Gaia Community

compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion

An Exclusive Invitation to witness ...

You are about to witness history in the making.

As Machiavelli wrote in 1513 ...

"no one truly believes anything until they have had actual experience of it"

We have invited you all here today - manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, consultants, clients and potential clients, to witness
"The ART of the POSSIBLE"

"The ART of the POSSIBLE" in relation to Interactive Multimedia Communications.

1984 Apple's Macintosh Commercial

The vision that has brought us here today is my own vision, one which I have had since a child.


A vision of a time when we would not necessarily have to communicate our ideas through words and numbers, or pictures, or films, or sound alone, but in ways that were an amalgum of all these media.

After several years of involvement with the computer industry, my own experience of mainframes, minis and personal computers led me to pronounce in 1987 - with the advent of the Apple Macintosh II and its open architecture, colour and Hypercard, "That the first piece of the jigsaw was in place " - & that my suggestion, as consultant to Apple Inc. , was that - " Hypercard was so important that it should be sold for $3500 and the Macintosh given away with it free of charge "

Since that time, the Macintosh II computer has been developed and configured to interface with every individual medium of communication - be it in print, graphics, modelling, animation, photography, video or sound - in the most advanced network environments thus far established. It is this relationship which allows us, as individuals, to interact with each of the individual media in a "cut & paste" "WYSIWYG" fashion.
The key point now , however, is that the common networked client platform for interaction across all media types is the Apple Macintosh. A platform which allows us to "cut & paste " across all media types not just within media types.

Interactive Multimedia is thus - a new communications medium - a medium which, in itself, is an amalgam of other electronic media, but, more so, an enabling technology which has the capability of "gluing" together different combinations of media (multimedia) in the same intuitive and consistent way that we have become used to with the Macintosh itself.

A medium which will allow us, as a result of customisable configuration, to construct interactive computer integrated solutions as easily as we can use Lego building blocks. These solutions which will enable us to do things which we have never before been able to do - in a more creative and cost effective manner.

Throughout this event we will be demonstrating - a fully working design studio - and will be playing through an architectural project - from initial concept - to hardcopy, videotape, compact disc and electronic presentation.

We perceive that what we have put together in this design studio is the minimum design solution for a multimedia resource centre. A facility which provides all the capabilities of networked electronic input,
production and output. The three most important components of any communications medium.

An interactive multimedia bureau, in fact.

What is now important is to start utilising the " The ART of the POSSIBLE " today for the purposes of wealth creation such that we can move onto laying the foundations of the 1000 piece jigsaw over the next several years.


"Imagination alone can give us a vision of the future."

"Interactive Multimedia Simulations of the reality allow us all to explore that vision."

First posted by Michael Grove on November 22, 1990 at 9:00



views (515)

5 months later
Michael said

Entrepreneurs create their businesses for a diversity of reasons. However, I believe that most of the greatest companies in the world also have great purposes which were discovered and/or created by their original founders and which still remain at the core of their business models. Having a deeper, more transcendent purpose is highly energizing for all of the various interdependent stakeholders, including the customers, employees, investors, suppliers, and the larger communities in which the business participates. While these deeper, more transcendent purposes have unique expressions at each business they also can be grouped into certain well known and timeless categories. Philosophy dates back to Plato the timeless ideals of “The Good”, “The True”, and “The Beautiful” that humanity has been seeking to create, discover, and express for thousands of years. If we add the ideal of “The Heroic” to the above three we have the framework of higher ideals which most great businesses seek to express in some form or fashion.

John Mackey

over 2 years later
Godess of Love said

Okay , I came here , cause , this is something we need , and I will look deeper . Just need to make a note were , this is for me. When I was younger we had a computer at work with a touch screen.

It was so easy, and were able to do what you needed , I guess for me.

I see , yet I need to have things that I can understand, not just in my mind yet when I see , I touch , I feel, I hear. You know , you are , brillant, man.

I hear you voice , and know, yet how can we work together to make this work , and make it powerful, so the world will say wow! You wrote this Blog , many moons ago, so more , thoughts , are within, and I believe what this is about will be stunning, simply stunning.

You are amazing,my dear friend.

Love to you ,


over 2 years later
Michael said

EACH and EVERYONE of our species has to BE ”HEROIC” in order that we may ...  

collectively manifest  Truth Beauty and Goodness as THE ONE …

Views: 624

Comment by Michael Grove on March 4, 2011 at 14:03

Apple didn’t invent the tablet computer, such devices have been commercially available since the 1980s, but they didn’t invent the MP3 player or the mobile phone either. Instead, they did what they always do: refine the product for their market, make the design as slick and simple as possible and then market it brilliantly. Without the iPad, it’s unthinkable that so many tablets would be appearing.

Announcing the iPad 2 last night, Steve Jobs talked about it as a "post-PC" device. It's clear Apple considers theses devices to be the future and it's a theme that Jobs has spoken about before. At a conference in June last year, Jobs said:-

"I’m trying to think of a good analogy. When we were an agrarian nation, all cars were trucks. But as people moved more towards urban centers, people started to get into cars. I think PCs are going to be like trucks.  Less people will need them."

Comment by Michael Grove on March 4, 2011 at 14:11
Comment by Michael Grove on January 7, 2013 at 7:36
Comment by Michael Grove on January 8, 2013 at 15:49

A Machine to Display

NO,  REALLY, no one will ignore it  - Even if you aren't a tech enthusiast, this is a machine -- or perhaps sculpture -- you can admire. Just 5mm thick at its edges, the profile of the computer has been trimmed significantly. It's like one of those drastic before-and after-Weight Watchers commercials -- the new iMac obviously being the after. The way after. (Apple says the computer's volume has been reduced 40 percent.)

Comment by Michael Grove on April 12, 2013 at 9:28

PC sales fall off a cliff - steepest quarterly decline on record reported

The full extent of the decline of the PC industry has been made clear in the latest quarterly analysis from IDC, which revealed a near 14pc drop in the number of PCs sold in the first quarter of this year compared with last year.

AS reported above Steve Jobs said - LESS PEOPLE WILL NEED THEM

Comment by Michael Grove on December 14, 2015 at 7:58

In the very affectionate context of TWO NATIONS being divided by THE SAME LANGUAGE - it has forever been the case that ART is THE TRANSFORMER of CONSCIOUSNESS and the common denominator which underpins ALL THINGS and EVERYTHING.

I know that when I tried to involve Apple Computer, with a project to

establish a Multimedia Resource Centre in the Art and Design

faculty of Wolverhampton Polytechnic many of the people I was

involved with at the time, spoke highly of Ringling's achievements.

I very much look forward to having the opportunity of bringing my

experience to the collaborative initiative which Gregory Shepard 

and the rest of the T.E.A.M. have suggested I join. A T.E.A.M. as in 

Together Everyone Achieves More - a team that I would be honoured

to join and participate with.

BRAVO & ALL HAIL to Ringling and their Collaboratory Initiative.

Comment by Michael Grove on July 11, 2016 at 8:58

 NEVER forgetting of course that the Compact Disc Recorder,

 used in this particular Art of the Possible event, was the only

 one of it's kind in Europe at the time • and SONY had to take it

 out of Abbey Road Studios, for the week • much to the chagrin

 of all concerned, who were involved in the process of digitally

 re-mastering all of the Beetles repertoire of songs, at the time !!!


Comment by gregory shephard on February 22, 2019 at 18:16

Reading this entry from 1990, I find myself stunned actually to realize how our separate journeys are similiar in scope and scale . Repurposing this material I am imagining what a standard timeline might look like , one that readers could adapt for themselves as well . Also recognizing how far your work has come in retrospect. I take my hat off to your perseverance and vision !

Comment by Michael Grove on February 24, 2019 at 9:34

I THANK YOU KINDLY SIR • never forgetting that I truly see the

common denominator twixt our separate journeys as a belief and

trust in Bucky's mindset, me from the time of my model-making

of a Geodesic Framed Wellington bomber and you from your

own thoughts of him on his 'critical-path' sail-boat trips around

the lighthouse as well as his in-depth understanding of the urgent

need to address the potential of climate change disaster and his

dream of the potential of an EDEN-PROJECT like INITIATIVE, 

which his daughter Allegra Fuller Snyder visited • in her capacity

as Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of the Buckminster Fuller

Institute and most certainly established as an exemplar of the way

forward •  with respect for and regard to the issue of Climate Change,

in juxtaposition to the likes of Lord Lawson, who has a history of

controversial appearances on the Today programme, to make a

number of inaccurate claims throughout his interview, which has

already attracted widespread criticism from scientists.


Comment by Michael Grove on March 22, 2024 at 10:00
From the world wide web to AI: 11 technology milestones that changed our lives • On 24 January 1984, Apple unveiled the Macintosh 128K and changed the face of personal computers forever.

Steve Jobs’ compact, user-friendly computer introduced the graphical user interface to the world, marking a pivotal moment in the evolution of personal technology. Since that day, the rate of technological innovation has exploded, with developments in computing, communication, connectivity and machine learning expanding at an astonishing rate.

Here are some of the key technological milestones that have changed our lives over the past 40 years.


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