ourselves in the
natural waters, we gained a relief from our seriousness and the cares of life.
Now we see things more clearly, make better decisions, and live happier
lives because we've made friends with the best friend we could have:
Great Nature.
"ONLY together, [as merchants of LOVE ] , can our starlight help
us find our way, in this cosmic soup of choices and beauty."
Views: 550
Love is a journey in the middle of its own existence.
Love has no boundaries or issues of time, it has no ‘beginning’, it has no ‘end’, and love exists, waiting for us to discover its essence, our essence; to choose to be on its path.
Love is pure, simple, kind, sweet, passionate, giving, receiving, peaceful; it is the journey of ones spirit in connection to ones soul, in connection to the soul of another. One Soul.
Love fly’s through the depths of being, having no limitations, no place in bondage.
Love is energy waiting to be freed.
Love is eternal.
Love has no beginning; love has no end.
Love simply is.
Prose to Ponder - Posted on Mar 15th, 2007 by L. Diane
In the context of OPENING the DOOR and the theme of this particular Blog@ning, I found this post from martha.zaadz@gaia, which was published on Jan 26th, 2010, most appropriate - unfortunately I DO NOT have a copy of the photograph of the DOOR which Martha posted!
Amber said
That is a cool picture, martha! Funny how pictures don't seem to 'happen' when the subject isn't interesting to us… I've had the same experience when I wanted to 'escape' from frustrations. The pictures are really boring! I wonder why that is?
But there is always something to be amazed about even if the leaves didn't capture your imagination! I love reflections in glass…
Love the photo - it's a reminder to me that the Outiside is always looking in ;>) You just happened to capture it for us. Cool!
I love this picture too…it's a great reminder that we can't force it, but if we're open and receptive to it, there is amazing beauty and creativity everywhere.
Oh Martha this is incredibly beautiful! I have been staring mesmerized at it. You have brought the Inside/Outside together as One. And isn't it interesting how your mind wanted to photograph the leaves and you were trying so hard…but it's almost like Spirit drew you to the place where there was energy. Where Spirit wanted to share with the world.
I am so glad you decided to play! P.S. added carrot to the juice for the first time this morning. It was really yummy. And I think of you almost every single time I juice. And thanks for your kind words about the blog.
NO THING happens in LIVING NATURE that is not in relation to
THE WHOLE as the BALANCED ECO-SYSTEM which Homo Sapiens
must now restore to ensure the survival of LIFE on EARTH.
If we want to actually start noticing where we are, if we wish to find ourselves in a more respectful relation with the rest of the earth around us, the simplest and most elegant way I know of is simply to stop insulting all the things around us by speaking of them as passive objects, and instead begin to allow things their own elemental spontaneity, their own active agency - their own life.
As soon as you begin speaking in such a way, you start noticing thingsa hell of a lot more. You suddenly find yourself in a dynamic relationship with all the presences around you -- with the air you breathe, the chair you’re sitting on, the house in which you live.
You find yourself negotiating relationships with other beings all the time. AND you realize that ethics is not something to be practiced only with other humans - that all of our actions have ethical consequences.
David Abram during an interview with Derrick Jensen entitled ...
Alliance for Wild Ethics || The Perceptual Implications of GAIA
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lee said
This is vital. I am a farmer and
feel that we need to be aware
that we are a steward of the land.
Now, the old time farmers
considered themselves–
stewards of the land
knowing that the soil’s been here
long before the farmer,
and it’s going to be here long
after we’re gone.
As the soil passes from
generation to generation,
it’s all of our duties
to preserve it for the next generation.
So I think it’s important to keep all of these
modern miracle chemicals completely away from
our soil. We don’t want to damage it.
We want to keep improving it.
It’s been said that there was four feet of
top soil when Europeans first came to this
continent. And because of our mis-use and
greed of trying to get everything out of
the ground that we could, because of our
poor farming habits in the past, erosion,
destruction by chemicals and pesticides,
it’s believed today that our average top
soil in this country is one foot. So we’ve
already wasted three-quarter’s of our top soil.
I think its the duty of all of us to try to
build back what we’ve destroyed.
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Michael said
LET permaculture reign supreme - INDEED, and then we need to consider …
how we can sustainably just add water ?
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cHAngeL said
My two favorite gardners on the planet.
Such blessings to the planet, are you both.
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Michael said
ALL the world's problems can be solved in a garden
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Peggy J said
ALL the world's problems can be solved in a garden…
YES, for the love of nature:)
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Michael said
” OUR dislocation from NATURE IS one of the most
serious schisms in our dismembered psyche & probably
THE MOST URGENT relationship that we need to heal ”