compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion
"The point of all evolution up to this stage is the
creation of a collective organism of Mind."
John Perry Barlow.
There is no doubt that life has become more complex.
On the one hand, complexity causes overwhelm and
stress. Stress is pandemic across humanity. On the
other hand, many of us have an innate drive to expand
our awareness and consciousness by consuming lots of
information and crave the stimulations of complexity or
the "law of complexity consciousness," as was so
succinctly proposed by Teillard de Chardin, which stated
that increasing complexity is accompanied by increased
consciousness. He argued that the primary vehicle for
increasing complexity consciousness among living
organisms was the nervous system. The informational
wiring of a [BE]ing, he argued - whether of neurons or
electronics - gives birth to consciousness. If one accepts
this power of connections, then the potential of the
planetary neural-network of the Internet is in[DEED]
fertile soil for the emergence of a global intelligence.
Paul Quaiser - Human Sustainability Institute
The following article is an eloquent description of our
migration toward the evolution of a global neural network
- the noosphere. The efforts of the Human Sustainability
Institute supports Teilhard's perspective that as we
become conscious of our group mind, a new relationship
with the earth emerges.
A Globe, Clothing Itself with a Brain, Jennifer Cobb Kreisberg
Views: 171
There is a fascinating dynamic occurring across the planet - a
collective intelligence. Perhaps its the 100th Monkey Effect, where
a phenomenon in which a new behaviour or idea is said to spread
rapidly by unexplained means from one group to all related
groups once a critical number of members of one group exhibit
the new behaviour or acknowledge the new idea. Or maybe it is
the Morphic Fields that physicist David Bohm spoke. There are
numerous "morphic fields" across our planet that are coming up
with similar ideas. A manifestation of some type of co-creative
Jeremy Rifkin refers to this dynamic as Homo-Empathicus,
in his Empathetic Civilization Presentation - The Empathetic
Civilization . "To Empathize is to Civilize."
Although I have been researching system solutions, or better yet,
symmathesy's - a new word for “System” that refers specifically to
living systems – that is, to systems which emerge from the
communications and interactions of living vitae - to catalyze a
global transformation toward regeneration; I discover efforts that
have similar concepts and ideas.
Paul Quaiser - Human Sustainability Institute
Getting Beyond Awareness of Threats and Challenges to Implementation of Solutions
For decades and even centuries, our thought leaders have been sounding the alarm to change our ways because they recognized the dangerous trajectory humankind was hurling toward. In short, we have developed systems incoherent with life-systems. We have energy, finance, production, and many other systems foundational to our civilization that do not result in the regeneration of life.
We have mutated dis-harmonically from the precious aspect of Spaceship Earth's Life Support Systems. Ironically, we haven't found another inter-galactic habitat that offers the same kind of support as our own. However, an awareness of this dilemma has spread globally among the commons in a variety of manners from nuclear power-plant disasters, toxic plastic in our water, lack of dignity for all forms of life, and a myriad of other situations. My realization to this dynamic occurred a couple of decades ago when I realized and witnessed the influence the communications network had on human behavior; and that it wasn't oriented toward the benefit of life, but the short-sightedness of manipulation and control. Since then, I have been on a quest for what Buckminster Fuller described as a fulcrum point. A dynamic point that if you apply some energy toward it, it would catalyze a significant shift in the direction of a system - similar to the rudder of a ship. This took me on a journey across many disciplines spanning anthropology to virtual reality in search of that fulcrum. The journey was extremely humbling because of the wisdom we have available to us from our history and present day. It also frequently caused despair because of the magnitude of corruption that permeates so many of our systems. It made me question whether we were worth the effort of trying to help. But continuously I would encounter amazing people and fellow earthlings to inspire and fuel my pursuit.
Paul Quaiser - Human Sustainability Institute
Eco-villages are autonomous in many ways, but they lack the technical prowess to connect globally. Smart Cities have the connectivity but are centrally controlled. But what if you morphed them to create autonomous communities that have the ability to connect globally - symbiotically? And what if those autonomous communities implemented their own form of value exchange and governance that were interdependent on surrounding (globally) autonomous communities? What would you call them? Charter Cities and Communities. These Communities would be resilient to climate change because they would produce their own foods, buildings, and energy. Without relying on a centralized grid or system to do so. Yet they would be able to share their goods and services globally. Could these Charter Communities be a significant first step to transforming humanity toward a regenerative and benevolent society? Could they also set precedence for how Humans would exist in Space and the Universe? Do they fulfill the recommendations of the Wisdom Traditions and Thought Leaders throughout history to build new systems that makes the old ones obsolete? Yes. Are they the be-all, end-all solution, no. But they are a tangible start. And that is what we need. Some type of platform to build upon. One that is chartered to be regenerative with a foundational value for life itself.
Paul Quaiser - Human Sustainability Institute
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