Gaia Community

compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion


have come from original insights that suddenly clarify our experience

from a fresh angle, revealing hidden patterns of connection. Freud's

theory of the unconscious and Darwin's model of evolution continue

to help us understand  the findings from current research on human

behaviour and some of the mysteries of our daily lives.

Daniel Siegel's theory of  MINDSIGHT - the brain's capacity for both

insight and empathy - offers a similar "Aha!". He makes sense for us 

out of the cluttered confusions of our sometimes maddening and messy


A gifted and sensitive clinician, as well as a master synthesizer of research

findings from neuroscience and child development, Dr. Siegel gives us

a map forward. Over the years he has continually broken new ground in

his writing on the brain, psychotherapy, and child-rearing; his seminars

for professionals are immensely popular.

The brain he reminds us, is a social organ. MINDSIGHT is the core concept

in "interpersonal neurobiology", a field Dr. Siegel has pioneered. This

two-person view of what goes on in the brain lets us understand how our

daily interactions matter neurologically, shaping neural circuits. Every parent

helps sculpt the growing brain of a child; the ingredients of a healthy mind

include an attuned, empathic parent - one with MINDSIGHT. Such parenting

fosters this same crucial ability in a child.

MINDSIGHT plays an integrative role in the triangle connecting

relationshipsmind, and brain. As energy and information flow among

these elements of human experience, patterns emerge that shape all

three (and brain here includes its extensions via the nervous system

throughout the body).

This vision is holistic in the true sense of the word, inclusive of our whole being.

THE Evolution of Consciousness in FACT

With MINDSIGHT we can better know and manage this vital flow of being.

                                                                                        Daniel Goleman

You can think of MINDSIGHT as a very special lens that gives us the capacity

to perceive the mind  with greater clarity than before. This lens is something

that virtually everyone can develop, and once we have it we can dive deeply

into the mental sea inside, exploring our own inner lives and those of others.

A uniquely human ability, MINDSIGHT allows us to examine closely, in detail

and depth, the processes by which we think, feel and behave. And it allows

us to reshape and redirect  our inner experiences so that we have more freedom

of choice in our everyday actions, more power to create the future, to become 

the author of our own storyAnother way to put it is that MINDSIGHT is the

basic skill that underlies everything we mean when we speak of having

social and emotional intelligence

MINDSIGHT - our ability to look within and perceive the mind -

to reflect on our experience -

is every bit as essential to our well-being.

MINDSIGHT IS our seventh sense.


Views: 423

Comment by Michael Grove on January 19, 2013 at 10:02

NO THING happens in LIVING NATURE that is not in relation to

THE WHOLE as the BALANCED ECO-SYSTEM which Homo Sapiens

must now restore to ensure the survival of LIFE on EARTH.


The MINDFULNESS Mind Map provides a matrix of 49 "tunnels" - designed for and by the masses - allowing access to a place conducive to Coexistence, Cooperation and Collaboration - such that the collective all-inclusive first person singular present tense, third person objective - point of view - will then lead to the establishment of a new model & method of wealth creation, mutually beneficial to ALL.



Comment by Michael Grove on January 22, 2015 at 14:22

I reminded him that with regular exercise, a good diet, and sleep, he could set the foundation for promoting neuroplasticity. Jonathan and I made a verbal agreement that he would follow this “prescription” for health. It’s amazing how often these basics of brain health are ignored. Exercise is an underrated treatment—and now we know that aerobics not only releases the endorphins that can combat a down mood but also promotes the growth of the brain. Eating regularly and well, balancing the various food groups, and avoiding excess sugar and stimulants can help to reduce mood swings. And sleep, though in short supply and difficult at times to initiate for Jonathan, is a healer that can be approached in a systematic way. Sleep hygiene includes setting up a calming routine before bed. Minimizing caffeine or other stimulants once evening approaches, if not before; shutting off digital stimulation an hour or two before sleeping; and quiet activities such as taking a bath, listening to soothing music, or reading a book can all help the body as well as the mind to settle. With these brain hygiene basics in our contract, we could move into our specific efforts to promote integration. Dan Siegel from Mindsight

Comment by Michael Grove on January 5, 2024 at 12:58
.. and as Jane Hedrick has so succinctly proposed
"ONLY together, [as merchants of LOVE ] , can our starlight help
us find our way, in this cosmic soup of choices and beauty."

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