compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
Permaculture - a future of possibility.
Lama Foundation, located in the Mountains of New Mexico is host to Grow Here Now and Build Here Now. Annual workshops which bring together teachers as well as students of sustainability. Join us as we examine "what is permaculture" as we attend the Grow Here Now - Convergence at Lama.
Permaculture is a word originally coined by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren in the mid 1970's to describe an "integrated, evolving system of perennial or self-perpetuating plant and animal species useful to man" 'Consciously designed landscapes which mimic the patterns and relationships found in nature, while yielding an abundance of food, fibre and energy for provision of local needs. People, their buildings and the ways in which they organize themselves are central to permaculture. Thus the permaculture vision of permanent or sustainable agriculture has evolved to one of permanent or sustainable culture.
What is Permaculture? by Jude Hobbs
1. An ecological science - the study of nature and natural systems
2. A design system for self-reliant living
3. Everything is connected to everything else
4. Integration of water, people, animals, land, plants, technologies, and community productive and beautiful environments.
5. Build harmony, through cooperation with an attitude of Positivism
6. Global grass roots movement applicable on all scales and in all situations.
Permaculture - a future of possibility.
Over the last seven years I have established, to the best of my own ability, the makings of a permaculture allotment environment at the Ventnor Close allotment site, here in dormitary town Swindon - SN2 2LZ - U.K. As permaculture works with, rather than against nature, so the transition initiative works with, rather than against, HUMAN nature - care of earth, care of people, fair share - it is as collaborative and cooperative in social tone as permaculture is in its attitude towards plants and, like permaculture, is prepared to observe and THINK, slowly.
Whilst the last seven years of thinking and observation, has brought me to the conclusion that the bottom-up positive thinking at the root of the Transition Towns movement IS an absolute first step in the establishment of an "energy descent plan mindset", IT remains the case that a similar localised top-down positive thinking mindset should be established in order that an appropriate energy descent plan be established for a town the size of Swindon, with all its diversity of 250,000 inhabitants.
It is therefore a fact that I totally agree with Allan Parker who has raised issues in need of consideration and urgent action, in his posted comment to the Orion Transition Initiative article.
I would like to report, however, that the Transition Network's latest document - Who are we and what do we do - does at long last begin to address the inclusive top-down/bottom-up Transition mindset issue.
Here in the UK Somerset County Council has set the ball rolling so to speak by “agreeing to undertake a review of its budgets and services to achieve a reduction in dependence on fuel oil and produce an energy descent action plan in line with the principles of the Transition Initiative.”
Leicester City, North Norfolk Council and Bristol City have, I believe, all made similar commitments, to the extent that "a lead by example""top-down/bottom-up transition mindset initiative" may finally be in the offing.
In consideration of the fact that the demographics of the people of Swindon constitute the very core of the European Economic Computer Model it would be an encouraging step forward, to address the issues raised by Allan Parker, if the Swindon Unitary Authority were to follow suit.
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has published a policy document that claims economic productivity could grow faster in the countryside than in urban areas over the next decade, with a 6% rise in rural jobs, because of faster broadband and better transport infrastructure. Defra has postulated an extra £35bn of growth over the period, with 300,000 new jobs in the offing.
It said superfast broadband roll-out, knocking out mobile phone “partial not-spots” and better transport links, including a tunnel under Stonehenge, will promote economic growth.
In July 2013, Parliament’s Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Efra) Committee slammed the government for failing the rural economy. The committee said the government had to ensure more funding was reaching areas where broadband and mobile coverage was not up to scratch.
By 2017, the government said public investment of £1.7bn will see 95% of UK premises gain access to superfast speeds. Work is going on to connect the remaining 5%.
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