Gaia Community

compassion, collaboration & cooperation iN transistion


  THAT my early experience with the Volkswagen BEETLE, during my TIME

  at Grammar School, was at core, the very reason why I became so very

  familiar with the BAUHAUS concept of FORM follows FUNCTION, during

  the first part of my JOURNEY of TWO LIVES and that [IT] was inevitably

  my autodidactic mindsight  which transmogrified into the much deeper

  understanding of FORM follows IDEA; because when I look back on the

  entirety of MY JOURNEY of LIFE, [IT] becomes very apparent to me that

  IDEAS have been of pre-eminent importance

  [IT] had been as a result of Winston Churchill's initiative to introduce the

  IDEA of utilising the 10cm Magnetron technology to Vannevar Bush, that

  the MIT Rad Lab was subsequently established to develop airborne

  radar systems which would inevitably influence the outcome of WWII.

  WHO WOULD HAVE BELIEVED therefore, that having first read an

  explanation of RADAR in EAGLE COMIC that I would end up [BE]ing

  seconded by the Ministry of Aviation to the Eurocontrol Upper Airspace

  Agency in Brussels, as the first CIVIL/MILITARY Area Radar Controller to

  be qualified as such at Southern Radar Sopley and London Radar Heathrow.   

  Following my Ministry of Aviation secondment to Eurocontrol Brussels and

  the the Maastricht UAC, as well as having already developed AN IDEA of

  utilising the AFTN and Philips Laserdisc Technology in its 1.5GB data

  storage capacity format, to expedite the transmission of scheduled flight 

  information data between the London and Brussels ATC Centres as part

  and parcel of an improved radar-handover process, I returned to the UK

  to [RE]validate my YELLOW PERIL under the auspices of what had become

  the Civil Aviation Authority in my absence. Having then proposed my IDEA

  to the powers that be in the UK, without success, I decided that I would

  develop the solution in my own time and at my own expense • and so [IT]

  was that the Council of Educational Technology, the National Physical

  Laboratory and Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Schools, as well as the MOD,

  all enthusiastically supported my initiative, as [IT] was developed in it's

  various disguises.   





Views: 428

Comment by Michael Grove on August 23, 2019 at 15:31

The Design Council was established by Winston Churchill’s  wartime government in December 1944 to support Britain’s economic recovery. The Council of Industrial Design had the founding purpose of promoting ‘by all practicable means the improvement of design in the products of British industry’.

Nearly 75 years later and our purpose and activities have evolved to
meet the economic and social needs of the day. However, from our early focus on elevating the UK’s industrial design standards in post-war Britain to our current work tackling complex socio-economic challenges, we've always championed design and its ability to make life better for everyone. In 2011, Design Council was merged with the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE). This extended our remit to include design in the built environment, and its ability to help shape healthier, more inclusive places.

We aim to inspire new ways of thinking drawing on design tools and techniques, encourage public debate and inform government policy. We build on the successes of our past to improve life today and help meet the challenges of tomorrow. Browse through our timeline here  to learn more about the work of Design Council and design’s historical contribution to the UK.

The Design Centre, in London's Haymarket, was officially opened on 26 April 1956 and [IT] was whilst studying Art at GCE 'O' Level that our class went on our visit, and where for the first time I saw an 
exhibit of Dieter Rams work in the form of his design for a modern radio, that was not made out of bakelite !!!???

Comment by Michael Grove on January 29, 2020 at 7:53

"Our problems cannot be solved using the same level of thinking that created them." In order to take this next Momentous Leap in human evolution, "it's critical that we find the cartographers of consciousness, and the mapmakers of the terrain". And as Scandinavia is one of the regions centred on the tipping point to second tier, it's within our potential take on this challenge, "to provide for the rest of the world the kinds of models that the world needs."

Don Beck quoting Einstein

The urgency and level of caring necessary must now be no less than planetary in its scope. It's taken some fourteen billion years for life and consciousness to gain the capacity for self- consciousness, while at the same time the biosphere, which makes life possible, is now threatened. But to generate the quality of solutions and level of moral caring that will be necessary to save the biosphere, society, our education system, and ourselves, we must change the level of our own thinking. It's time to focus our energy and exploration on the inward dimension of what it means to be an evolving human being.

Comment by Michael Grove on June 30, 2020 at 14:08

HAD [IT] NOT been for the establishment of the MIT RADLAB and the development of airborne radar systems, subsequent to the Tizard Mission and the use of the 10cm Magnetron technology, there is little doubt that the USA would have been unable to swiftly respond to the Pearl Harbour attack by the Japanese. In the context however, of everything [BE]ing connected to everything else all vibrating at different frequencies, [IT] occurs to me that my own experience of area radar systems having been shown this copy of the original photo, of the very first air-borne radar photograph of Cape Cod, during my Area Radar training at RAF Sopley, is even connected in[TIME] to Gregory Shepard's experience of Nantucket and Bucky's sailing, because of the echos of Nantucket in the lower part of the image.

Comment by Michael Grove on September 21, 2022 at 14:17

After his summit with President Franklin Roosevelt in August 1941, Winston Churchill told the House of Commons that Britain and the United States “will have to be somewhat mixed up together in some of their affairs for mutual and general advantage.”  He envisioned joint military bases, “common study of potential dangers,” and “interchange of officers and cadets.” He even mused about “common citizenship” for Americans and Brits.

Washington and London never got quite that far, but they did forge what Churchill later called “a special relationship” to protect and promote their common interests. Today, as both countries deal with security challenges abroad and fiscal challenges at home, the special relationship is deepening in unprecedented ways.

Comment by Michael Grove on February 5, 2023 at 11:14

1989: Tim Berners-Lee invents the Web as we know [IT] today, with HTML as its publishing language

The World Wide Web began life in the place where you would least expect it: at CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics situated in Geneva, Switzerland. CERN is a meeting place for physicists from all over the world, where highly abstract and conceptual thinkers engage in the contemplation of complex atomic phenomena that occur on a minuscule scale in time and space. This is a surprising place indeed for the beginnings of a technology which would, eventually, deliver everything from tourist information, online shopping and advertisements, financial data, weather forecasts and much more to your personal computer.

Tim Berners-Lee is the inventor of the Web. In 1989, Tim was working in a computing services section of CERN when he came up with the concept; at the time he had no idea that it would be implemented on such an enormous scale. Particle physics research often involves collaboration among institutes from all over the world. Tim had the idea of enabling researchers from remote sites in the world to organize and pool together information. But far from simply making available a large number of research documents as files that could be downloaded to individual computers, he suggested that you could actually link the text in the files themselves.

In other words, there could be cross-references from one research paper to another. This would mean that while reading one research paper, you could quickly display part of another paper that holds directly relevant text or diagrams. Documentation of a scientific and mathematical nature would thus be represented as a `web' of information held in electronic form on computers across the world. This, Tim thought, could be done by using some form of hypertext, some way of linking documents together by using buttons on the screen, which you simply clicked on to jump from one paper to another. Before coming to CERN, Tim had already worked on document production and text processing, and had developed his first hypertext system, `Enquire', in 1980 for his own personal use. Tim's prototype Web browser on the NeXT computer came out in 1990.

Comment by Michael Grove on April 29, 2023 at 9:31

As Buckminster Fuller proposed in his Manifesto for the Genius of General...

"One of the many keys to [UNDERSTANDING] • IS the need to acknowledge the concept of ... SEEKING LESS AND LESS ... ABOUT MORE AND MORE • NOT MORE AND MORE ... ABOUT LESS AND LESS"

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